ALLELUJAH! We are inclined to think of the great
biblical characters, such as Abraham, Moses, Elijah ... in the light of God's
exclusive care and endowment of special gifts for them. They accomplished great divine works, when
God worked with them.
For example, Elijah was a man with a nature like
ours, and yet God hearkened to his prayers (Jas 5:16ff). This was the result of Elijah's faith, with
God's timing to achieve what He intended (cf Heb
2:4). If he was like us, he inevitably
must have erred in his life. This is
evident from the biblical historical records.
However, he was faithful in God's word and repentant before Him.
This issue of Showers of Blessing (SOB) alms to
enhance the faith of its readers. We,
therefore, believe it is time to chronicle some of the important issues on our
Christian faith such as the will of God, the faith of the ancient saints, the
profundity of the Foot-washing Sacrament and the relevance of imparting the
truth to others. To this end, we have
translated and adapted a few articles from two elders and other writers.
We also have invited others to pen articles of their
interests, whether about their conversion or their respective disciplines. These contributors have made this issue of
SOB more varied and interesting, and have dropped hints on how our faith can be
anchored in Christ by conforming our beliefs to the Bible and the Bible alone.
As the turn of the next century approaches, our
journey of faith must be one of constant renewal by the Holy Spirit in our
minds, hearts and deeds, to face the even tougher challenges ahead. May God Bless you!