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 (1 & 2 Timothy)
II. A Suggested Outline of Paul's Second Epistle to Timothy

II.    A Suggested Outline of Paul’s Second Epistle to Timothy

A.     The pastoral appeal (2 Tim 1)

1.       Courageous enthusiasm (1:1-7)

2.       Shameless suffering (1:8-12)

3.       Spiritual loyalty (1:13-18)

B.     The practical appeal (2 Tim 2)

1.       The steward (2:1, 2)

2.       The soldier (2:3, 4, 8-13)

3.       The athlete (2:5)

4.       The farmer (2:6, 7)

5.       The workman (2:14-18)

6.       The vessel (2:19-22)

7.       The servant (2:23-26)

C.     The prophetic appeal (2 Tim 3)

1.       Turn away from the false (3:1-9)

2.       Follow those who are true (3:10-12)

3.       Continue in God’s word (3:13-17)

D.     The personal appeal (2 Tim 4)

1.       Preach the word (4:1-4)

2.       Fulfill your ministry (4:5-8)

3.       Be diligent and faithful (4:9-22)

III. Main Teachings in the First Epistle of Timothy

A.     1 Timothy 1

1.       Father and son in the faith (1:2)

 a.      How does the father foster his son?

 b.      What is the expectation of the apostle Paul for his son in the faith?

 c.      What are the inheritances that the father Paul passes on to his son Timothy?

 d.      Today, what is the expectation of ministers for our young generation?

2.       False doctrine (1:3, 4)

 a.      What are the false doctrines in the days of the apostle Paul?

 b.      How do false doctrines harm the believers?

 c.      How can we prevent false doctrines from entering into our church community?

3.       Law and love (1:5-11)

 a.      How many laws are there in the Old Testament?

 b.      How can we observe all of them?

4.       The apostle Paul’s testimony and encouragement (1:12-17)

 a.      What had Paul done to the Lord’s disciples before he was converted to Jesus Christ?

 b.      To the apostle Paul, what does the grace of God mean?

 c.      Why is it that the apostle Paul said, “Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season”? (2 Tim 4:2)

 d.      Why did Paul have self-confidence when he served the Lord?

5.       Carrot or stick (1 Tim 1:18-20)

 a.      Why is it that Paul gave so strong a command to Timothy, so that he (Timothy) might fight the good fight?

 b.      I am not a minister or a council member. Should I have to fight the good fight?
