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P. The land occupied by the children of Ephraim (chapter 16)

P.  The land occupied by the children of Ephraim (chapter 16).

1.       The descendants of Joseph received double portions of possession (1-4).

 a.      Joseph was one who feared God. When he was young, the brothers envied and sold him to Egypt. However, God raised him to become a prime minister of Egyptian Pharaoh. Later, during a great famine, he received and provided livelihood to the whole household of Jacob in Goshen. At his old age, Jacob established the two sons of Joseph so that they could inherit the possession together with the other children of Jacob.

 b.      The descendants of Joseph received the land by drawing lots (). Later the southern land was given to the tribe of Ephraim and the northern land to the tribe of Manasseh.

 c.      The blessings of Jacob and Moses to Joseph (Gen 49:25, 26; Deut 33:13-16).

2.       The land occupied by the children of Ephraim.

 a.      Ephraim was the second son of Joseph but Jacob made him above Manasseh (Gen 48:12-20).

 b.      The land for the children of Ephraim. The various cities at the centre part of Canaan including the holy city, Shiloh, which housed the tabernacle. It was a religious centre as well as the centre of the life of the Israelites (18:1).

 c.      The Ephraimites were not satisfied with the land.

(a)     The borders were too narrow. They were a great people. The land was not sufficient for them (, 15).

(b)     Most parts were mountainous and they had to cut down woods (, , 20:7, 24:33).

(c)     A good strategic place having advantages of attacks and defends. However, in order to occupy the land, they had to pay a great price by driving out the Canaanites ().

 d.      In history, Ephraimites received a lot of blessings. However, they lost them later (Ps 78:67-70). In Revelation, the name of Ephraim was not listed (Rev 7:1-8).

(a)     The commander Joshua was a leader of Ephraimites. Gilgal and Shiloh were the centre of politic and education. Ephraimites were rejected due to their pride (Hos 7:8-11, 15-16).

(b)     During the period of Judges, Ephraimites strived with Gideon and Jephthah. Many of them were killed in battles.

(c)     They envied their brothers and killed each other (Isa 9:21; 1 Kgs 11:25-33).

(d)     Idols worshipping (Micah—Judg 17:1-6; Jeroboam—1 Kgs , -33; Joel 13:1).

(e)     The description of Ephraimites in the book Hosea: defiled harlots (Hosea 5:3), lack of goodness (6:4), hired lovers (8:9), lies and deception (), desolation (12:1), deceitful business (12:7, 8), and killing ().

·         *To treasure the promises and the blessings of God (Rom ; Jer 28:8-10).

3.       Joshua’s encouragement to Ephraimites (-18).

 a.      If their people were too many and had insufficient place for dwelling, they should go up to the land of the giants and cut down the woods there to build houses for their dwelling.

 b.      “Though the Canaanites had iron chariots and they were strong, you shall be able to drive them out.”

(a)     The children of Manasseh and Ephraim shall help each other to tackle their problems.


Author: Pr. Tae-Hoon Jung