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VI.  The Target Audience of Personal Evangelism

1.       (Acts 1:8) Jerusalem ­à all Judea à Samaria à the end of the earth

A.     Unbelieving family members are our first priority (Acts 16:30-34; Gen 7:1; 6:18; 19:12-15; Ex 10:8-11; Josh 2:12-19; 6:22, 23).

B.     Relatives, friends, classmates, and co-workers (cf. Mk 5:19; Ezek 3:16-19; 33:1-6; Rom 9:1-3; 2 Kgs 5:1-14).

C.     Other Christians who have not experienced the Holy Spirit (Mt 10:5, 6; Rom 10:1-4; cf. Acts 10:44-48; 19:1-7).

D.     Those who are suffering (Mt 9:12; Lk 4:18, 19).

1.       The sick and demon-possessed (Mk 1:32-34; 2:1-12; Acts 5:12-16)

 a.      With the mighty power of the Lord, bravely testify His salvation; ask for the Lord’s healing according to their faith (Mk 16:17-20; Acts 4:29-31; 14:8-10)

2.       The poor—materially or spiritually (Lk 4:18; Jas 2:5; 1 Cor 1:26-31)            

3.       Orphans and widows (Ex 22:22-24; Jer 49:11)

4.       Those who are in trial or tribulation (Isa 48:10; Ex 2:23-25)

5.       Those who are disappointed or in trouble (cf. Ps 50:15; 107:10-32)

6.       Those bound by sin (1 Tim 1:15; Lk 19:1-10; 7:36-50; 15:1-7)

E.     Those who sincerely hunger for righteousness (Mt 5:6).

1.       God is pleased with those who sincerely hunger for righteousness (Neh 9:7,8; Acts 10:1, 2, 34-35; Lk 2:25-32)

2.       We should patiently lead those people who sincerely seek after the truth (Mt 7:6; Jn 3:1-15)

VII.           How to Carry Out Personal Evangelism

A.     Pray and seek after the guidance of the Lord (cf. Gen 24:12-14).

B.     Ask the Lord to teach us to say the right things (1 Sam 16:18; Neh 2:4; Mt 10:19-20).

C.     Seize the right opportunity: like a businessman seeking and seizing a business opportunity.

D.     Speak boldly according to your faith (cf. Jn 3:3; 4:3-26).

1.       Pay attention to the following during a discussion:

 a.      Be focused with your topic of discussion

 b.      Be sincere and respectful

 c.      Be willing to listen

 d.      Target the needs of those to whom you evangelize

 e.      Do not be overly concerned

 f.       Avoid heated disputes or criticisms

 g.      Make the best use of time

E.     The importance of stating a conclusion.

F.      Continue with follow-up works.

