After the exodus of Israelites
from Egypt,
because of their unbelieving heart, the Israelites wandered in the wilderness
for forty years and finally came back to the plain of Moab. At that time, under
leadership of Moses the people arrived at the border of the promised
land. After encouraging and blessing the people, Moses went up to MountNebo and died there, hence ending
his working life. Later, Joshua succeeded the leadership to lead the people to
enter into the promised land and to possess the lands.
Once Joshua received the laying of
hands by Moses on his head (Num 27:22, 23), he was filled with the spirit of
wisdom (Deut 34:9). He continued the unfinished task left behind by Moses. This
book describes how Joshua led the people crossing the river, entering into Canaan,
conquering the Canaanites, and distributing the lands to the people.
The theme of the book is “victory
and possession of the lands.” From this book, every believer will learn how to
live a victorious life and to inherit the spiritual kingdom in heaven.