Dn. M.G. Samuel of Ambatur Church (who has rested in Christ) was a convert from Hinduism. He was baptized into Christ and became a member of the True Jesus Church in the year 1969. His native place was a village called Udayambakkam near Chengalpet. After conversion, he wanted and was determine to preach the truth of True Jesus Church to his own people of his village. During that time, all his relations and relatives were idol worshippers. He prayed about this matter. He started to preach the Gospel to his brothers and his Uncles family. After that whenever time permitted he went there and conducted family prayers.
There was once, one of his brothers named Selvaraj came to Ambattur and attended the service in church. During the service, at prayer time, he received and was filled by the Holy Spirit. He also experienced the miracles of our Lord and he requested to get baptized immediately. On the same day he was baptized, then he went to his own village and explained about the miracles. By hearing this, his family members were much anxious to receive baptism. During that time Dn. John Chin visited India. He and Dn. M.G. Samuel visited Bro. Selvaraj and his Uncles family in Udayambakkam and baptized them.
Through this in the year 1972 a place of worship was established. From that time onwards fellowship meeting was arranged twice in a month. The family members were filled with the Holy Spirit. Seeing this the village people wondered and many people who were demon possessed and sick came to pray to Jesus to get rid of their problems and amongst them many were cleansed and some of them attended the church service too. Th ere was once the church conducted Spiritual Meeting. In that meeting many demon possessed came and were reveled. The name of our Lord Jesus was glorified in that village.
There was a man named Govindan who was working in the Hindu Temple as a priest. He was mentally disturbed. He used to run out of his house and others used to bring him back and tied him in ropes. They brought him to many sorcerers and black magicians to treat his "illness" but there was no result. Finally, they brought him to the prayer house for prayer. Bro. Selvaraj filled by the Holy Spirit made Govindan who was mentally disturbed to stay in the prayer house and for one week prayed for him. The glory of the Lord was seen and he was delivered. He requested baptism. He and his family were brought to Ambattur and were baptized.
By this way the prayer house was growing with members. Workers were sent to assist the pastoral and evangelical work there. IA personnel like the late Eld. John Yang, Dn. John Chin, Pr. Simon Chin and Pr. Thomas Kam went and preached in Chengalpet whenever they visited India.
Ambattur Church later formed a committee to look into building a permanent place for worship in Chengalpet. Through this committee funds was raised. A place was located at Manapakkam village. Church building construction begins. The building was finished and was dedicated in the year 1985.
Many activities were held in the church. Much work needs to be done. On the recommendation of Ambattur Church, Bro. Selvaraj was made an IA paid worker. By the grace of God, the church continued to grow. Membership increased to 115 believers.
Through the local church activities, through many seminars and trainings conducted by IMC and IA, many church leaders were developed. With the retirement of Bro. Selvaraj, Bro. Christudoss was ordained as Dn. Timothy. Bro. Joseph who had gone through three years of Theological Training conducted by IA Training Department was ordained as Pr. Philip. Bro. Daniel and Bro. Enoch are presently undergoing training as a Full Time Preacher.
For further development of church leaders, a building about 54 feet length and 18 feet breadth has been constructed for the R.E. Classes through Dorcas Fellowship. Thanksgiving service would be conducted soon. The church is praying for further growth for the glory of the Lord.
目前教會聚會次數 星期六 安息日聚會 星期五 晚間聚會 星期三 姐妹團契 星期二、四 家庭祭壇 星期日 宗教教育課程、青年查經班 每個月的第4個星期六 聖餐禮 每個月的第3個星期六 通宵的禱告會
Church Service Proceedings Saturday──Sabbath Service Friday──Evening Sabbath Service Wednesday──Womens Fellowship Tuesday,Thursday──Family Prayer Sunday──R.E. Class, Youth Bible Class 4th week of every month──Holy Communion 3rd week of every month──All Night Prayer
作者: 印度聖工小組 出版社: 棕樹文教基金會聖靈月刊雜誌社 出版日期: 07/01/2004
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