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 (James & 1, 2 Peter)
False Teachers and Their End

19: False Teachers and Their End (2Pet 2:1-22)

The Basics


Peter has reminded the believers the necessity of being diligent in the knowledge of the Lord to keep from stumbling. This passage reveals the danger that faces the church and warns us against this serious threat. Peter predicts the rise of false teachers, depicts their teachings and conduct in detail, and speaks of the certainty of their condemnation. His purpose is so that believers of all times may be careful to guard against the destructive power of false teachers.

Key Verse

“But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction” (2:1).

Did You Know…?

1.     “Did not spare the ancient world” (2:5): See Genesis 6 and 7.

2.     “Turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes” (6): See Genesis 19.

3.     Balaam the son of Beor (2:15) was willing to curse God’s people because he was greedy for the money Balak offered him (Num 22-24). He also taught Balak to lure the Israelites into idolatry and sexual immorality (Num ch. 25; 31:16; Rev 2:14).











Key Words/Phrases

Segment Analysis


Where are false prophets and teachers found?

What does this paragraph say about the message of false teachers?

What damages can false teachers bring to the community of believers?

Why are these false teachers able to win many followers (2)?

What must we do to guard ourselves?

What is the motive of the false teachers?


What is the main message of this paragraph?

Based on this paragraph, what characterize the ungodly?

What assurance do you see in verse 9?

Have you ever experienced the Lord’s deliverance from temptations? Write down or share one such experience.


Record the sins of the unrighteous described in this paragraph.

What is Peter’s point in mentioning the angels in verse 11?

In what sense are the false teachers “spots and blemishes” (13)?


Explain the meaning of the analogies in verse 17.

What kind of liberty do the false teachers promise?

Why is such liberty a false liberty?

What do verses 20-22 teach about apostasy and its consequence?

Final Thoughts

With this passage in mind, what are the basic distinctions between true and false teachers? How can we make the right judgment based on their teachings and conduct?


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