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D. Encamped at Gilgal: Part 1 (chapter 4)

D.  Encamped at Gilgal: Part 1 (chapter 4).

Josh —entered Canaan and camped at Gilgal.

1.     Set up stones as sign and memorial.

 a.      The first thing after crossing the river Jordan was not to forget God’s grace.

(a)     Each tribe sent a man to take a stone from where the priests stood in the river to be set up at their camp at Gilgal (3-5, 8).

 b.      Remember God’s deliverance in leading the people across Jordan, and thus ending their life of wandering (Deut 8:11, 18; Ps 116:12).

 c.      All the people crossed the river and were delivered and were grateful.

 d.      As a memorial for generations (6-7; Gen 18:19; Ps 28:4-7; Isa 54:13).

(a)     Set up another twelve stones at where the priests stood (9).

 e.      Immersed into the water, discarding the old self and starting a new life.

 f.       Believed in the Lord and all is renewed (2 Cor 5:17; Gal 2:20, 6:15; Col 3:1-10; Eph 4:20-24).

2.    The warriors from the two and a half tribes (12, 13).

 a.      Protect the brethren to cross the river smoothly, help out in the battle, and gain victory before return (Num 26:7, 18:34).

(a)     Brothers should care for one another.

 b.      Be vigilant always and be on guard against the enemies.

(a)     Be vigilant always to resist the devil (1 Pet 5:8).

(b)     Put on the full armor (Eph 6:10-18).

3.    The priests came out from the water (15-18).

 c.      Followed the command of God and Joshua (Ps 119:105; 1 Sam 15:22; Jn 2:5).

 d.      The priests first went into the river and stood firm; allowing the people to cross the river.

 e.      When they came up out of the river, the water again overflowed the banks (18).

(a)     The miracle was not coincidental.

4.    The people camped at Gilgal (19-24).

 f.       Entered Canaan on the tenth day of the first month, completing forty years of journey out of Egypt (Ex 12:6, 41-42).

 g.      Set up the stones as a memorial, to relate to their children about the miracle of God in leading them across the Red Sea and the river Jordan.

 h.      Allow all people of the earth to know about God’s almighty hand (24, 51).

 i.        So that the people will fear God forever (24).

 j.        So that Joshua will be exalted in the eyes of all Israel (3:7, 4:14).


Author: Pr. Tae-Hoon Jung