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 (Living Waters 1980 Volume 2)
The Editor's Preface


In this issue we have touched upon some fundamental aspects of Christian faith today: the unity and genuine faith acceptable to God.  The "unity" in Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians is built upon the relation between God and the Church, the Lord and His disciples, and finally, upon the relation among Christians themselves.  To be sure, the good news of the Kingdom will give peace and concord to those who worship God in Spirit and truth.  Although not all Christians keep the Lord's commandments, the unity of the Spirit and faith seems to be the key to the unity of God and man, man and man.  Furthermore, every Christian is supposed to be fervent and always of clear conscience before God, just as the Holy Spirit has urged us to do so. The article "Be Zealous and Repent" rightly points out that self-complacency and spiritual blindness undermine our faith. It would be a blessing to us if we can make a self - examination of the substance of our faith and our spiritual growth.  Indeed, one must strive to enter the kingdom of God (Matthew 11:12; Philippians 3:12).  If we can humbly listen to God and be the doers of His word as obedient children of God,, peace, harmony, and felicity would always shine upon us.

It goes without saying that those who have stood firmly on the foundation of the most holy faith must be Christian soldiers at all times.  The article "Be Gallant in Faith" in this issue concerns the ways to achieve "faith, hope, love" in a Christian's consecrated life.  From the Scriptural teaching, it reminds us that a believer's life must be rooted in the grace and power of God.

One of the central themes about salvation in the Bible is how much one knows Jesus and how one must be born again (John 3:3-8, Titus 3:5).  First of all, one must comprehend who the Lord Jesus is and how one can call upon Him.  Paul Wong's article "The True God in Christ," the second of the series dealing with the oneness of God, is both revealing and compelling.  He delineates for us the identity of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Heavenly Father in a simple and evocative language.  We are grateful to him for the ample and convincing scriptural evidence which illuminates the mystery of the Godhead.

Shane Lee's "Water Baptism and Salvation" gives us an insight into how one can find access to the wondrous redemptive plan of God.  It is a common knowledge that grace is given through the blood of the Lord Jesus and the faith of man.  Salvation is actualized in the Cross and is carried out by the belief and obedience of the believers.  The Name (Acts 22:16, 10:48, 19:5), the blood (I John 5:6-7), the Spirit (I John 5:6-8, Genesis 1:2), the Word (Ephesians 5:26, James 1:18) of the Lord would be present in the particular "One Baptism" (Ephesians 4:5).  Shane Lee has pointedly answered a series of questions for us about the true function of water baptism in the divine scheme of salvation.

The reader would find himself or herself encouraged by the heartwarming testimonies included in this issue.  Signs, wonders, and various miracles are aspects of the Lord's grace.  We submit that the true message is usually accompanied and followed by miracles (Hebrews 2:1-4, Mark 16:16-20, 2 Corinthians 12:12).  However, we must distinguish the true miracles from the false ones (Exodus 7:8-12, 20-22, 8:5-7, Revelation 13:12-15).  We must look into whether the message is in accordance with the teaching of the Lord Jesus and the apostles.  After all, it is the Truth rather than the spectacular event that gives true freedom and eternal life.
