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 (Manna 1)
The Basic Beliefs of True Jesus Church



1.     Believing that Jesus, who became flesh to die on the cross for the redemption of sinners, resurrected on the third day and ascended to heaven. He is the only Saviour of mankind, the Ruler of the heavens and earth and the Only True God.

a.     The Word became flesh.

                                          i.    The Word was God. Jesus is God who manifested in flesh (Jn 1:1, 14; 1 Tim 3: 16).

                                         ii.    Jesus was born through virgin Mary who had conceived Him through the Holy Spirit. He was man and is true God (Mt 1: 18-23; Is 7: 14).

                                        iii.    God must become flesh then only could He shed His blood to redeem the sinners (Heb 2: 1~ 9: 22; 10:4-10).

b.    To die on the cross for the redemption of sinners

                                          i.    All men have sinned (Rom 3:23)

1.     The sin of not fearing God (Mt 22: 36-40; Ex 21: 8).

2.     The sin of not loving mankind (Mt 22: 39-40; 20: 3-11 ).

                                         ii.    After the death of sinners they will be judged and will be sent to hell for eternal punishment (Heb 9: 27; Rev 21:8)

                                        iii.    Jesus died for us

1.     A sinner cannot save himself (Jer 13: 23; Gen 3: 7).

2.     The blood of bulls and goats cannot take away sins (Heb 10:1-4)

3.     The Lord who is sinless died for us (2 Cor 5: 21; Mt 20: 28; 1 Cor 15: 1 -3).

c.     He resurrected on the third day and ascended to heaven

                                          i.    The Lord had prophesied that He would resurrect on the 3rd day after His death (Mt 16:21; 17:23)

                                         ii.    The Lord indeed resurrected on the 3rd day after His death. After 40 days He ascended to heaven (Jn 20:1-8; Acts 1:1-11)

                                        iii.    He is now in heaven holding great authorities to deliver all those who rely on Him (1 Pet 3:22; Heb 4:14-16).

d.    Jesus is the only savior of mankind.

                                          i.    He was born to deliver mankind (Lk 2:8-11)

                                         ii.    Now He saves us from all evils (Mt 1:21; 1 Tim 1:15).

                                        iii.    On the Last Day He will lead us to the heavenly kingdom (2 Tim 4:18; Mt 25:31-34).

e.     Jesus is the Ruler of the heaven and earth, and the only True God.

                                          i.    All things were created by Him (Jn 1:1-3; Col 1:16)

                                         ii.    All life is in His hand (Jn 11:25; 1:4; 11:39-45).

                                        iii.    He and the Father are one (Jn 10:30; 14:9-11)

                                        iv.    He is the only True God (Rom 9:5; Isa 9:6; 1 Tim 3:16)

2.     Believing that the new and old testaments of the Holy Bible are inspired by God, and are therefore the only authentic scriptures to testify the truth, as well as the standard guide of a Christian way of life.

a.     All scriptures are inspired by God (2 Tim 3:16).

                                          i.    Only when the spirit of God moves a person then can that person prophesy (2 Pet 1:21)

                                         ii.    The ten commandments were personally written by God (Ex 31:18).

                                        iii.    Though there were about 40 people who wrote the new and old testaments of the Bible, they are only like 40 pens and the person who really holds these pens is God (cf. 2 Sam 23:2; Mt 22:43)

b.    It is the only authentic scripture to testify the truth.

                                          i.    The Lord said that the scriptures cannot be broken (Jn 10:35; Mt 5:18)

                                         ii.    The Lord used the scripture to testify that He is the Christ (Jn 5:39, 46; Lk 24:44-47).

                                        iii.    The word preached by the church must be in accordance with the Bible (Gal 1:6-9; Acts 17:2, 3).

c.     The standard guide to the Christian way of life.

                                          i.    The Bible is the lamp to the feet and the light to the path of believers (Ps 119:105).

                                         ii.    The Bible is the standard morale for human beings (2 Tim 3:16f; Isa 8:20)

                                        iii.    The Bible never changes though time changes (Prov 30:5, 6)

3.     Believing that our church is established by our Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit of the Latter Rain, and that she is the True Church to revive the church of Apostolic Days.

a.     Our church is established by the Lord through the Holy Spirit of the Latter Rain.

                                          i.    The Holy Spirit descended in two periods.

1.     God will give the autumn rain (Early Rain) and the spring rain (Latter Rain) in its seasons (Deut 11:14; Jer 5:24).

2.     The Holy Spirit of the early rain first descended in the apostolic days (Acts 1:8; 2:1-13).

3.     The Holy Spirit of the latter rain descended in the last days of the world (Joel 2:23, 28-31)

                                         ii.    To establish the church one has to rely on the Holy Spirit

1.     Only those who have the Holy Spirit are sent by the Lord (Rom 10:15; Lk 4:18, 19; Jn 20:21, 22).

2.     Only those who have the Holy Spirit have the power to forgive or retain sins (Mt 18:17; Jn 20:21-23).

3.     The true church of the Lord can be established only through the Holy Spirit (Eph 1:23; Zech 4:6).

b.    She is the True Church revived from the church of the apostolic days.

                                          i.    A true church must possess the following three conditions:

1.     The presence of the Holy Spirit (Eph 1:23; 1 Cor 12:13; Rom 8:9).

2.     The presence of wonders and miracles (Mk 16:17-20; Heb 2:1-4; Acts 14:3).

3.     The words that she preaches must be in accordance with the bible (Gal 1:6-9; Eph 2:19, 20).

                                         ii.    To revive the church to be the same as the days of the apostles (Amos 9:11).

1.     Same in the Holy Spirit (Eph 4:4; 1 Jn 4:1-3).

2.     Same in the words (Eph 2:19, 20; 4:4, 5)

3.     Same in ability (Acts 1:8; 5:12-16).

4.     Same in holiness (Acts 5:25-27; Acts 6:1-11).

5.     Same in love (Acts 2:41-47; 4:32-37).

4.     Believing that being baptized by full immersion (the whole body) with the head lowered in living water is a sacrament for the forgiveness of sin and regeneration. This baptism must be performed in the Holy Name of Lord Jesus by a Baptist who has gone through both the Baptism of Water and Spirit.

a.     Believing that the water baptism is a sacrament for the forgiveness of sins and regeneration.

                                          i.    Our church has three types of sacraments:

1.     The sacrament of baptism.

2.     The sacrament of foot washing.

3.     The sacrament of Holy Communion.

                                         ii.    A sacrament must have the following conditions:

1.     It was personally established by the Lord

2.     The Lord had commanded the disciples to follow his ways to do so.

3.     It concerns salvation.

                                        iii.    The water baptism has the effect to forgive sins and regeneration.

1.     Forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38; 22:16; Rom 6:6, 7).

2.     Regeneration (Tit 3:5; Rom 6:3-4; Jn 3:5).

3.     Baptized into Christ (Gal 3:27029; Rom 6:3; 1 Cor 12:13).

b.    To be baptized by those who had received both Water and Holy Spirit baptisms

                                          i.    Only those who are purified through the water baptism are qualified to perform the sacraments (cf: Neh 19:18; Ex 29:4; Acts 22:16).

                                         ii.    Only those who have received the Holy Spirit and are sent by the Lord have the power to perform sacraments (cf: Rom 10:15; Jn 20:21-23; Lk 4:18, 19).

c.     The correct mode of water baptism:

                                          i.    Baptized in the Holy name of Lord Jesus (Acts 2:38; 19:5; 8:16).

                                         ii.    With the whole body fully immersed in the living water (Mt 3:16; Jn 3:23; Acts 8:38).

                                        iii.    With the head lowered (Rom 6:5, 8; Jn 19:30; Ps 40:12).

5.     Believing in the receiving of Holy Spirit as the testimony for entering heaven, and that the speaking in tongues is the only proof of having received the Holy Spirit.

a.     Receiving the Holy Spirit is the testimony for entering heaven

                                          i.    To enter the kingdom of God one must be reborn through the Holy Spirit (Jn 3:5; Tit 3:5).

                                         ii.    The Holy Spirit will give us eternal life (Rev 22:17; Jn 4:14).

                                        iii.    The Holy Spirit testifies that we are the sons of God (Rom 8:16; Gal 4:6, 7).

                                        iv.    The Holy Spirit is the guarantee of our inheritance of the heavenly kingdom (Eph 1:13, 14; 2 Cor 1:20-22).

b.    Speaking in spiritual tongues is the proof of receiving the Holy Spirit.

                                          i.    It is not true that once a person believes in the Lord he has the Holy Spirit already (Acts 19:1-7).

                                         ii.    It is also not true that once a person receives baptism, he automatically receives the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:15, 16).

                                        iii.    It is not true either that a person who has good deeds has already received the Holy Spirit (Acts 10;2, 22, 44).

                                        iv.    It is not correct to say that once a person serves the Lord fervently, he has received the Holy Spirit already (Mt 19:27; Acts 1:4, 5).

                                         v.    The apostles reckoned speaking in spiritual tongues as the evidence of receiving the Holy Spirit.

1.     The personal experience of the apostles on the day of Pentacost (Acts 2:1-4)

2.     The experience of Cornelius and others (Acts 10:44-46; 11:15-18).

3.     The experience of the believers in Ephesus (Acts 19:1-7).

                                        vi.    Speaking in tongues are words spoken to God, hence normally it is not understood by men (1 Cor 14:2, 14, 16).

                                       vii.    The tongues have their meanings. Whenever it is necessary God will move a person to interpret them (1 Cor 12:10; 14:26-28; Acts 2:5-11).

6.     Believing that the foot washing sacrament is a sacrament which enables one to have a part with the Lord and that it is a teaching of mutual love, holiness, humility, service and forgiveness. The foot washing sacrament must be performed in the holy name of the Lord Jesus only once to one who has been baptized. Mutual foot washing can be conducted in time of necessity.

a.     To have part with the Lord. The Lord said to Peter, "If I do not wash you, you have no part in me" (Jn 13: 8). Hence it can be seen that the washing of feet by the Lord was more than just a customary practice, it has the effect and mystery of enabling a person to 'have part in the Lord'.

b.    The sacrament of feet washing gives rise to many teachings:

                                          i.    Must emulate the love of Jesus, who loves His disciples to the end, to love our brothers (Jn 13: 1 & 34).

                                         ii.    Must keep ourselves holy and not to walk onto the path of unrighteousness again (Jn 13: 1 0, 11; Prov 4: 26).

                                        iii.    Must emulate the humility of Jesus, who served His disciples, to serve others (Jn 13: 12-14; Mt 20: 25-28).

                                        iv.    Must emulate the forgiveness of Jesus who though had already known that Judah would betray Him and yet willing to wash his feet (Jn 13:10, 11; Col3: 13).

c.     The mode of Foot Washing:

                                          i.    To those who have received the water baptism, the divine workers should wash their feet once in the Name of Lord Jesus so that they may have part in the Lord (Jn 13:8, 20).

                                         ii.    Concerning the question of 'mutual feet washing', for places which are customary then they must do it with humility in order to serve others. As for places which do not have such customary practice then they should manifest the teaching in their daily life by forgiving one another when necessary.

7.     our Lord Jesus, to receive His body and His blood, to be in communion with Him, thus enabling one to receive eternal life and be raised on the Last Day. Only one unleavened bread and grape juice should be used.

a.     To commemorate 'the death of our Lord Jesus (1 Cor 11: 26; Lk 22: 19).

                                          i.    Remember that for our sake the Lord became poor (2 Cor 8: 9; Lk 9: 58).

                                         ii.    Remember that for our sake the Lord was scourged (Rom 4: 25; Mt 27: 18-31).

                                        iii.    Remember that for our sake the Lord was nailed on the cross (Mt 27: 32-50; Ps 22: 12-16).

                                        iv.    Remember that for our sake the Lord tasted the death of Hades ( Heb 2: 9; Mt 27: 45-52; Acts 2: 30-32).

b.    To receive His body and His blood.

                                          i.    Believe that after the consecration the bread is the body of the Lord and the grape juice is the blood of the Lord ( 1 Cor 1 0: 1 6; 11 : 24, 25, 29 & 30; Lk 22: 19- 20).

                                         ii.    Partaking of the Holy Communion enables one to be in communion with Christ (1 Cor 10: 16-21; Jn 6: 56).

                                        iii.    Partaking of the Holy Communion enables one to receive eternal life and be raised on the Last Day (Jn 6: 53, 54; 1 Cor11:26).

c.     The method of performing the Holy Communion.

                                          i.    Use one unleaven bread (1 Cor 10: 17; 5: 6-8).

                                         ii.    Use one pot of grape juice (Mk 14: 25; Lk 22: 18).

                                        iii.    The frequency of performing Holy Communion is not fixed. It can be performed as often as needed (1 Cor 11: 26).

8.     Believing that the Sabbath Day (Saturday) is the Holy Blessed Day of God to be observed under grace - remembering His creation and the promised redemption with the hope of eternal rest in the age to come.

a.     Sabbath Day is the Holy Blessed Day of God.

                                          i.    God created all things in six days and rested on the seventh day (Saturday) (Gen 2: 1-3).

                                         ii.    God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it (Gen 2: 3; Ex 20: 8, 11).

                                        iii.    God commanded the people to rest on this day and specially provided food for them (Ex 16: 23-26).

                                        iv.    Those who observe the Sabbath will be blessed by God (Is 58: 13-14; 56: 2).

                                         v.    Those who do not observe the Sabbath will meet with calamities (Jer 17: 27; Neh 13: 17-18).

b.    To remember His creation and redemption under grace.

                                          i.    The Jews observe the Sabbath under the laws.

1.     Cannot kindle fire on this day (Ex 35: 3).

2.     Cannot do any form of work (Ex 31: 15).

3.     Those who profane it will be put to death (Ex 31: 12-14; Num 15: 32-36).

                                         ii.    The Christian should observe the Sabbath under grace.

1.     On the Sabbath Day one can do divine work (Jn 7: 23; Mt 12: 5).

2.     On the Sabbath Day one can do good deeds (Mt 12: 11 ).

3.     On the Sabbath Day one can save life (Mk 3: 4).

4.     If the circumstances do not allow a person to observe the Sabbath, God will forgive that person (Mt 12:1-4, 7-8).

5.     One should observe the Sabbath with delightful heart (Is 58: 13).

                                        iii.    To remember God's creation and redemption.

1.     Should gather on this day to remember the grace of God in creating all things for us to enjoy (Ex 20: 8-11; Mt 5: 45; Lev 23: 3).

2.     Should gather on this day to remember the grace of Christ for delivering us from the eternal punishment (Deut 5: 1; Jn 3: 1 6; 2 Cor 5: 14, 1 5, 21).

3.     To hope for the eternal rest in the age to come.

                                        iv.    This life ·is full of toil and trouble (Ps 90: 10).

                                         v.    What Christians hope for is the blessing for the age to come (2 Cor 4: 16-18; 1 Cor 15: 19).

                                        vi.    One should strive to enter the eternal rest of heavenly kingdom (Heb 4: 9-11).

9.     Believing that salvation is given by grace through faith. However, it is necessary to rely on the Holy Spirit to strive for holiness, to fulfill the teachings of the Bible, to fear God and to love man.

a.     Salvation is given by Grace through faith.

                                          i.    By Grace

1.     The Lord brought along grace (Jn 1: 17).

2.     The Lord sacrificed His life to fulfill the salvation ( Heb 10: 19-20; Rom 3: 25; 1 Jn 2: 2).

3.     Besides Him there is no other salvation (Acts 4: 12; Jn 14: 6).

                                         ii.    Through faith.

1.     Man cannot be saved through deeds alone (Eph 2:9; Tit 3:5).

2.     Man cannot be saved by keeping the Laws (Rom 3: 20, 28).

3.     Salvation is by grace through faith (Eph2: 8).

4.     Salvation of the Lord is given to everyone who has faith (Rom 1: 16-17).

5.     Those who believe and are baptized will be saved (Mk 16: 16; Tit 3: 5).

b.    To rely on the Holy Spirit to strive for holiness.

                                          i.    To strive for holiness.

1.     Everyone who belongs to the Lord should depart from iniquity (2 Tim 2: 19).

2.     The unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor 6: 9, 10; Gal 5: 19-21).

3.     Without holiness no one will see the Lord (Heb 12: 14; Mt 7:21-23).

                                         ii.    To rely on the power of the Holy Spirit.

1.     Man alone is unable to do good (Jer 13: 23; Rom 7: 18-24).

2.     The Holy Spirit will help to sanctify us (2 Thess 2: 13; Rom 8: 13).

3.     Only by relying on the Holy Spirit can one bear good fruits (Gal 5: 22- 23; Rev 22: 1-2).

                                        iii.    To fear God and Love man.

1.     The Lord has summarised the commandments of God into two:

a.     To love God with all our might

b.    To love others as we love ourselves (Mt 22: 34-40).

2.     If one can abide in these two teachings of love, one has fulfilled the law (Rom 13: 8-10).

3.     Fearing and Loving God.

a.     We should worship the only True God (Ex 20: 3-6; Dan 3: 16-18).

b.    We should keep His commandments (1 Jn 5: 3; Jn 14: 21 -24).

c.     We should obey His will (Mt 26: 39, 42; Heb 10: 7).

d.    We should offer everything to God (Rom 12: 1; Gen 22: 16-18).

4.     To love others as we love ourselves.

a.     We should care for the physical needs of others (1 Jn 3: 16-18; Jas 1: 27).

b.    We should love others' souls (Rom 9: 1 -3; 2 Cor 12: 15).

c.     We should love others as we love ourselves (Mt 22: 39-40; Rom 13: 9).

d.    If we love man we love God (1 Jn 4: 16-17).

e.     If we love God and man we shall enter the kingdom of heaven (Mt 25: 34-40).

10.  Believing that the Lord Jesus will descend from heaven on the Last Day to judge all people, the righteous will receive eternal life while the wicked will be condemned to eternal punishment.

a.     The Last Day of the world.

                                          i.    There will be the Last Day for the world.

1.     The world has its day of creation (Gen 1: 1; 2 Pet 3: 4-5).

2.     The world has its day of destruction - Last Day (2 Pet 3: 6-14).

3.     The Last Day is the day of Lord Jesus' second advent (Jn 12: 48; Mt 25: 31-33).

                                         ii.    The signs of the Last Day.

1.     Sins are heaped high as heaven (2 Tim 3: 1-5; Rev 18: 4-5).

2.     The knowledge of men increases (Dan 12: 4).

3.     Nations will be divided (Dan 2: 33-35, 42-45; Mt 24: 7-8).

4.     Great tribulation shall occur ( Mt 24: 21 -29; Rev 6: 3-8).

5.     The True Church will revive (Amos 9: 11; Hag 2: 9).

6.     The anti-Christ will appear (Rev 13: 1-7; 20: 7-10).

7.     The True Church will make herself ready (Rev 19: 7-8; 21: 2).

b.    The Lord will come again to judge all people.

                                          i.    The Lord will definitely carry out judgment.

1.     The judgment is in the hands of the Lord (Jn 5: 22).

2.     The Lord will judge all people by His Words (Jn 12: 47-48).

3.     The Lord will repay every one for what he has done (Rev 22: 12).

                                         ii.    The righteous will receive eternal life.

1.     Inheriting the heavenly kingdom (Mt 25: 32-34).

2.     Enjoying the everlasting life (Mt 25: 46).

3.     Receiving the crown (1 Pet 5: 4).

                                        iii.    The wicked will be condemned to eternal punishment.

1.     Exclusion from the presence of the Lord (2 Thess 1: 7-9).

2.     Entering into eternal fire (Mt 25: 41 -46).

3.     Suffering the eternal punishment (Rev 21: 7- 8).

                                        iv.    You should prepare to meet your Lord (Amos 4: 12).

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