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Lesson 10

Lesson 10

I.       Observation

A.     Outline

Choosing the Twelve Disciples (6:12-16)

The Great Sermon (6:17-49)

Setting of the Sermon (17-19)

Beatitudes (20-23)

Woes (24-26)

Love and Mercy (27-36)

Judging Others (37-42)

A Tree and Its Fruit (43-45)

The Wise and Foolish Builders (46-49)

B.     Key Words/Phrases

Prayed, continued all night, disciples, apostles, power, healed, blessed/woe, poor/rich, hunger/full, weep/laugh, hate you/speak well of you, love your enemies, merciful, judge not, condemn not, forgive, give, speck/plank, good/bad, tree, fruit, heart, mouth, hears/does, rock/earth.

II.    Segment Analysis

1. The recording of Jesus’s night-long prayer probably indicates that this prayer was due to the pressing need that arose from the circumstances. These are possible reasons for this special prayer: 1. To renew His strength for further ministry in the midst of rising opposition (cf. 6:11). 2. To ask for guidance in selecting the apostles. 3. To be empowered (cf. 6:19).

2b. While Matthew had been a tax collector for the Roman government, Simon the Zealot belonged to a group that was vehemently opposed to Rome. Despite their former differences, their new identity as disciples of the Lord now enabled them to become brethren and fellow workers in God’s kingdom.

3. The word “apostle” (one who is sent to carry out a mission with the authority of the one who sent him) indicates the purpose of choosing the Twelve. The Lord chose them and gave them authority (9:1-2) so that they may continue the ministry after His ascension (cf. Acts 6:1-4), form the core of Jesus’ witnesses (cf. Acts 1:21-22), and take the leading role in the church (cf. Acts 15:1-2).

4. See verse 17.

5. The power that went out of Him (19). Also notice how the multitude was drawn to Jesus, the source of power and healing.

6. The primary audience were the disciples (20). The multitude comprised the larger audience (17).

8a. These are those who suffer in this world for Christ’s sake. They may also be those who acknowledge their need for God with a broken and contrite spirit.

8b. They may receive spiritual fulfillment and joy in the kingdom of God. Anyone who comes to Christ now with humility and forsake all to follow Him are given citizenship of heaven, and even now they may begin to enjoy the spiritual blessings in God’s kingdom (“For yours is the kingdom of heaven”). The beatitude also reminds us to deny ourselves now to receive God’s everlasting blessings rather than reject Him now and suffer a wretched end in the future (“who hunger now”; “who weep now”).

8c. Those who are complacent because of their material comfort and pleasure.

9. A true believer suffers hatred, exclusion, insult, and defamation for upholding the name and teachings of Christ. On the contrary, false believers enjoy popularity and commendation from the ungodly because in their message and lifestyle they have compromised with secular values.

10. In the beatitudes, the Lord promises reward to those who suffer persecution. Here, He teaches us to not only endure such sufferings but take an active step to love our enemies.

12. When we remember how our Heavenly Father is merciful and “kind to the unthankful and evil,” as His children, we ought to imitate His unconditional love. Not only so, He is merciful towards us even though we are often ungrateful and sin against Him. Such unconditional love should motivate us to love others in the same way.

13. The giving here may refer to being generous with our love (27-36) as well as in our measurement of others (37; i.e. “judge not” and “condemn not”).

14. God would surely deal with us according to how we deal with others.

15. In Matthew, the two parts of this parable are used on two separate occasions, and they carry different meanings (Mt 10:24; 15:14). However, in the context of this passage, the parable is more likely illustrating a point about judging others. If this view is correct, then the parable is saying that the person who judges (the blind guide and the teacher) cannot possibly help the person whom he is judging (the disciple) because of his own severe limitations.

18. Our heart and our words (45).

19. Just as the fruit reveals the type of tree it is in, our judgmental words reveal our wicked intent, such as jealousy, hatred, hypocrisy, and pride.

22a. Constant use of God’s word can give us spiritual discernment (Heb 5:14). Only when we carry out God’s word will we realize our shortcomings and seek to improve with God’s help. Furthermore, practicing God’s word often involves hardship, which helps us develop perseverance and spiritual character (cf. Rom 5:3-4). Most importantly, doing God’s will allows us to experience God and establish a closer relationship with Him. When trials come, we would be able to endure and stand.

22b. If we only agree with God’s word conceptually but lack any discipline or experience with God, we would not have the conviction or the endurance to remain faithful to Christ when trials come.

23. It takes much less effort to appear to be a Christian than to be a true Christian. We should not deceive ourselves by serving Christ only superficially (e.g. merely calling ourselves Christians or going through the routine of attending church regularly). We must carry out God’s word in our daily lives so we may build a strong foundation for our faith.


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