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Lesson 12

Lesson 12

I.       Observation

A.     Outline

Jesus’ Traveling Ministry and His Followers (8:1-3)

The Parable of the Sower (8:4-15)

Declaration of the parable (4-8)

Purpose of parables (9-10)

Explanation of the parable (11-15)

A Lamp on A Lampstand (8:16-18)

Jesus’ Mother and Brothers (8:19-21)

B.     Key Words/Phrases

Glad tidings, kingdom of God, parable, seed, wayside, rock, thorns, good ground, see, hear, understand, word of God, heart, lamp, lampstand, light, secret/hidden, revealed/be known and come to light, given, taken, do.

II.    Segment Analysis

1. See verses 1-3.

2. Luke makes special mention of the women among Jesus’ followers. While women were often neglected in those days, they played an important role in supporting Jesus’ ministry. These women became disciples because of their great debt of love to the Lord (2).

3. Everyone who hears of the message of the gospel must open his heart to accept it. The Lord’s solemn declaration beckons us to pay careful attention and accept the message of the gospel (Heb 2:1-3). We have been blessed with the opportunity to understand the gospel of salvation (Mt 13:16). So we must humbly receive it and act upon it. But those who do not respond to the Lord’s beckoning will have no part in God’s kingdom.

4. Parables serve a dual purpose of revealing and concealing (cf. Mt 13:10-15, 35). They reveal the mysteries of God’s kingdom to believers but conceal them from the hard-hearted.

5. Generally speaking, “mystery” refers to God’s plan and purpose, which no one can know except through God’s revelation. Specifically, the mystery is the gospel of salvation of Christ through which Gentiles and Israelites alike become heirs of God’s kingdom (1Cor 2:7; Eph 3:6; Col 1:26,27). This message is a mystery because it was hidden for ages and is still hidden from the unbelievers.

6b. See verses 12 and 15.

7. So that those who hear may believe and be saved (cf. 12).

8. The gospel of the kingdom meets with various kinds of responses. The same message has no effect on some for one reason or another, while it bears fruit in others. The condition of a person’s heart determines whether God’s word will have effect on him and whether he is worthy of God’s kingdom.

9. cf. Lk 7:47-48 and the corresponding explanations in Lesson 10.

10a. They distract us from continual learning and practice of God’s word. Likewise, it is impossible to serve God while letting our minds be preoccupied with worries, wealth, and enjoyment (cf. Lk 16:13). These earthly pursuits will make our spiritual lives unfruitful and ineffective (cf. 2Pet 1:8).

11a. We must hear God’s word and accept it with humility and sincerity.

11b. We must persist in living out God’s word, although doing so would involve great hardship, and the benefit may not be immediately apparent.

12. We can know what kind of soil we have by looking at whether we bear fruit. If we truly accept and live by God’s word, the life of God becomes manifest in us, just as the seed in the good soil thrives and bears fruit. We will live a new life in the image of God and dedicate our lives to His service.

13a. Matthew records this saying in a different context (Mt 5:14-16), referring to the good conduct of believers (cf. Eph 5:8; Php 2:15). In the context of this passage in Luke, however, the light may also refer to God’s word (cf. Ps 119:105).

13b. Based on the context, there are two possible meanings to verse 17. On the one hand, the light of God’s word reveals the mysteries of God’s kingdom. On the other hand, it reveals the motives of men’s hearts, bringing to light either faith or unbelief. (cf. Heb 4:12-13).

14. This verse echoes verse 10. We must make a careful decision when we hear the gospel message. If we accept the message of God’s kingdom, we will receive even greater knowledge about God’s will. But if our hearts are calloused, we will not be able to see and understand the mystery of God’s kingdom.

15. Jesus was not speaking in terms of family relationships in this world. Neither did he deny his own earthly family. He regarded spiritual ties with the believers as far more important than the earthly family. Those who hear and do the will of the heavenly Father identify themselves as members of God’s household and thereby become members of Jesus’ spiritual family.


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