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 (Galatians to Colossians)
Lesson 24
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Lesson 24

I.       Observation

A.     Outline

Joy because of Their Care and Gift (4:10-20)

Final Greetings (4:21-23)

B.     Key Words/Phrases

Rejoiced, care, flourished, content, learned, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” shared in my distress, fruit, abounds, sweet-smelling aroma, acceptable sacrifice.

II.    Segment Analysis

1.      11-13.

2.      Their care for him has flourished again (10). They care for him even in his distress (14). They care for him time and again (16).

3.      Our care and concern for others should be continuous and abound more and more.

4.      Paul makes it clear that his joy does not reside in material sufficiency (11-12). He rejoices because the Philippians are bearing fruit that abounds to their account (17) and that their giving is in fact an acceptable sacrifice to God (18).

5.      Discontentment is often the result of unfulfilled desires rather than true need. That is why even the rich and famous are discontent. Discontentment is also a reflection of inner emptiness, which no material abundance, physical pleasure, or human relationship can fill.

6.      Remember that we already have the best possession—eternal life. Why should we be discontent? Not only so, with Christ in our lives, we can enjoy spiritual blessings that the world does not know.

7.      Count our blessings and be always thankful for what we have rather than lust for things that we don’t have.

8.      Do not seek for things beyond basic necessities (Mt 6:31-33; 1Tim 6:6-7).

9.      Even if we have difficulties in life that we cannot remove, we should rejoice and trust that the Lord knows what we can bear, that sufferings can benefit us, and that His grace is sufficient for us (1Cor 10:13; 2Cor 12:7-10).

10.  Contentment comes by learning. As we continue to develop our trust in the Lord, and as we experience more and more of God’s grace and provisions, our contentment will also grow.

11.  Doing all things means being able to transcend all circumstances and stand firm in Christ. This ability is not the ability to change our surroundings but the inner strength to accept and live with any situation that God has placed us in.

12.  Exchange our self-confidence for faith (1Cor 2:4). Exchange our will power for God’s power (Phil 2:13). Exchange our weakness for God’s strength (Mt 11:28-30).
Live a Christ-centered life everyday and rely not on our own understanding. Learn to depend on God through prayer and studying His Word. Through the Lord’s grace and the power of the Holy Spirit, we can always stand tall and be victorious.

13.  The Philippians themselves (17-19).

14.  When we help those in need, we should give as if we are doing it for the Lord (Prov 19:17; Mt 25:34-40). Thus, we ought to give cheerfully and not expect any favors in return (2Cor 9:7; Lk 14:12-14). When we give financial support to the ministry, we should do so with a heart of repaying the Lord’s love and out of our concern for the people who will benefit from the ministry.

15.  They supply for Paul’s needs out of their concern not only for Paul, but ultimately for the Lord’s work. Therefore, their gift is a sacrifice to God that is fragrant and acceptable.


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