I remember….I remember....
A pair of eyes above mine, watching..
Clear eyes....beautiful and loving.
A tender voice whispering to me…
“Just sleep...all’s fine, you’ll see.”
Gay laughter shimmering in the air around me....
Sharing with me my joy, my glee.
Gentle hands upon my fevered brow....
Soothing and oh! - so cooling.
Did I ever ask - What is the Kingdom of God?
If I ever did, I’d say it is –
The lovely eyes, the tender voice, the laughter,
And those soothing hands upon my brow.
I remember….I remember....
A steady hand held out to me.... Helping me to cope, encouraging me.
A loving face smiling down at me.
“Take your time... .you can do it, you’ll see.”
Confidence lost, depression and stress....
“Keep looking forward,” her firm voice impressed.
The joy of success, attainment and achievement!
Her triumph echoed mine….such satisfaction!
Did I ever ask - what is the Kingdom of God?
If I ever did, I’d say it is -
The encouragement, the patience, the confidence,
And all the joy we shared.
I remember....I remember….
The stern looks, the cane in her hands....
Oh, how fearsome, her looks and her stance.
The raised voice, giving me final warning....
Before I would have to pay for misbelieving.
The admonishments the voice of disapproval....
Squashing the brash young rebel. The disciplinarian, reprimanding and
Pulling me back before I go too far in erring.
Did I ever ask - what is the Kingdom of God?
If I ever did, I’d say it is - That cane, the warnings, the punishments,
And the discipline for my soul.
I remember....I remember....
That loving, tender face in pain....
The eyes closing, never to open again.
That study figure looking white and frail....
Lying in a box - finally closed with a nail.
“...for out of dust you were taken...and to dust you shall return.”
Did I ever ask - what is the Kingdom of God?
If I ever did, I’d say it is - Part of that loving figure... .now
Home forever, Embodied in the life she lived.