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 (Manna 2)
Reflections on the Book of Daniel

Reflections on the Book of Daniel

Recently, after reading several times the Book of Daniel which is also known as 'The Revelation of the Old Testament', I gained some fresh impressions.

Four points are discussed below for the mutual study by fellow believers. It is hoped that our spiritual brethren will pay particular attention to the prophecy that has great concern for the saints of the last days~ the Book of Daniel. Let us also pray for the Holy Spirit to guide us, so that we may understand the real meaning of the Book correctly and clearly (2 Pet 1: 19; Dan 12:4).


I. God dominates the history of the world


Man's life and death, fortunes and adversities are all in the hands of God (1 Sam 2:6,7; Ps 31 :15), and the development and changes in the history of the world are no exception. That was why God was able to let the King of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, see the vision of the 'Great Image' and thus revealed the development since the Babylonian Kingdom to the time when Christ shall come again and realize the Kingdom of God. History has proved the authenticity of this revelation: Media and Persia (the silver breast and arms) succeeded Babylon, the Golden head; Greece, the brass belly and thighs, succeeded Media and Persia; later Rome, the iron legs, swallowed Greece. The world at this stage is of the partly iron and partly clay feet, a period when harmony is impossible and the great disaster of destruction and consummation shall soon occur. Then, Christ shall come again executing the great judgment and all nations of the world shall be destroyed forever; at the same time the everlasting, peaceful, and glorious Kingdom of God shall appear (Dan 2:31-45; Mt 24:21, 22,29-31; 2 Pet 3:8-14).


II. God rules in the midst of nations of men


God again gave a dream to King Nebuchadnezzar, so that he saw the vision of the 'huge tree'. All the magicians, astrologers and soothsayers of the Kingdom could not explain the dream. Finally, Daniel, relying on God's spirit, interpreted the dream. The aim of this dream was to let the King and people of the world know that "The Most High rules the kingdoms of men, and gives it to whom he will" (Dan 4:17, 25, 32). Because King Nebuchadnezzar had received special grace from God, his Kingdom was built as great as the huge tree, high up in the sky, and all can see that it was a great kingdom. But he would not acknowledge God's grace and in his pride and egoism, he said, "Is not this great Babylon, which I have built by my mighty power as a royal residence and for the glory of my majesty?" (Dan 4:30). Thus God, acting according to the revelation of the "huge tree", made him a lunatic for seven periods (most are of the opinion that this was seven years). When the days were fulfilled he lifted up his head and looked towards the sky and knew that God rules in the kingdom of men, that glory should be given to God, and that the kingship was again returned to him (Dan 4:19-37). Let us hope that all the kings, rulers and presidents on this earth will understand that the power to establish kings, to overthrow kings is from God, that all glory should be given to this Lord who controls your life and breath in His hands, who governs all your actions, so that His grace will not go unrequited and that we do not incur punishment (Dan 2:20, 21; 5:23-29).


Ill. Little Horn- Image of the anti-Christ


The "little horn" in Daniel chapter 7 & 8 and the King from the North of Chapter 11 hold the same meaning. He shall boast to God and also attack the Prince of princes. He shall exalt himself and magnify himself, denying the God of gods (Dan 7:8; 8:25; 11:36, 37). He shall cause fearful destruction (Dan 8:24), he shall abolish the daily sacrifice to the Lord (Dan 8:11; 11:31), profane the sanctuary and set up the abomination that shall desolate (Dan 8: 11; 11:31). He shall change the laws of God, casting the truth to the ground (Dan 7:25; 8:12) and persecute the Holy Nation of God (Dan 7:25; 8:10, 24). His actions shall be practiced smoothly and He shall prosper (Dan 8:12, 24; 11:36), but in the end he shall be destroyed, though not by the hands of men (Dan 8:25; 11 :45). This "little horn" - enemy of God, had made its appearance in history before (only a shadow) for this vision is related to the period of the last days (Dan 8:17,18). The Lord had already borne testimony that the ''abomination of desolation" which Daniel spoke of shall appear in the last days (Mt 24:15-22). We should see clearly that it had already made its appearance, and has commenced its work of desolation, taking away peace, also persecuting saints in various places (cf: Rev 13:1-18; 6:3,4).


IV. The four brave ones in the midst of the great tribulations.


King Nebuchadnezzar had thrown into the furnace of burning fire those who refused to bow down to the golden image he had made. The King of Medes had decreed that those who made petition to any god or man except to the king would be thrown into the den of lions. These were foreshadows that the Church would suffer great persecution during the period of tribulation (Dan 3:4-6; 6:6-9; Rev 13:11-18). The lives of Shadrach and his two friends in the first instance, and later that of Daniel, were threatened. But they did not submit themselves to the Kings' commands. They resolved to be strong in the face of the problem before them, even braving death (Dan 3:14-18; 6:10).

These actions of faith, strictly upholding the word of the faith, and not valuing life, are the best methods to overcome Satan (Rev 12:11). The anti-Christ has appeared already. We should therefore give careful attention to the Lord's instructions (Mt 24:15-20), also practicing the spiritual attitudes of the four brave men, suffering for the truth's sake.


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