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 (The Book of Colossians)
B. Christ Is Our Bounty

B.     Christ is our bounty (2) – The higher life

1.       All wisdom lies in Christ (2:1-7)

 a.      For what Paul was struggling (1)

 b.      Be encouraged in heart (2)

 c.      Be united in love (2)

 d.      Know the mystery of God (2)

 e.      Not be deceived (4)

 f.       Have faith in Christ (5)

 g.      Live in Christ (6)

 h.      Be rooted and built up in Christ (7)

 i.        Strengthen in the faith (7)

2.       All fullness and godliness is in Christ (2:8-10)

 a.      Hollow vs. fullness

 b.      Deceptive philosophy vs. deity life

3.       All power lies in Christ (2:11-23)

 a.      Circumcision and baptism (11-13)

 b.      Nail the regulations to the cross (14-19)

 c.      The basic principles of this world (20-23)

C.     Christ is our life (3) – The inner life

1.       Truly be resurrected with Christ (3:1-4)

 a.      Set our minds on things above (1-2)

 b.      Christ is our life (3-4)

2.       Changing from the old ways and learn to be like the Lord (3:5-17)

 a.      Take off old self (5-9)

 b.      Put on new self (10-17)

(a)     Clothe with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience (12)

(b)     Bear with each other (13)

(c)     Be united as one body (15)

(d)     Be thankful (15)

(e)     Remember the word of Christ (16)

(f)      Do all things in the name of the Lord Jesus (17)

3.       Manifestation of a renewed life (3:18-4:1)

 a.      Encouragement for the wives (18)

 b.      Encouragement for the husbands (19)

 c.      Encouragement for the children (20)

 d.      Encouragement for the parents (21)

 e.      Encouragement for the slaves (22-24)

 a.      Encouragement for the masters (4:1)

B.     Christ is our master (4) – The outward life

1.       To magnify the Lord (4:1)

2.       To proclaim Christ (4:2-6)

 a.      Devote to prayer (2-3)

 b.      Be wise (5-6)

3.       To serve God loyally (4:7-18)
