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Lesson 30

Lesson 30

I.       Observation

A.     Outline

Jesus’ Arrest (22:47-53)

Peter’s Denial (22:54-62)

Mockery and Beating (22:63-65)

Trial before the Jewish Council (22:66-71)

Trial before Pilate and Herod (23:1-25)

The Crucifixion (23:26-43)

Jesus’ Death (23:44-49)

Jesus’ Burial (23:50-56)

B.     Key Words/Phrases

“This is your hour,” the power of darkness, followed at a distance, denied, “the Lord turned and looked at Peter,” wept bitterly, the Christ, the Son of Man, sit on the right hand of the power of God, Son of God, King of the Jews, “I found no fault in this man,” voices…prevailed, he delivered Jesus to their will.

II.    Segment Analysis

1. An expression of intimate friendship was used for betrayal.

2. Although the power of evil and darkness ruled, the Lord Jesus was not a helpless victim. Rather, He submitted to God’s sovereign will and handed Himself willingly to His arresters.

3a. The Lord told the disciple who cut off the ear of the high priest’s servant, “Permit even this,” and healed the servant. Thus, the healing demonstrated to the arresters and the disciples that the Lord had no intention of resisting the evildoers or retaliating against them. The Lord’s remarkable behavior stood in great contrast to the heavily armed multitude (52).

4. He followed the Lord at a distance. He sat down among the crowd. As much as he had determined to follow the Lord unto death, Peter shrank in fear under such an adverse circumstance.

7a. Peter remembered the Lord’s words when the Lord turned and looked at him. The Lord did not say a word, and neither was He angry at Peter. But His gaze was enough to awaken Peter. While Peter had been busy protecting his life from danger, the Lord’s gaze into his eyes brought Peter’s attention back to his relationship with the Lord. Peter, realizing that he had just denied the Lord so insistently, must have immediately felt conscience-stricken and disappointed with himself.

8. They despised Him because His wretched condition and non-resistance seemed contrary to the people’s claim that He was a great prophet.

9a. Whether Jesus was the Christ.

9b. The message behind Jesus’ teachings and deeds was clear—that He was the Christ, and the religious leaders were well aware of this. That is why this issue was the foremost concern for these leaders. Nevertheless, they never believed Him, and they had made up their mind to condemn Him.

10a. They considered Jesus’ claim to be the Christ a blasphemy (Mt  26:65).

11. See verses 2 and 5.

12a. Based on reports about Jesus, Herod expected Jesus to be a powerful miracle worker. When Jesus did not comply with his demands, Herod probably concluded that Jesus was not the great prophet he thought He was. Therefore, his curious admiration of Jesus immediately turned into scorn.

13. The Lord did not retaliate or make threats even though He could have easily defended Himself against the accusers. Instead, He entrusted Himself to God’s sovereign will (1Pet 3:23).

14a. The Lord was warning these women about the coming desolation of Jerusalem (cf. 9:41-44). Its destruction would be so dreadful and cruel that the people of Jerusalem should pity themselves and their children.

14b. The analogy and green wood versus dry wood is a contrast in the degree of suffering. If Jesus suffered such cruelty under a just government, how much more horrible would it be for the people of Jerusalem when the enemy ruthlessly destroys the city.

15. 1. Forgiveness comes from an understanding that the offense was done out of ignorance—an ignorance of God’s love and of the serious consequence of sin. 2. True forgiveness involves praying for the offender (Mt 5:44).

16. While they were aware of Jesus’ healing ministry, they did not realize that Christ’s ministry was ultimately for the purpose of saving God’s people from sin through His atoning death. They thought that if Jesus was the Christ, He would not have died such a pitiful death. Therefore, His death on the cross seemed foolish to them (cf. 1Cor 1:18).

17. He knew and believed that the Lord would come as the King. He was repentant of his own wrong doing and pleaded with the Lord for forgiveness.

18. God readily forgives and saves a repentant sinner regardless of how much sin he has committed. Such gracious gift of forgiveness is central to the Gospel of Luke (e.g. 7:36-50; 15:1-31; 19:1-10).

19. The tearing of the curtain in the Holy Place from top to bottom is symbolic of the reconciliation between God and men. Because of Christ’s atonement, we can now come to God directly without the mediation of priests (Heb 4:16; 6:19; 10:19-22)

20. The prayers and words of the Lord on the cross as well as the supernatural phenomena surrounding the crucifixion demonstrated that He was no ordinary man, but the Son of God (cf. Mt 27:54). Even the centurion, a Gentile, came to this conclusion by observing all that had taken place. Thus, through His death, the Lord Jesus brought glory to God. 

22. They did not forsake the Lord despite His death, but followed and served Him to the very end. They did so because of their gratitude to the Lord. We ought to likewise persist in our love for the Lord even at times when serving Him brings no apparent reward.


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