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 (Manna 8)
Jesus Healed the Official's Son

Jesus Healed the Official’s Son

Jesus is a merciful and almighty physician. During His earthly ministry He performed many miracles which attracted many people to Him. Many of His miracles have spiritual teachings. In this bible study we will examine the miracle recorded in John 4:46-54.

I.       So He Came Again to Cana in Galilee (verse 46a)

The Lord Jesus testified to the Samaritan woman that He was the Messiah who gives the living water. Through the testimony of this woman many believed in the Lord. The people requested Jesus to stay but He stayed only two days. After that He departed for Galilee, because there was more important work for Him to do in Cana (Jn 4:39-43). It was at a wedding feast in this obscure town that Jesus had previously turned water into wine. In Cana now He healed an official’s son. On this small town Jesus had bestowed grace upon grace.


1.       Jesus worked very hard daily while He was on earth. We should follow His example and work diligently for the Kingdom. Wherever we go, we should share with men the grace of the Lord. A person who knows Christ should testify for Him and glorify Him everywhere (2 Cor 2:14-15).

2.       Although Cana was a small, unknown town, God’s grace abounded there. God manifests His grace to the humble and the weak (1 Pet 5:5: 2 Cor 13:9). A humble person who serves God will enjoy His divine blessings and magnifies His name.

II.    There Was An Official Whose Son Was Ill (verse 46b)

Though this official held a high position, he could not do anything about his sons illness. Perhaps he had asked many physicians for help and had spent a great deal of money, but the condition of his son was not improved.


1.       Human life is full of toil and trouble. Very often things happen contrary to one’s wishes. There is no exception even for an official. Though he loved his son, this official could not use his wealth and power to help. Therefore a person should not think of himself more highly than he ought to, nor should he rely too much on others for help. It is not wealth, power, nor position, but God that is the source of his reliance (Ps 146:3-5).

2.       Human beings cannot avoid illness. Even those whom God loves could become ill (Jn 11:3). In the midst of affliction we should have a strong faith and learn how to trust in God. We should also try to understand the will of God. If our family or church members properly understand the importance of a tested faith in God, then in affliction we can still glorify God.

III. When He Heard That Jesus Had Come to Galilee, He Went to Him(verse 47a)

When the official heard that Jesus was coming from Judea, he left Capernaum to seek the help of Jesus. Anxious about the divine power of Jesus, he went to Cana and personally requested for the Lord’s help.


1.       The Bible says: “Faith comes from what is heard” (Ram 10. 14- 17).

2.       It is difficult for a person who has not heard to believe in Jesus Christ. We must preach the gospel, so that people would hear and receive the grace of salvation.

3.       The high-ranking official in the reputable city of Capernaum humbled himself before Jesus the carpenter. God uses various critical situations to bring humble people to Him.

IV.  He Begged Jesus to Heal His Son (verse 47b)

The official begged Jesus to go down and heal his dying son. Like many others, he hoped that Jesus would go to his house to restore his son’s health. He had no peace until this was accomplished.


1.       he official humbly drew near to Jesus, asking for help. This kind of active faith produces great strength and power (Mt 17:20). The Bible says: “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Mt 6:21). The official cared for his son who was very dear to him. His only hope lay in the Lord’s mercy.

2.       Through God’s amazing grace the official’s entire household believed in Jesus (verse 53). The psalmist says: ‘It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I might learn thy statutes” (Ps 119:71). There are times when God uses afflictions to lead people to Him, to help them understand His will, and to strengthen their faith. A lack of understanding the will of God during our affliction will result in meaningless suffering and a blindness in the divine blessing.

V.     Unless You See Signs And Wonders You Will Not Believe(verse 48)

Earlier, through the Samaritan woman many people in Samaria believed in Jesus (Jn 4:39-42). As a contrast, the Galileans demanded to see signs and wonders. Much despised by the Jews, the Samaritans received God’s blessings in a wonderful way. The key is that they opened their hearts to the Lord.


1.       Signs and miracles confirm the message, but the Lord Jesus does not want people to base their faith on miracles alone. In Cana, the Lord Jesus was disappointed by the unbelieving Galileans.

2.       The people of Capernaum did neither believe nor repent, even though they saw the miracles performed by the Lord Jesus (Lk 10:15).

Jesus has often manifested His great power and showed love and mercy. Unfortunately, many people only seek after miracles but do not want to know the truth. The fact is, if one understands and receives the truth, then miracles will take place.

VI.   “Sir, Come Down Before My Child Dies” (verse 49)

The official thought that unless Jesus went down in time, the child would die.


Like the much-distressed official, we have worries and anxieties from time to time, but Jesus is able to bear our burdens. We thus put our faith in our almighty God, who takes away our anxieties. And so, the Lord will respond to our prayer and supplication with thanksgiving and He will render to us peace and spiritual fulfilment (Php 4:6-7).

VII.           Jesus Said to Him, “Go; Your Son Will Live” (verse 50)

In reply to the official’s earnest request, the Lord Jesus gave him an unexpected assurance. For Jesus it would never be too late, nor did He have to go personally to the sick person’s house to heal. He had only to speak the word and the child would be healed.


In our afflictions, we sometimes incorrectly make specific suggestions to God how to solve our problems. It is not good for us to impose our own will upon the Lord, just as a patient tries unwittingly to tell a physician what to do. The Lord has His own will and time, and His ways and thoughts are better than ours (Is 55:8-9). Therefore, we should simply learn how to trust the Lord (Prov 16:3). Instead of going ahead of God, we should have in our prayer a faith like a grain of mustard seed, so that the Lord will let our wishes come true (Mt 17:20). The official went home in faith and hope. He brought with him not Jesus in person but His promise. It is the way with faith - believing in the word of God and walking by faith (2 Cor 1:20).

VIII.        As He Was Going Down, His Servants Met Him And Told Him That His Son Was Living. (verse 51)

With the promise of Jesus, the official on the way home received the report given by one of his servants, that his son was alive. A miracle indeed!


Only a proven faith may be considered as a complete faith which enables people to receive the blessings from God (1 Pet 1:7). What Jesus said was indeed a severe test of the official’s faith. A true faith, which extends beyond miracles and wonders, must be built firmly upon the words of God. Though the official did not personally see his son’s recovery, he believed in Jesus’ words, resulting in blessings (Jn 20:29).

IX.  So He Asked Them the Hour When He Began to Mend (verse 52)

The official’s son recovered the same hour when Jesus told the official, “Your son will live”. This is not a coincidence but an act of the power of God. Teaching: The omnipotent God surpasses science and medicine. With a simple faith people will experience His wonderful grace for themselves.

X.     He Himself Believed, And All His Household (verse 53b)

Alter the Lord had cured his son, the official unhesitatingly brought his household to Him. Peace and joy thus came to his family (Ac 16:31-34).


It is important for those who have been blessed by God to always remember His grace. We may recall how the Lord Jesus healed ten lepers, but only the Samaritan showed gratitude and praised God for the great deed of the Lord (Lk 17:17).

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