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 (1 & 2 Timothy)
E. 1 Timothy 5

E.     1 Timothy 5

1.       Walk in the church community (5:1-8)

 a.      How do we treat our church members?

 b.      How do we treat a widow or widower in our church?

 c.      When you get married, do you want to live with your parents or be away from them?

 d.      Why should we respect ministers (elders, deacons, preachers)?

2.       Deal with those who sin (5:9-25)

 a.      How do we deal with those who have sinned?

 b.      How can we rebuke those who sin?

 c.      How can we treat members without partiality?

 d.      How can we discern who have committed sin?

F.      1 Timothy 6

1.       Be a faithful employee (6:1-2)

 a.      Why should we identify our status at the working place or at the school?

 b.      How can we be faithful employees?

2.       Be content (6:3-10)

 a.      Do wealth and godliness contradict?

 b.      How can we be content with what we have?

 c.      We know that greed is no good for our spirituality. But why do many Christians still fall into the trap of loving of money? How do we prevent from being trapped by the love of money?

 d.      The apostle Paul instructed Timothy to fight the good fight of the faith. For what should Timothy fight?

3.       Be rich in good deeds (6:11-19)

 a.      How do we fight the good fight of the faith?

 b.      Why did the Word become flesh?

 c.      How do we study the Godhead?

 d.      How should we deal with our wealth?

4.       Do and don’t (6:20, 21)

 a.      Do guard what has been trusted

 b.      Don’t join in godless chatter

IV. Main Teachings in the Second Epistle of Timothy

A.     2 Timothy 1

5.       Reminder (1:1-7)

 a.      Do you know how your family converted to Jesus Christ and the True Jesus Church?

 b.      How do you revive your faith when you feel discouraged, disappointed, or frustrated?

 c.      Why are you proud of being a Christian?

6.       Be a friend of the apostle Paul (1:8-18)

 a.      How can you be a friend of Paul?

 b.      In 1 Thess 1:3, Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, “your labor prompted by love.” At this point, can you have the same feeling as Paul?
