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 (Living Waters 1986 Spring)
How God Provided A New Chapel For Us

How God Provided a New Chapel for Us

John Lin

For years the San FranciscoChurch members held services in a church, converted from a garage.  This garage had a capacity for 50 people.  As the membership grew, members began to feel the necessity of finding larger accommodations.  Especially during Spiritual Convocations, this little garage-meeting place made it very difficult to accommodate everyone.  So, over the past years, the San Francisco church members began looking for a suitable church building for a growing congregation.  Last year, everyone became extremely enthusiastic.  Within a short period of three or four months, no less than eight places had been seen by the members.  Decision on purchasing the church building was based on price and location.

One sister contacted churches by phone to see if they were on sale.  During one of her calls, she was told that there was a church on sale in the city of Pacifica.  Some church members got together to see the church.  When they arrived, they found that the church was in a deplorable condition.  The price asked was $329,000 including the half acre of land.

A board meeting was called.  We estimated that $50,000 would be required for repairs in order to make the building functional.  Some of us seemed to be less enthusiastic about the project.  However, we wanted to give it a try.  If it was God's will, then the church building would be purchased; if not, the whole idea would be abandoned.  We decided we would not pay more than $200,000 for the building and made with an initial offer of $180,000.  A few days after our initial proposal, miraculously, the counter offer was exactly $200,000.  The terms of sale were $70,000 for a down payment, with the remainder to be paid in full within two years, at a rate of 13% interest.  Although we were not definite as to how we were going to fulfill the terms, we trusted God to resolve this problem for us.

Meantime, the existing "garage church" building was put up for sale.  Soon after we advertised the sale, we found a buyer.  God indeed had planned everything beautifully for us.  The transaction of the new church was supposed to be completed by July 2, 1984.  For some reason, a delay was caused by the attorney for the seller because he was unable to complete the papers on time.  Due to this delay, the sale of both churches was closed about a month apart.  This made it very convenient for us to move into the new church, and gave enough time to get the old church ready for occupation by the new owner.

After paying the mortgage on the old church, we received about $90,000.  We also had pledges and donations from members throughout the United States and overseas.  Praise the Lord that, not only had He prepared enough money for us to make full payment of the new building within two months after the purchase, He also gave an excess of money to do the necessary repairs on the new building.  We have spent $30,000 on the foundation work, roofing, plumbing, carpeting, flooring, and painting.  The new church also needed pews and a pulpit.  The Lord provided these items for us by "moving" a member to make the donation.

We have yet to remodel the existing restrooms and to partition off the recreation hall.  The existing restrooms consist of two toilets for females, and one toilet for males, but no showers.  In order to accommodate the members and also for purposes of Seminars and Spiritual Convocations, one more toilet and two showers should be added to each of the restrooms.  To maximize the use of the recreation hall, it must be partitioned so part of it can be used as a library and a bedroom.  Although the remodeling imposes a financial strain on us, we trust the Lord will provide us the funds, as He did for us earlier.

The Church was dedicated to our Lord on January 5, 1985.  Along with the dedication was a three-day Spiritual Convocation from January 4 to 6, 1985.  At the conclusion of the Spiritual Convocation, we held our first wedding.  It was for Sister Shan Lei and Brother Raymond Krazewski.

The most important thing for us to do now is to preach the Gospel to the people who are thirsting and hungering for the Word of God.  We are praying everyday that God will open the door of salvation to them.  Just as the Scripture says, "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit,' saith the Lord of hosts." May He also endow upon each of us the power of His Spirit to carry out this task so that His holy name will be glorified forever and ever.  Amen.
