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 (Thessalonians, Timothy, and Titus)
13. Ministry of the Appeal (1Tim 1:1-20)

13: Ministry of the Appeal (1Tim 1:1-20)

I.       The Basics

A.     Setting

False teachers have arisen in the Ephesian church. Paul writes this epistle with the charge to Timothy to address this issue. He follows with his personal testimony of the Lord’s mercy in saving him despite his past and in entrusting him with the ministry of the gospel. It is based on this commission from the Lord that Paul now charges Timothy to wage the good warfare.

B.     Key Verse

            “This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief” (1:15).

C.     Did You Know…?

1. “When I went into Macedonia” (1:3): This event, which is not recorded in Acts, probably took place after Paul was released from his first Roman imprisonment.

2. “Remain in Ephesus” (1:3): The Ephesian church was established during Paul’s third missionary journey (Acts 19:1-20:1). Paul visited the church again probably after his first Roman imprisonment and asked Timothy to stay behind in Ephesus while he went on to Macedonia.

3. “Fables and endless genealogies” (1:4): These were probably myths built on OT genealogies.

4. Hymenaeus (1:20) was an apostate and a false teacher who taught that the resurrection was already past (2Tim 2:17-18).

5. Alexander (1:20) was probably Alexander the coppersmith, who did Paul much harm (2Tim 4:14).

II.    Observation

A.     Outline







B.     Key Words/Phrases

III. General Analysis

1. How does Paul’s personal testimony relate to his charge to Timothy?

IV.  Segment Analysis

A.     1:1-2

1. Based on the way Paul identifies himself, what can we know about Paul’s understanding of his role and responsibility?

2. Why is the Lord Jesus Christ “our hope”?

3a. How does Paul address Timothy?

3b. What does this term suggest?

B.     1:3-11

4a. Why did Paul urge Timothy to remain in Ephesus?

4b. Why is this task necessary?

4c. What similar issues do we face today, and how should we respond to them?

5a. What “commandment” is verse 5 referring to?

5b. Explain the purpose of this commandment.

6. What is a “good conscience”?

7. What are the underlying problems of the false teachers?

8a. According to Paul, what is the purpose of the law?

8b. How have the false teachers misinterpreted the purpose of the law?

C.     1:12-17

9. For what does Paul give thanks to Christ Jesus?

10. How does Paul describe his past?

11. Why does Paul recall his own past?

12. According to Paul, what is God’s purpose in granting him mercy?

13. How is Paul’s testimony relevant today?

14. Analyze and meditate on the hymn of verse 17. What moves Paul to say these words of praise?

15. How does this paragraph challenge the doctrine of the false teachers?

16. What lessons can we learn from Paul’s view of himself, of the grace he has received, and of his ministry?

D.     1:18-20

17. What does Paul compare Timothy’s mission to? Explain your answer.

18. How does Paul contrast Timothy with the false teachers with whom he is battling?

19. Why is shipwreck a suitable analogy for the condition of those who have rejected faith and a good conscience?

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