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Choosing Friends Wisely        
How do we choose our friends from a diverse student body? Why is it important to find friends in church? What if you can’t find anyone in church you can relate to?

Christian Lifestyle        
People tend to blend into their immediate environment. But our calling as God's chosen must separate us from this world.

Come unto Me... I Will Give You Rest        
We are often entangled in a complex web of relationships and pressured with many expectations. But Jesus shows us a better way by calling us into His rest.

Comfortable Christians        
Complacency is a pervasive trait. There is much more to Christian life than settling in a routine of prayer and Bible reading.

Committing Yourself to Christ        
How should you choose which college to attend? How can you maintain your commitment in Christ throughout college?

David Takes a Census        
Taking a census seems innocuous enough. But the underlying motive is what we should watch out for.

David's Repentance        
To what lengths would you go to cover up your sins? Do you really think you can hide them from God? Why are confessions so important?

Death: A Christian's Viewpoint        
There is only a fine line between life and death. But understanding death from a Christian perspective allows us to live a fuller life.

Dedication of Paul        
In his blindness, Paul resolved within himself the paradox of his life, that of misguided zeal and true devotion to God. Find out where this transformation led him.

Diary of a Volunteer Worker        
Some people may never have all the luxuries we enjoy, but what is more important on the Judgment Day?

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