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Lesson 16

Lesson 16

I.       Observation

A.     Outline

Parable of the Good Samaritan (10:25-37)

Martha and Mary (10:38-42)

Teachings on Prayer (11:1-13)

What to pray for (1-4)

Persistence in prayer (5-13)

B.     Key Words/Phrases

Inherit eternal life, do this and you will live, compassion, neighbor, mercy, go and do likewise, heard His word, worried and troubled, good part, pray, name, kingdom, will, forgive, deliver, persistence, ask, seek, knock, Holy Spirit.

II.    Segment Analysis

1. Obey the commandments, the sum of which is to love God wholeheartedly and to love our neighbors as ourselves (cf. Mt 19:16-17; 22:34-40; Mk 12:28-34; Lev 18:5). While this is God’s requirement for inheriting eternal life, it does not mean that we can be justified by our works. In fact, no one can be justified by keeping the law because all have sinned (Rom 3:19-20). While we must carry out God’s commandments, we are saved by grace through faith (Eph 2:8-10).

2. The lawyer, thinking that he had observed God’s law perfectly and deserved eternal life, tried to justify himself. In response, the Lord gave the parable in order to correct such self-justification.

3a. The use of a priest and a Levite in the parable was most likely directed at the common misconception of the religious class of Jesus’ time who kept the details of the law but neglected the spirit of love behind God’s commandments (cf. Mt 12:7; 23:23).

3b.       1. To humble the self-righteous Jews who despised the Samaritans as religiously impure.             2. To show that God looks at a person’s heart rather than his religious or social standing.

5. The lawyer’s question, “And who is my neighbor?” indicates that he understood the command to love our neighbors in a passive sense. He thought that he needed to love only those who came to him for help. But Jesus corrected him by pointing out that he has to take the active role of being a good neighbor by initiating acts of mercy and compassion toward everyone who is in need.

8. She was distracted (40), worried, and troubled (41). Consequently, she complained to the Lord and accused her sister.

9. Sitting at Jesus’ feet and hearing His word. Learning and doing the Lord’s words takes priority even over zealous service.

10. Martha tried to take on too many tasks of service and lost sight of the one thing that was most important. As disciples, we need to regard learning and doing God’s word as of first importance. The Lord’s commendation of Mary, however, does not suggest that we should neglect our duties. Rather, it teaches us that it is better to hold on to the most important thing than to be upset by many things and overlook our priorities.

11. The Lord set a personal example by leading a life of prayer (1). This motivated the disciple’s desire to learn more about prayer.

12a. He is our Father (cf. 13).

12b. We need to honor God’s authority by carrying out His will in our lives.

12c. We should depend on God daily for our day-to-day needs, both material and spiritual.

12d. 1. We need to ask forgiveness because we often fall short of God’s command. 2. Before we ask God for forgiveness, we need to first forgive everyone who has sinned against us (cf. Mt 18:21-35).

12e. It is by God’s power, not our own strengths, that we can withstand trials and temptations (Lk 22:31-34; 1Cor 10:12-13; 2Tim 4:18; 1Pet 5:10).

12f. As royal priests (1Pet 2:9; Rev 1:6; 5:10), we ought to offer petitions on behalf of the community of believers as well as all mankind.

13. The Lord’s prayer exemplifies His teaching that we should seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness (Mt 6:33). God’s glory is always our first concern, and spiritual needs come before physical ones.

14. Prayer involves humility, patience, and importunity.

15. God’s loving kindness, which greatly surpasses that of our earthly fathers, assures us that He would listen to our prayers and give us the best gifts (Rom 8:32).

16. 1. Receiving the Holy Spirit involves asking in prayer. 2. The Holy Spirit is a precious gift that God wants to give us and that we should ask for earnestly.

17. Seeking God’s kingdom and righteousness first. Persistence. Patience. Importunity.


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