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 (Thessalonians, Timothy, and Titus)
20. Be Not Ashamed of the Gospel (2Tim 1:1-18)

20: Be Not Ashamed of the Gospel (2Tim 1:1-18)

I.       The Basics

A.     Setting

The church was undergoing great persecution when this epistle was written, and many saints had already been martyred. Paul himself had been imprisoned and knew that he had reached the end of his life. In the face of great persecution from the authorities, the presence of false brethren within the church, heresies clouding the truth, workers leaving the ministry and faithful workers being martyred, it would have been no surprise that even Timothy would become very discouraged. Hence, Paul writes this epistle to encourage Timothy to hold on to his calling and ministry, citing his personal experience on how he is still confident in God and faithful to His calling despite his current state of suffering.

B.     Key Verse

“For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day” (1:12).

C.     Did You Know…?

1. “Tears” (1:4): “Probably refers to Timothy’s tears when Paul left for Macedonia (1Tim 1:3).” 6/1845

2. Eunice (1:5), Timothy’s mother, was a Jewish Christian (Acts 16:1).

3. “Asia” (1:15): “Timothy was in Ephesus, the capital of the province of Asia, which is in western Turkey today.” 6/1845

4. Onesiphorus (1:16) was probably a member of the church in Ephesus (18; 4:19).

II.    Observation

A.     Outline





B.     Key Words/Phrases

III. Segment Analysis

A.     1:1-2

1. Why has Paul become an apostle?

B.     1:3-5

2a. Why are the words “I thank God” significant in view of Paul’s circumstance? What does this teach you?

2b. What in particular does Paul thank God for?

3. What is Paul’s longing? Why?

C.     1:6-14

4. In this paragraph, what are the things Paul charges Timothy to do?

5. Record what God has done according to each of these verses:

5a. Verse 6

5b. Verse 7

5c. Verse 8

5d. Verse 9

5e. Verse 10

6. Explain how Paul’s thanksgiving in the previous paragraph leads into the charge in verse 6.

7. What does it mean to “stir up” the gift of God in us? Under what circumstances in your life would this reminder be particularly relevant?

8. Keep verse 7 to heart as you answer these questions:

8a. How are “power” “love” and “a sound mind” the opposites of fear?

8b . Why would this truth be a great encouragement to Timothy?

8c. How can this truth help you?

9. Why would a believer be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord?

10. What has Paul been appointed by God to do? How does this realization enable Paul to remain strong?

11. According to Paul, why is he not ashamed, and why should we not be ashamed, of the gospel?

12a. What do the words “I know whom I have believed” mean? What kind of “knowing” is meant here?

12b. Do you know whom you have believed? What brings about this knowledge?

13. What can we learn about God’s faithfulness in verse 12? Are you persuaded of God’s faithfulness?

14. What does the word “pattern” in verse 13 indicate about the sound doctrine?

15a. What is the “good thing” (14)?

15b. How can we keep by the Holy Spirit the good thing which has been committed to us?

D.     1:15-18

16. What good things has Onesiphorus done?

17. How does this paragraph relate to Paul’s exhortations to Timothy?

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