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Devotionals, 317 total items found
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Hidden Sins within the Heart     By Yvonne Wong        
Sin can be deceitful in that what others cannot see, we may know ourselves. However, the real danger is when we are oblivious to even our own sins. After all, how can we see something that is hidden?

Learn to Be Content        
People who do not have Jesus, and even those who do but don't involve Him in their lives, often try to fill that void with something else.

Let Patience Have Its Perfect Work     By Sarah Lin        
Nowadays, people are often impatient and want to see results immediately. But what does the book of James teach us about patience in suffering?

Gathering the Waters to Make Dry Land        
O Lord my Creator, thank you for creating dry land as our dwelling place. I will honor and submit to your sovereign commands, as the mighty ocean obeys your sovereign decree.

Creation of Living Creatures        
Many of us are constantly trying to take control of everything in our lives. As a result, we may find ourselves always feeling stressed and worried. This devotional reminds us where to find affirmation that the God we worship is in full control.

Gentle Replies        

I Do Not Want to Send Them Away Hungry     By Charmian Chong        
Do you sometimes find your journey of faith to be tedious and feel as though your needs are not satisfied? Read on to find out what Jesus has said to comfort us.

In Tough Financial Times     By Becky Yuan        
Even though we know that God will provide, it is sometimes difficult to not worry during a recession. We may be anxious about job loss, shrinking investments, rising debt, or simply making ends meet. In these times, let us be reminded of the Lord’s promises . . .

Never to Return to Our Sins        
"As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly." (Prov. 26:11) Do we find ourselves perpetuating the same weaknesses over and over? It's time to check ourselves and make real changes in lives!

Workers' Self-examination     By FF Chong        
Often, the greatest obstacle to doing God’s work is the workers themselves. Workers focus so much on the work itself that they lose sight of the divine purpose. Our service should spring naturally from understanding God’s will, which is the foundation of our work.

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