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 (Learning to be a Servant)
Learning to be a Servant 01

Learning to be a servant

This year there were many changes after the election of the General Assembly (GA) members. With the newly elected, there is a sense of expectation that under God’s guidance the new GA team will achieve new growth and progress. However, no matter how new the team, each person should approach the work like a servant.

Traditional management approach is one of superiors issuing commands and subordinates seeking affirmation from superiors. Current management practice is very different. The superiors need to examine and understand the needs of his subordinates. How can the management facilitate the workers to complete the work and respect the management effort such that the workers are compelled and the company goals are achieved. This new management style is effective and popular today.

This management style is in line with Jesus’ teachings. Jesus once said to his disciples, “and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all” (Mk10:44). Jesus’ character is divine yet he humbled himself to be as a slave, setting wonderful examples that apply timelessly.

The role of the servant is very important in the eyes of God. God’s servant can related to God’s will and submit to it fully in carrying out what has been entrusted to him. Many special people in the world exhibit qualities of a servant. We see such qualities in parents, sacrificing any and all for the sake of their children. It is such qualities that greatly touch the children’s heart.

For the sake of the church we have to learn how to be servants.

To be a good servant, preparation starts with self-examination. Am I worthy to serve God? Do I bring benefit to others? Prophet Isaiah saw the glory of God in a prayer yet he also saw his uncleanness. “Woe to me! I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips,” (Is 6:5) That is when he became clear, felt ashamed, and humbly said to God, “Here am I. Send me!” The resulting prophet was powerful in his work in reviving Judah, and his teachings have lasting value.

A good servant sources power from God. The disciples once could not drive out demons, yet Jesus came and solved the problem. Afterward, the disciples asked, “why couldn’t we drive out?” Jesus said, “This kind can come out only by prayer” (Mk 9:29). This shows that our serving is not without substance. We are to edify souls. If we do not rely in the power of God, we can do very little. Through effort in prayer we seek to gain spiritual power.

It is not easy being a good servant; he will face all kinds of people. Jesus was faced with all kinds of challenges such as being misunderstood or slandered, he had to forbear, endure, resist retribution, and even return with love. “A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out, till he leads justice to victory” (Mt 12:20). Jesus served this way and edified countless souls. We need to have compassion as servant so we may reap beautiful results.

