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 (Living Waters 1990 Fall)
Open Their Eyes


            “... to open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the Power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me” (Acts 26:18)

When Paul was chosen by God, he was instructed to spend his fife as an apostle to the Gentiles, so that they would receive blessings through knowing Jesus.

 I. Open Their Eyes

Science demands evidence and proof as a basis for belief.  Otherwise, beliefs are considered superstition, Some people pursue religion in the same manner as they would science; however, their efforts prove fruitless and time-consuming.  There are things that cannot be seen, but this does not mean they do not exist.  For example, neither air nor love can be seen, yet both exist.  Faith is the pursuit of a metaphysical spiritual realm - though it cannot be seen, it does exist.  When Paul was on the road to Damascus to persecute Christians, a glorious bright light shone on him, causing him to fall to the ground, and temporarily blinding his physical eyes.  However, it was then that his spiritual eyes were opened; he began to recognize that Jesus Christ is God and Savior, and that knowledge of Him is of surpassing worth (Acts 26:13-15; Phil 3:8).

The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.  After Jesus ascended into heaven, the Holy Spirit descended.  It lives within our heart and opens our spiritual eyes so that we may see the mystery of the spiritual world and the value of eternity.  On earth, everyone is blind; in Christ we will can see (I Cor 2:6-12; Eph 1:17,18).

II. Return from Darkness to Light

            'My days are like a shadow that lengthens.... ' (Ps 102: 11)

After the sun sets, darkness sets in.  While death is the equivalent of entering darkness, the light of life is Jesus.  Life is in Him.  He said, "I am the resurrection and the fife.  He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.  And whoever fives and believes in Me shall never die" (John 11:25,26).

            'The night is far spent; the day is at hand.  Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armor of light.' (Rom 13:12)

The rise of evolution and the development of humanism displaced God from man's heart.  Man became own master, thus supplanting God’s position.  Because human values are constantly changing with time and place, human morals began to deviate from God's standard.  From a human standpoint, mankind has become more and more civilized.  In God's eyes, though, sins have multiplied from day to day and the world is full of darkness.  Human lives are full of licentiousness, lewdness, debauchery, drunkenness, dissension and jealousy.  People live their lives according to their own fleshly lusts.  After we have come to know Jesus, relying on his words as truth and being filled with His spirit, we will gradually be able to control our lustful desires, remove any evil habits, and dwell in the light of goodness, righteousness, and truth (Rom 13:11-14; Eph 5:8-14).

III. Turn from the Power of Satan to God

The earthly world is composed of over a hundred countries; the spiritual world has only two: God's kingdom and Satan's kingdom.  Human beings can belong to only one or the other.  Satan is the devil, an evil power that controls the whole world.  He incites people to rebel against God, commit sin, and thereby become enemies of Him. Living under sin is the equivalent of living under Satan's control and in the anger of God; this in turn separates us from God's life and blessings, making life a tragedy (Eph 6:12,13).

Jesus came to this world to spread the heavenly gospel.  His resurrection from death was proof that all the authority under heaven and on earth belonged to Him.  He is the gate of heaven, delivering those who believe and are baptized from the power and authority f Satan.  He unites us with God and gives us a part in God's kingdom, to enjoy His abundant grace (John 10:9; Rom 5:8-11).

IV. Receive Forgiveness of Sins

According to the Bible, all people in the world are sinners - By God's standard, all have sinned and fallen short of His glory.  The wages of sin is death for the soul and the body.  Death of the flesh is a return to dust; death of the soul is eternal punishment in hen after God's judgment.  However, Jesus was born into the world in order to save all people.  According to the law, nearly everything imperfect must be cleansed with blood for remission.  Jesus offered himself to be crucified on the cross and shed his precious blood, thereby becoming a fountain for the remission of sins.  Those who receive Him as their Savior will obtain justification and the stature of God's sonship, receive the Holy Spirit as evidence of their position, enjoy abundant grace in this world, and obtain salvation in the future (Rom 3:23; 5:12-14; Heb 9:22; Gal 3:26-29).

V. Receive an Inheritance Among Those Who Are Sanctified

While King Solomon lived, he had unsurpassed wisdom, fame, wealth, enjoyment, and respect.  These things were the ideals for others of his era to pursue and envy. Yet, before he left this world, he concluded that human life was vanity.  Humans come into this world empty-handed.  Similarly, we die empty-handed.  Everything is like a sweet dream.  Upon awakening from the dream, we discover all is  vanity and a striving after wind (Eccles 1:2). At Jesus' second coming all the elements will be consumed by a great inferno.  A new heaven and a new earth will appear with righteousness in their midst.  The magnificence of that kingdom is beyond our comprehension.  When Jesus descends from heaven, all the saints will be resurrected, be transformed into spiritual bodies, and be lifted up into heaven to live together enjoying eternal grace and happiness.  This is mankind's last and greatest hope.

Every believer who remains holy and follows the Word of God will meet with Him in the heavenly kingdom to share His glory and rule with Him forever (2 Pet 3:8-13). Life on earth is brief; life in heaven is eternal.  Life on earth is vain and toilsome; in the heavenly kingdom is eternal rest and joy (Rev 21:3-5).

In Christ, we live in the light, have eternal life, and have God's spirit to renew our lives.

In Christ, we belong to God and become His precious children.

In Christ, our sins are forgiven, and we become justified and sanctified.

In Christ, we have the hope of entering the heavenly kingdom, to enjoy everlasting happiness and grace.

May the Lord open our spiritual eyes, so that we may recognize the surpassing worth of knowing Jesus.
