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 (Living Waters 1983 Volume 2)
The Editor's Preface

The Editor's Preface

"Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle?" (Jn 4:12) This was the question the woman of Samaria posed to our Lord Jesus.  She found herself unable to comprehend when Jesus told her that whosoever drinks of the water drawn from Jacob's well shall thirst again but "Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." (Jn 4:14) This important message is reiterated in John 7:37-38.  Thank God for His wonderful guidance. We are pleased to send you this belated issue of the Living Water which we hope will serve as a vehicle by which we may draw ourselves ever closer to the fountain of the Holy Spirit and drink there from.

The most important event in the study of cosmology in the past fifty years is perhaps the discovery of the pervasive radiation in the universe.  Its discovery is a fascinating scientific detective story par excellence.  It has yielded crucial information to scientists who ponder the cosmological origin of our universe.  One of the most discussed topics on university campuses today is the theory of the "Big Bang".  This theory suggests that if a person had a film of the development of the universe and ran it backward through a projector, everything would move closer together.  Something, therefore, must have exploded at the beginning to send everything flying apart.  Some scientists have theorized that the explosion was the result of such extraordinarily high temperatures that remnants of the radiation emitted then would still be present in the universe.  Modern science, born in Europe during the Scientific Revolution in thel6th and 17th centuries, was initially an effort to comprehend God's wonderful creation.  After centuries of diligent pursuit, its focal attention remains the mystery of creation,

Also included in this issue is a timely contribution by Paul Wong on the question of Christmas, Christmas is a time of festivities and excitement for many people, Christians and non-Christians alike, in this country.  This originally pagan holiday has become an integral part of an ordinary person's lifestyle.  Any criticism of its celebration is often unwelcome.  We sincerely hope that all Christians study this article carefully and with an open mind.  For, unless we strive to return to the Bible, we risk the possibility of drifting further away from the Truth

A special thanks must be given to our beloved young brothers and sisters in Hawaii who have contributed unstintingly to the Living Water.  We cordially request prayers for and contributions in various forms from all our Christian friends to the future publication of this Journal.  Manuscripts of short articles, testimonies, poem, prayers, and appropriate graphic designs are all welcome.  We will also be happy to consider any color photograph with a "Living Water” theme - photographs of brooks, rivers, or oceans - for possible adoption as our future cover.  May peace, joy, and grace of our Lord Jesus be with you and your family.
