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 (Personal Evangelism)
Examples on Prayer with Understanding

I.       Reference #3: Examples on Prayer with Understanding

A.     Theme

1.       A prayer must have a theme so that the request will have a direction (Jn 17:17; Acts 4:30).

B.     Objective

1.       To let the congregation declare, in one accord, the abundant grace of God and to be resolved in one mind, one heart, and one faith among the congregation.

C.     Principles

1.       In addition to the prerequisite of one’s faith in God's existence, here are some principles for prayers of understanding:

 a.      Confess that God is self-existing, eternal, who was, is, and will always be the only true God. He is the Ruler of heaven and earth and the Creator of all things in the universe. God is merciful, just, and He detests evil.

 b.      Confess that Jesus is God, the “Word became flesh.” He sacrificed Himself on the cross, resurrected on the third day, ascended to heaven, and completed His work of salvation for mankind.

 c.      Confess that the Spirit is God, the “Counselor” promised by Jesus. On the day of Pentecost, the Spirit descended and established the apostolic church. According to the Bible prophecies, the Spirit would descend the second time to establish the true church before the end of age. He will live in our hearts, guiding us to believe, to know, and to fear the Lord. The Spirit would comfort us in trials and strengthen us when we are weak. He would give us power and wisdom. The Spirit serves as a guarantee of the inheritance of the heavenly kingdom.

 d.      Confess that the Bible is inspired by God, the truth, the gospel of salvation, and the “everlasting word” which never changes.

2.       We should use the above principles as a guide to motivate the congregation to appreciate the splendor of God. Because we are weak, we must plead to God, in one accord, to elevate our spirituality through His ruth.

D.     Prayers of Understanding in the Bible

1.       The differences between prayer of understanding and prayer in the Spirit:

 a.      Prayer in the Spirit is to edify oneself (1 Cor 14: 4)

(a)     to comprehend the existence of God (1 Jn 3: 24)

(b)     but, no one can understand by human means (1 Cor 14: 2)

 b.      Prayer of understanding is comprehensible to the hearers and serves to edify each other

(a)     “I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding” (1 Cor 14:15).

2.       Prayers of understanding in the Bible—some examples:

 a.      Abraham pleaded with God face to face for Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen 18: 23-33)

 b.      David’s praises of God (1 Chr 29:10-19)

 c.      Solomon's prayer of praise during the dedication of the temple (2 Chr 6: 12-42)

 d.      Jesus taught His disciples the Lord’s Prayer in comprehensible words (Mt 6:9-13)

 e.      Jesus offered prayers before His arrest (Jn 17)

 f.       The prayer of the apostles (Acts 4:23-31)

E.     Examples of Prayer with Understanding (as reference)

1.       Example 1

Theme: We Ought to Worship the Lord of Creation (evangelical service)

Objective: To direct the congregation into establishing a relationship with God, initiating the faith to fear Him, and preparing the heart to listen the sermon

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we pray:

Merciful heavenly Father, we thank You. You created all things in heaven and earth; you are the source of life. Your grace abounds among us. You sustain all the people on earth. Therefore, we should meditate your loving mercy from the bottom of our hearts. Now, we are about to proclaim the gospel in your holy name. We ask that you bless all the friends who came to attend this service. May your Holy Spirit work in our midst, opening our hearts, allowing us to understand your truth, and recognizing that you are the true and living God. May the mighty power of this gospel save us, releasing us from the evil of this generation, bringing us into your saving grace, and giving us the hope of eternal life. We pray in your name. Amen.

2.       Example 2

Theme: Jesus is the Savior (evangelical service)

Objective: To let the congregation understand that no one can hide his sins from the Lord; only by coming bravely before the precious cross of the Lord and repenting, can one have hope in eternal life.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we pray:

Dear Savior, we thank You! You have become flesh, born into the world. You preached the gospel of the heavenly kingdom, revealed God’s authority, had pity on the people of the world, and at last, was crucified on the cross for our sake. The precious blood you shed became the fountain which washes away the sins of humankind. Oh, Lord, we know that since our ancestors disobeyed your commandment, sin came into the world. Because all men sinned, we have no hope in this world. Oh, Lord! Today, we have received your salvation, born again in you so that we can have hope in this life. We must thank you. However, there are so many people who do not know the right path of salvation. We ask for your mercy and the guidance of the Holy Spirit to bless our service today. May all those who come before you receive your grace, open their hearts to receive the grace of remission of sins. Thus we pray in your name. Amen.

3.       Example 3

Theme: The Faith of Abraham (family service)

Objective: To let the participants agree concurrently with the importance of faith, and to ask the Lord to increase everyone's faith.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we pray:

We thank our heavenly Father who is great and mighty. Tonight, according to your will, we gather at your beloved son, Brother ___________'s house to worship you. May you bless Brother _________'s family with spiritual and physical blessings, and a firm faith. Oh, Lord, we are about to proclaim your words in your name. Please grant us spiritual wisdom so that we may make your will known, learn your truth, and be strong in our faith.

Oh, Lord, we know that we are like sojourners in this life; all is transient. Only your kingdom is eternal. Please guide our path, increase our strength, give us the faith to become the children whom you delight. Thus we pray in your name. Amen.

