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 (Galatians to Colossians)
Lesson 10

Lesson 10

I.       Observation

A.     Outline

Two Ways (7:13-14)

Two Trees (7:15-23)

The hypocrisy of false prophets (15-20)

Mere confession versus doing God’s will (21-23)

Two Builders (7:24-27)

The Crowd’s Amazement (7:28-29)

B.     Key Words/Phrases

Narrow gate, life, only a few, bearing good fruit, does the will of My Father in heaven, I never knew you, build on the rock, astonished, authority.

II.    General Analysis

1a. Narrow/wide gate; small/broad road; destruction/life; many/few; sheep/wolves; grapes/thornbushes; figs/thistles; good/bad; say/do; wise/foolish; rock/sand; did not fall/great was its fall.

1b. These contrasts emphasize the truth that there is a definite criterion for entrance into God’s kingdom. The contrasts also bring to our attention the drastically different endings of the two types of followers of Christ.

2. It is those who abide by God’s will, not those who claim to know God, who are in the kingdom of heaven.

III. Segment Analysis

1a. Verse 14 says that the road that leads to life is difficult. While obeying our desires (the wide gate and broad way) is much easier, following Christ and God’s will is often harsh and restrictive (the narrow gate and difficult way). Being in God’s kingdom involves suffering for righteousness’ sake and enduring persecution (5:10-12,44; 10:16-39; 24:4-13; Acts 14:22).

1b. Having found the one true church of salvation, we need to accept the truth and determine to obey God’s will all our lives. We must follow Christ regardless of the cost, be it self-denial, persecution, restrictions, or hardships.

2. We can recognize whether a prophet is from God by observing whether he truly practices God’s words.

Confessing Christ does not guarantee our place in God’s kingdom.

Having divine gifts does not necessarily mean that God is pleased with us.

Doing God’s will is of upmost importance.

3. In order to bear good fruits through our good deeds, we need to first be “good trees.” This means that we need to examine ourselves spiritually and make sure that we have good motives and are receptive of God’s word (Prov 4:23; Mt 12:33-35; 13:23).

4. The knowing here is more than mere recognition, but an intimate knowledge of someone. The Bible uses such language to refer to God’s closeness to those He loves (Deut 34:10; 1Cor 8:3). By the same token, Christ would also say to those that displease him, “I do not know you” (25:12; Lk 13:25,27).

5a. On the surface, these people were zealously serving God, but God was not pleased with them. To God, rebellion and disobedience is as evil as witchcraft and idolatry (1Sam 15:23).

5b. While it is important to accomplish much for God, we need to examine ourselves constantly to see if our thoughts, speech, attitude, motive, and deeds are pleasing to God (see 1Cor 9:27; 1Tim 4:16). We cannot use divine gifts as a measure of our standing before God because they are given to accomplish God’s work rather than to serve as a sign of  a person’s closeness with God. Instead of putting our confidence in divine gifts, we must be obedient in every aspect of our lives in order to be acceptable.

6. They could refer to any form of test that may come to a believer, including persecution (13:21), cares of this world, deceitfulness of riches (13:22), and trial from God (1Cor 3:13).

7. An intellectual understanding of God’s word without diligence and self-discipline cannot help us in times of trial. Spiritual maturity comes by constant training (Heb 5:14). It is also in living out God’s word that we and others around us can experience God’s power and blessings (Jas 1:22-25; 2:14-17).

8. The Lord often referred to Himself as the authority behind His teachings with the words “I tell you….” He also calls the heavenly Father “my Father” (7:21). Not only so, He claims that obedience to His words is necessary for entering God’s kingdom.

Jesus’ words also carried divine power because God was with Him and worked with Him through the Spirit (Lk 4:18; Acts 10:38).

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