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 (A New Life in Christ)
Week 14: Seek and Do God’s Will

Week 14: Seek and Do God’s Will

In the previous lesson, we saw that living for Christ is the goal and duty of all believers. True conversion is marked by a total submission to the Lord’s will.

The apostle Paul left us a compelling testimony. As soon as he became a believer, he asked, “What shall I do, Lord” (Acts 22:10)? The Bible tells us that from then on Paul became a changed man. Actually, he shocked every one who knew him in Jerusalem because instead of rounding up Christians and throwing them into jail, he began preaching about Christianity and risked being thrown into jail. He gave up a life of privilege; and where previously he had moved in the social circles of the rich and famous, he now became a poor evangelist, carrying the Christian message to unfamiliar places in distant lands where its people had never before heard about Jesus.

Before our conversion, we used to set our own agenda. We decided what we wanted to do. Now, like Paul, we need to ask, “What shall I do, Lord?” In other words, we should learn to respect God’s will for us in our lives (cf. Jas 4:13-15). He is now the Lord of your life. Let him set your agenda. We must factor in God’s will when we make even seemingly insignificant choices in the course of our everyday lives. The choices we make, from morning ‘till night, do shape who we are, in one way or another. Some choices help us. Some choices hurt us. But the believer must add to these considerations the fact that these choices will help or hurt our Lord Jesus Christ. Will the choices we make today bring shame or glory to his name?

While God’s commands are clearly written in the Scriptures, we often still need to seek God’s will when making choices in life. There are many choices for which the Bible does not give specific instructions, such as where to live, what major to choose, what career path to take, etc. And more often than not, God does not tell us what to do in a vision or speak to us in a voice. He leaves it to us to make responsible decisions. So how are we to know what truly pleases the Lord? This lesson will offer you some principles and guidelines in making decisions in life.

Some Basic Principles

Does It Conform to Biblical Principles?

God has revealed his will to the human race in the Scriptures. In making decisions, we should not even consider anything that is contrary to the teachings of the Bible. While some commands are very specific (e.g. “do not eat blood”), many others are more general. For example, God revealed his will through the prophet Micah, “He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?” (Mic 6:8). In this example, justice, mercy, and humility become our guide in making decisions.

Does God Come First?

Our choices reflect our priorities in life. Esau’s choice for the red stew over his birthright showed that he despised God (Gen 25:29-34; Heb ,17). Oftentimes, decisions in life boil down to choosing between our wish and God’s wish. If God is important to us, our choices will allow us to put in time and energy in the work of God.

Does It Bear Good Testimony for God?

Is there a verse in the Bible that says we should not be rude drivers on the freeway or nasty customers in a store? Not really. But the Bible says, “whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Cor ; 1Pet ). Will God be glorified if people find out that the rude driver or the nasty customer is a member of the True Jesus Church? Our conduct says a lot about who we are. Imagine hearing a cuss word in the parking lot. You look. It’s someone with a Bible. Or you hear yourself threatening to quit – again – because for the fifth night in a row, your supervisor has assigned you to lock up. These are choices a believer must make carefully. We are the Lord’s witnesses. Let’s make choices to glorify his name.

Does It Benefit Anyone?

In the same passage where Paul talks about doing all things for God’s glory, he wrote, “All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify. Let no one seek his own, but each one the other's well -being. (1Cor -24). He concluded this passage with these words, “just as I also please all men in all things, not seeking my own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved” (1Cor ). Like Paul, who restricted his freedom for the benefit of others, we should also be considerate of others’ needs in our speech and conduct.

Suggested Guidelines

Be Determined to do God’s Will.

Some people seek God’s will with the wrong motive. They have already made up their mind what they want, but they just want God to confirm and justify their wish. This is not the right way to seek God’s will. Only if we are “transformed by the renewing of our mind” can we “prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Rom 12:2). God shows his will to those who fear him (Ps 25:12). He instructs those who depend on him and humbly submit to him. If we have a sincere desire to carry out his will whatever the cost, God will surely guide us in our decision-making.

Find Answers in the Bible.

This doesn’t mean that we randomly flip the pages of the Bible when we need to make a choice and expect God to give us the answer. To be able to effectively put God’s word to use, we need to be familiar with the Scriptures. If you make the commitment to read the Bible and study God’s Word, you will get to know God and understand his will. The word that you have hidden in your heart will often help you make a right choice (Ps 119:11).

Rely on the Holy Spirit.

Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit will teach us and help us (Jn ). He reminds us of God’s word and enlightens our hearts to understand the Scriptures. Often, when we seek God’s will, the Holy Spirit helps us recall certain teachings in the Scriptures that are relevant to the situation. He also gives us the wisdom to know how to apply the teachings. If need arises, the Holy Spirit can even speak directly to us and let us know what to do (cf. Acts 16:6-10). As a personal counselor, the Holy Spirit is by us all the time. We just need to ask him for instruction.

Learn as You Go.

Remember that when you are faced with a choice, you need to make the effort to choose. Make the right judgment based on the principles and guidelines mentioned above. God’s guidance often becomes clearer as you start to act. Spiritual wisdom and the knowledge of God’s will come with constant practice of God’s word (Heb ; 2Pet 1:5-8). Always consider the outcome of your choices and examine whether God has taught you anything in the process. Look at the experiences of the people in the Bible, who serve as our example and warning. Listen to the testimony of others who have been through what you are going through. If you humbly seek God’s will and trust his guidance in all your ways, God will make your paths straight (Prov 3:5-6).

Write down other guidelines that have worked for you.

Write down new ideas that could work for you.


1.      The apostle Paul became a changed man after he believed in Jesus. T/F

2.      Why should we respect God’s will?

3.      What does God’s will have to do with our everyday choices?

4.      You need only seek God’s will for (a) major decisions (b) minor decisions (c) in all decisions (d) when you feel like it (e) none of the above.

5.      The best way to seek God’s will is to wait for God’s voice or some special vision. T/F

6.      List at least 4 principles that will help you seek God’s will every day.

7.      Why is it a good thing to hide God’s Word in your heart?

8.      Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit will help us do God’s will. Briefly describe how this promise came true for someone who was living in Bible times.

9.      God reveals his will to those who sincerely want to obey his will. T/F.

10.  It is God’s will that believers everywhere become a good testimony. What does this mean to you?

Case Studies

1.      Carrie has recently graduated from her undergraduate university and is beginning to worry about her future. She doesn’t know if she wants to pursue graduate studies in her undergraduate major, apply to business school for a business degree, or begin working right away. Feeling very confused, she begins to wonder what God’s will is. She really wishes God would give her some kind of divine revelation. But God seems very quiet. Carrie asks her closest church sister what she should do about her confusion. The sister encourages her to “pray for God’s will.” One morning, right after her prayer, the phone rang. A company has offered a job. The only drawback is that she needs to work on Saturdays. But she though, “Well, they called me right after my prayer. It must be God’s will.” So she decided to take the job. Do you think Carrie made the right decision? How would you know if her decisions were in line with God’s will?

2.      Charlie is thinking of settling down. Knowing that he should seek God’s will in his choice, he prays and asks God, “Lord, you know the kind of girl I like, big eyes, tall, and slim. Please help me find a girl that meets my criteria. I don’t know who she will be or when I will meet her, but I trust in your will. I know that when the right time comes, you will bring her to me, and I’ll know that she is the right one.” So Charlie waits for God’s answer. In the meantime, some brothers and sisters in church try to help him with finding a suitable spouse. He turns them all down because none of the candidates meet his requirements. Is this the right approach in seeking God’s will? How should Charlie change his mentality and criteria?



Think about a situation where a person might be confused about God’s will for them. Write down the characteristics or qualities that you feel could give you the ability to see God’s will better.

Do you see any of the same qualities in yourself? Ask God to develop these characteristics in your life


Think about a situation where a person might be confused about God’s will for them. Write down the characteristics or qualities that you feel would hinder you from seeing God’s will for you.Do you see any of the same qualities in yourself? Ask God to weed out these characteristics in your life.


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Publisher: True Jesus Church