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 (The Book of Ezekiel)
Comfort to Israel (Ch 33-39)

VI.  Comfort to Israel

A.     Future restoration (Ch 33-39)

1.       God appointed Ezekiel to be a watchman (33:1-20)

 a.      Duties (1-9)

 b.      The way of God is just (10-20)

2.       The reasons for the destruction of the Holy City (33:21-33)

 a.      Fullness of sin (21-29)

 b.      Do not walk the talk (30-33)

3.       The Lord as our personal Shepherd (34)

 a.      Responsibility as a shepherd (34:1-10)

 b.      The Lord is our Good Shepherd (11-34)

(a)     Seeking

(b)     Discernment

(c)     Bestow blessings

4.       The Lord will give grace and blessings (36)

 a.      To provide for the land of promise (1-15)

 b.      The name of God shall be exalted (15-25)

 c.      Spiritual renewal (26-31)

 d.      Fulfillment of the promise (32-38)

5.       Revival of the Kingdom of God (37)

 a.      Resurrection of the dry bones (1-14)

 b.      Unity in the Spirit (15-23)

 c.      Establish the everlasting covenant (24-28)

6.       The end period (38-39)

 a.      Calamities and judgment against Gog (38:1-39:20)

 b.      Revival of Israel (38:21-29)


Discussion questions:

1.      How would you respond to those who felt that God’s way is not just (33:17-20)?

2.      How our attitudes toward the prophets differ from those of the past generation (33:30-33)?

3.      How can our Lord Jesus be our Shepherd (ch 34)?

4.      God’s actions arise out of His concern for His name.  How is this so? (36:21-25; 20:9, 14)

5.      What are the secrets to receive blessings? Discuss.  (34:25-31)

6.      What significance does the resurrection of the dry bones has on us today? (37:1-14)

7.      What impact and blessings does God’s everlasting covenant have upon us? (37:24-28)


B.     New Jerusalem (Ch 40-48)

1.       City on a high mountain (40:2)

2.       Built according to God’s measurements (40:3-42:20)

3.       Separation of the holy from the secular (42:20)

4.       Glory filled the temple (43)

 a.      From the East (1-5)

 b.      Then the temple is the throne of God (7)

 c.      God is omnipresent (9)

(a)     Depart from prostitution and lifeless idols

5.       Law of the temple (43:10-12)

 a.      The whole area to be called most holy (43:12)

 b.      To be built on the mountain top (43:12)

 c.      Mark well those who enter and those who go out (44:5)

 d.      The uncircumcised are forbidden to enter the sanctuary (44:9)

6.       The service of the two Levites (44:13-27)

 a.      Sin offerings (44:27)

 b.      God is the inheritance of the priests (44:28)

7.       Offerings (45:1-46:24)

8.       Water flowing out of the temple (47)

 a.      The turbulent power of the water (1-5)

 b.      Life’s living water (6-12)

9.       Division of the land among the tribes (48)

10.    The city will be named “The Lord is here” (48:35)


Discussion questions:

1.      What is the relationship between the destructed Holy City and the Holy City of the end time?

2.      How do we sanctify ourselves from the secular world?

3.      How do we experience life’s living water?

4.      How do we make offerings in the holy temple in the preset day context?

5.      How do we build our city in the high mountain?

