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 (Personal Evangelism)
Methods Used by Jesus in Preaching the Gospel

IX.  Reference #2: Methods Used by Jesus in Preaching the Gospel

A.     The call of Peter and Andrew (Mt 4:18-20)

1.       An insight into the other’s needs

 a.      Be able to “push the right buttons”

 b.      Encourage your target to speak more often so that you may discover his/her needs

2.       Select topics of discussion which relate closely to the listener

 a.      Enable the person to listen willingly

 b.      Everyone should have questions concerning himself

3.       Experiences which are easy to understand

 a.      Even the uneducated can understand

 b.      Avoid profound theories

4.       Short but full of attraction

 a.      Condensed format (the most economical method of lecture)

 b.      Appropriate to the needs of contemporary society

5.       The sure promise

 a.      Helps to establish faith

 b.      Urges him/her to forsake the net and follow the Lord

B.     The call of the chief tax collector Zacchaeus (Lk 19:1-10)

1.       He was a sinner (7), like a lonely lion

 a.      Because of his deeds, society had abandoned him. He hungered to be loved. How much he craved for friendship!

 b.      There are sinners like Zacchaeus throughout the world (Lk 7:36-50; Jn 8:3-11). They need salvation more than the self-righteous (Mt 9:11-13).

2.       Jesus said He would stay at his house (5)

 a.      This statement greatly moved Zacchaeus (it fulfilled his need).

 b.      The bishop’s acceptance of Valjean touched him greatly (Refer to Les Miserables by Hugo).

3.       Zacchaeus truly repented as a result of his gratitude (8)

 a.      Even sinners have good conscience (1 Cor 13:7).

 b.      A vicious dog will not harm infants—because children do not pose as a threat to the dog.

 c.      Sinners often prefer to draw near to the saints (Recent story on an Indian saint).

C.     Discussion of rebirth with Nicodemus (Jn 3:1-8)

1.       Nicodemus knew of Jesus from the miracles He performed (3:2)

 a.      This is the simplest means of judgment (Jn 9:25, 30).

 b.      Today, many people have joined our church on account of miracles.

2.       Jesus discussed rebirth with him (3:3).

 a.      Miracles are the means by which to lead one to the Lord, not the end.

 b.      Those who experience miracles do not always believe the Lord (Lk 17:12-19).

 c.      The purpose for the Lord to call someone is for one to be reborn and be able to enter the kingdom of God.

 d.      Let the listener understand the importance of rebirth. Do not dwell only on testimonies of miracles.

3.       Nicodemus did not understand the meaning of rebirth (3:4)

 a.      Unless one has heard the gospel, he/she cannot understand.

 b.      Pastors and theologians from other churches also do not understand.

4.       Jesus instructed His listener the method of rebirth (3:5-8)

 a.      Likewise, we need to instruct the truth-seekers concerning the method of rebirth.

 b.      Our attitude must be gentle and sincere (2 Tim 2:23-26).

D.     Preaching to the Samaritan woman (Jn 4:7-29)

1.       Prompted her to speak (4:7, 9)

 a.      Create opportunities for discussion

 b.      Pick topics of preaching from the conversation

2.       Moved the discussion from material water to living water (4:10)

 a.      If one recognizes that Jesus as the Savior, his/her attitude will surely change. We must use the simplest and shortest conversation to allow the listener know that Jesus is the Savior.

 b.      Most people are like this Samaritan woman who only recognized the material water but was ignorant of the more precious Living Water.

 c.      With only a few statements, Jesus was able to bring out the Samaritan woman’s desire for the living water. We, too, should bring out the truth-seekers’ desire to seek spiritual blessings.

 d.      Jesus slowly built a friendship with the Samaritan woman, steering her in the direction to believe that He was friendly and that the relationship was beneficial. When we talk with truth-seekers, we should first establish a friendship as well.

3.       His efforts of establishing the friendship was very successful (4:11,12).

 a.      “Sir” (4:11) in Hebrew was originally “Lord.” The hostile relations (4:9) had totally disappeared. We must also eliminate any hostility toward Jesus or our church.

 b.      “Are you greater than our father Jacob...?” (4:12)—This question indicated the Samaritan woman’s change of attitude from foe to friend, which became somewhat more respectful.

4.       The promise of granting the water of life (4:13, 14)

 a.      Jesus first let the Samaritan woman know that materials like water only bring physical and momentary enjoyment, and could not bring lasting satisfaction (4:13). Then, Jesus instructed her to seek after the water of life (Holy Spirit), so that she might be satisfied for ever (4:14).

 b.      You must first demolish, then you will be able to rebuild. When talking to truth-seekers, we must first destroy their old belief, then we may begin to propagate the new belief. This is also the mission of the prophets (Jer 1:10).

 c.      Jesus indicated to the Samaritan woman that He was the one who would give this living water. We should also let the truth-seeker know that the true church is the body of Christ, which embodies His Spirit. Anyone who joins the true church will be filled by the Holy Spirit.

5.       Letting the Samaritan woman know that Jesus is the Savior (4:15-26)

 a.      The Lord already built a good faith in her (4:15). When evangelizing to truth-seekers, we must help build their faith

 b.      Jesus revealed her sins, expecting her to repent humbly (4:16-18). We should also boldly reveal the sins of the truth-seekers so that they may come to repent

 c.      The spiritual insight and the solemn attitude in Jesus led the Samaritan woman to recognize that Jesus was a prophet (4:19). The higher the spirituality of the believer, the more he/she will demonstrate such penetrating insight and solemnity

 d.      Jesus disclosed to the Samaritan woman that those who worship the true God must worship Him in spirit and in truth, and not with sacrifices or at fixed locations (4:20-24). To truth-seekers who are used to idol-worshipping, we must disclose the same information to them.

 e.      Jesus introduced Himself as the Messiah (or Christ) who was to come (4:25,26). Likewise, we should introduce our church as the true Church.

6.       The joy of the Samaritan woman (4:28,29)

 a.      Because she met Christ, she even left her water jar (4:28). If we are able to bear beautiful testimonies for Jesus, truth-seekers will naturally and willingly forsake what is precious to them

 b.      She went into the town to testify for Jesus (4:29). If our testimony is moving, then this testimony will spread endlessly

7.       The order in which Jesus preached

 a.      Humbly requested water from the Samaritan woman (4:7)

 b.      Awakened her desire for the living water (4:10-15)

 c.      Revealed her sins (4:16-18)

 d.      Instructed her the way to worship God (4:21-24)

 e.      Declared Himself to be Christ (4:25,26)

8.       The change in the Samaritan woman

 a.      Hostility toward Jesus (4:9)

 b.      Began to form good impressions about Jesus (4:11,12)

 c.      Requested water from Jesus (4:15)

 d.      Changed the subject, trying to avoid the reproach by her conscience (4:20)

 e.      Abandoned her water jar (4:28)

 f.       Testified for Jesus (4:29)
