Paul Wong
I recently saw a bumper sticker
which reads: "Keep Christ in Christmas." Deeply religious Christians
all over the world are greatly concerned about the way Christmas is being
celebrated nowadays. They contend that,
since Christmas is a Christian holiday, the Lord Jesus Christ should be the
center of all the celebrations, Then, there are other groups of Christians in
various countries who question whether Christians should celebrate Christmas
and whether the Lord Jesus Christ was ever in Christmas at all. What I shall present to you in this essay may
not seem as a gift all wrapped up in tinsel or multi-colored paper, but it is
the undeniable truth.
First of all, the word 'Christmas'
cannot be found in the Holy Bible. This
word originated from the Roman Catholic Church.
It is a combination of the two words "Christ" and
"Mass" The idea of Christmas was carried over to the Reformation and ProtestantChurches although they do not believe in
the Catholic Mass. It seems inconsistent
for Christians to celebrate Christmas when they do not believe in the Mass at
Secondly, the Lord Jesus Christ
never celebrated His own birthday. His
own family, relatives, friends, apostles and disciples did not celebrate His
birthday. One cannot find a single
reference in the entire New Testament where the EarlyChurch
ever celebrated Christmas. According to
church historians, Christmas was not celebrated during the first three
centuries after the death of our Lord Jesus Christ. Christians who are of the apostolic faith
should follow the apostolic tradition of not celebrating Christmas.
Thirdly, nobody knows the exact
date of the Lord Jesus Christ's birthday.
Does it ever occur to you that God may not want Christians to celebrate
the birthday of the Lord Jesus Christ?
If God had wanted us to celebrate Christ's birthday, would He not reveal
the exact date to us? He has constantly
revealed the seventh day of the week as the Sabbath and He has commanded man to
keep this day holy unto Him. This is the
Fourth Commandment. The Lord Jesus
Christ has commanded His disciples to remember His death by observing Holy
Communion, but He was completely silent about remembering His birthday. Should Christians do something which they are
not told to do? I don't think so.
Fourth, the date December 25th was
a pagan holiday. The Roman pagans were
celebrating a week-long festival known as Saturnalia from December 17 through
24. Immediately following this festival
is the Brumalial the birth of the Unconquered Sun
which falls on December 25. Since the
Roman pagans were fanatical sun worshippers, the Brumalia
was considered one of their most important festivals. In order to make the new Christian religion
easily acceptable to the pagan converts, the Roman Catholic Church transferred
the pagan festival to a Christian holiday by changing the worship of the
sun-god Mithras to the Son of God, Jesus Christ. What does the Word of God say about mixing
pagan worship with Christianity?
2 Corinthians 6:14-18 states, "Do not be unequally yoked together with
unbelievers. For what fellowship has
righteousness with lawlessness? And what
communion has light with darkness? And
what accord has Christ with Belial? Or
what part has he who believes with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God
with idols? For you are
the temple of the living God. As
God has said: I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people. Therefore
come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will
receive you. I will be a Father to you,
and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord
Furthermore, the pilgrims who
landed on Plymouth Rock in 1621 A.D. were Puritans who did not celebrate
Christmas. They were persecuted for
their puritanic beliefs in England,
so they set sail on the Mayflower with the hope that they could have religious
freedom in America. Wouldn't the pilgrim
fathers be greatly disappointed if they knew that their puritanic teachings about keeping strictly to the Holy
Bible would not be followed by Americans in the days to come.
There is an important truth about
the Lord Jesus Christ which Christians must always remember. Although Jesus came into this world as a man,
He is actually the Almighty God.
Colossians 2:9 states, "For in Him dwells all the fullness of the
Godhead bodily." He declared himself as God when He said, "I and My
Father are One." (Jn
10:30) The Lord also claimed to have existed long before His birth. In John 8:56-58 our Lord told His
contemporaries, "Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My
day, and he saw it and was glad." Then the Jews said to Him, "You are
not yet fifty years old, and have you seen Abraham?" Jesus said to them,
"Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I Am." When the
Lord said, "I AM" He was proclaiming His self existence from eternity
to eternity. Hebrews 7:3 states that the
Lord Jesus Christ has "neither beginning of days nor end of life." In
Micah 5:2, there is a prophecy that, although Jesus Christ was to be born in Bethlehem, His
"Goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting." Only God's
creatures have birthdays. Birth means
the beginning of life. The Bible states
that the Lord Jesus Christ does not have a beginning of life. His coming to this world is only a phase of
His eternal existence. Celebrating the
Lord's birthday is to regard Him as an ordinary human being. He is the One and only Eternal True God.