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Family Life, 51 total items found
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How To Rein In Your Anger        
Ever felt aggravated by your children or lost your temper in front of them? Don’t worry, you are not alone. Here are some words of encouragements from someone who has been in your shoes.

Homeland Bound - Redirecting Life's Path Post Middle-Age        
An empty nest should not result in an empty life.

Holding onto God        
Her faith and the love and care of brothers and sisters brought her through a troubling time.

Eat Right and Exercise for Spiritual Fitness        
Find out the perfect diet for your young ones while growing up in the Lord!

Christian Values in a Changing World        
In today's increasingly materialistic world, children need to have a firm foundation in what is truly important.

A Woman's Priorities: Lessons Learned from the Proverbs 31 Woman        
The woman in Proverbs 31 probably seems archaic today. But we need to take a closer look at her character and nature. So the question is: What can the modern woman learn from this Biblical character?

A Mother's Place: At Home or At Work?        
"Did I go to school all those years just to be buried in endless dishes, dirty laundry, diapers, and other household chores?" A stay-at-home mom struggles with her decision and learns how to glorify God through her role.

A Child-Like Heart        
Has pursuing after the world led you astray from the Lord? If you are going through some difficult trials, how do you fill the emptiness in your heart? The Lord Jesus is asking you to return to Him and find true peace and joy. What is your answer to Him?

A Bundle of Love in Disguise        
God's plans for us aren't always clear. Sometimes, we may even find ourselves nowhere close to understanding His will. Facing a future that changed overnight, a sister shares with us what kept her going through her moments of doubts, and ultimately the lessons she learned from God's plan for her. What can we take from this sister's story and apply to our equally unpredictable lives?

God Will Never Leave Me     By AH        
Coping with the loss of parents and dreams.

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