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20: The Way of God’s Kingdom (Lk 13:1-35)

20: The Way of God’s Kingdom (Lk 13:1-35)

I.       The Basics

A.     Setting

In the last lesson we studied Jesus’ teachings on preparing for times of crises. In this chapter the Lord continued this theme by warning the people about the consequence of obstinacy. This chapter also reminds us of Jesus’ journey toward His final destiny (22), ending with the lament over Jerusalem. As God’s will continues to be fulfilled through Christ, the people must make every effort to enter God’s kingdom before the time of judgment comes upon them.

B.     Key Verse

            “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able” (13:24).

C.     Did You Know…?

1.      The Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled (13:1): Galileans were susceptible to revolt. Apparently, these Galileans had violated Roman law, resulting in their bloody punishment.

2.      The tower in Siloam (13:4) was built inside the southeast section of Jerusalem’s wall.

3.      Mustard seed (13:19): The mustard seed is not the smallest seed known today, but it was the smallest seed used by Palestinian farmers and gardeners, and under favorable conditions the plant could reach some ten feet in height.

4.      Fox (13:32): Today foxes connote cleverness; in Jesus’ day they also connoted insignificance (cf. Neh 4:3; S of Sol 2:15).

II.    Observation

A.     Outline








B.     Key Words/Phrases

III. Segment Analysis

A.     13:1-9

1a. According to verse 2, what is a common misconception about  a person’s misfortune?

1b. How did the Lord Jesus correct this misconception?

2. What does bearing fruit represent? Are you bearing fruit in your life?

3. What can we learn from the fact that the owner gave the fruitless tree another year?

B.     13:10-17

4. How had the synagogue ruler misunderstood God’s intended purpose for the Sabbath commandment?

5. What hypocrisy was Jesus referring to (15)?

6. Did the Lord Jesus abolish the Sabbath by healing on this day?

C.     13:18-21

7. What is the common characteristic in both parables?

8. What do these parables teach us about the kingdom of God?

D.     13:22-30

9. Why did the Lord not respond directly to the question, “are there few who are saved?”?

10a. What does the narrow gate represent?

10b. Why must we strife to enter it?

11a. Why will the Lord say to those that ate and drank with Him, “I do not know you”? What does it take for the Lord Jesus to know us?

11b. What may eating or drinking in Jesus’ presence mean today? Why is this not enough?

12. What lesson can we learn from verses 28-30?

E.     13:31-35

13. Explain Jesus’ response in 32-33.

14. What does this response tell us about Jesus?

15. What is the tone of Jesus’ words in 34-35? What does this teach us about God and His children?

16. Do you feel that God’s commands are too restrictive, or are you willing to be gathered under the Lord’s wings? Have you ever experienced how submitting to God’s ways brought you warmth and protection?

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