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Lesson 15

Lesson 15

I.       Observation

A.     Outline

Rejection by the Samaritans (9:51-56)

Cost of Following Christ (9:57-62)

Sending out the Seventy (10:1-24)

Sending out and giving instructions (1-16)

Return of the seventy (17-20)

Rejoicing of Jesus (21-24)

B.     Key Words/Phrases

When the time had come, received up, steadfastly set His face, Jerusalem, destroy/save, follow, kingdom of God, harvest, laborers, lambs, wolves, receive, judgment, hears, rejects, authority, rejoice, hidden/revealed.

II.    Segment Analysis

1. The time had come for Jesus to fulfill His mission in Jerusalem—to suffer, die, resurrect, and be received up in glory. Being fully aware of the Father’s timing and purpose, He set out resolutely to accomplish God’s will in God’s time. Likewise, we must equip ourselves with a strong determination to carry out God’s will in our lives according to His purpose and timing, even if doing so entails sufferings.

4. While James and John had their mind set on wrathful judgement and self-vindication, the Lord Jesus was concerned for people’s lives. Although it is our duty to warn the people of impending judgment, we must not have a self-centered “manner of spirit” (55) and wish that anyone who doesn’t listen to us be destroyed. We must have a heart of compassion and desire all men to be saved (cf. 1Tim 2:1-4). Let God be the ultimate Judge.

5a. Forsaking material comfort for Christ’s sake.

5b. Placing the work of preaching the gospel above social and family obligations (cf. Mt 10:37).

5c. Undivided attention to the business of God’s kingdom.

6a. See verse 1.

6b. Both can help and support one another (cf. Ecc 4:9-12). God’s work often calls for collective involvement rather than individual effort. Sharing the work with fellow workers is in itself a blessing as well as a training.

7. These are the words of our Lord before sending out the disciples or instructing them about their mission. They provide the motivation for our ministry and drive us to carry out our task with utmost urgency. Only if we realize the magnitude of our work and the great need for workers will we rise to the calling and actively involve ourselves in the ministry.

8. 1. Prayer precedes and goes hand in hand with service.

8. 2. We must pray and serve. While we seek God’s help through prayer, we must also go and accomplish our mission.

10. They would face rejections, ridicules, threats, and persecutions from vicious unbelievers.

11. The instruction not to bring along many possessions suggests a simple lifestyle that allows total dedication to the task at hand. It also, along with the instruction not to greet anyone on the road, conveys a sense of urgency in the missionary work. They could not afford to be bogged down with many possessions or waste time with unnecessary conversations.

12. They were to respect and humbly depend on their hosts for their hospitality. They should concentrate on their work rather than on where to stay or what to eat.

11. Although experiencing God’s power in our service is a cause for joy, it does not guarantee or necessarily reflect a sound relationship with God (cf. Mt 7:21-23; 1Tim 4:11-16). Our ministry and service will pass away one day. But if by God’s grace we can have the assurance of eternal life, that should be the greatest reason for joy because after all, what truly matters is the salvation of our souls and being with Christ forever. Therefore, we need to pay attention to our own relationship with the Lord while carrying out the duties of our ministry.

12. The wise and the prudent are those who are wise in their own eyes. The babes are the simple and humble. These words of Jesus, as they are in Matthew, were probably directed at the unbelieving cities of Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum (13-16; Mt 11:20-24).

14. God’s salvation through Jesus Christ (cf. 2:30-32).


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