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Items related to "How do we know hell is real and not just something that people made up to make kids behave?", 139 total items found

If footwashing is so essential and relates directly to a person's salvation, why is the institution only found in the Gospel according to John and not anywhere else in the Bible?        

The Lord Jesus is the author of salvation, not the church, so if I don't go to church, as long as I believe in the Lord Jesus and follow the correct path to salvation, won't I be saved?        

Why is your church called the "True" Jesus Church? Are you telling me that all other churches are false?        

Does this mean that you should wait a while after baptism (till after your feet have become "dirtied') to receive footwashing?        

The Star That Brought Me to the True Jesus Church        
Her grandmother's love. Her mother's tears. Her father's severity. Would you believe in Jesus against these, as this sister did?

Render to God the Things That Are God's        
One of the ways to grow spiritually and to enjoy the joy of God's grace is to put our tithes and offering into God's ministry.

Isn't the Old Testament Sabbath Day only a picture of the rest that a person enters when he places his faith in Christ and ceases from his own works (see Heb 4:9-11)?        

The Lord Jesus instructed his disciples, "If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet" (Jn 13:14). But why is it that during the sacrament of footwashing in your church, only the ministers wash the fe        

Transubstantiation teaches that after giving thanks, the bread and grape wine transform materially into the physical body and blood of the Lord Jesus. Consubstantiation teaches that the physical body and blood coexist with the bread and the grape wine. Wh        

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