A. No Peace (Eze 7: 25)
1. This can be understood
from the vision of the Great Image (Dan2: 31--:45).
2. This can be
understood from the existence of the 'Red Horse' (Rev 6: 3-4).
3. This can be
understood from the prophecy by the Lord (Mt 24: 6-8, 21, 29).
B. The Great Disasters Will Surely Come
• God punishes
the sinners with various types of plagues (Lev 26: 21; Ezek
14: 21).
1. With sword (Ezek 14: 17; Is 10: 5-14).
2. With famine (Ezek 14: 12-13; 1 Kings18:18).
3. With
pestilences (Ezek 14: 19; Num
25: 1 -9).
4. Using beasts ( Ezek 14: 1 5; Dan 7: 3, 17).
5. With
earthquake (Rev 16: 18-19; Num 16: 31, 33).
• Before the Last
Day there will be great tribulations (Mt 24: 21, 22; Joel 2: 1 -3).
• The great war will start from the Middle East (Rev 9: 13-16; 16:
12-16; cf: 2 Kings 23: 28-30).
C. The Consequences Of The Great Disasters
1. Blood flows
and forms into rivers (Rev 14: 17-20; Zeph 1: 17).
2. Bodies are not
buried (Jer 25: 32-33; Zeph
1: 17).
3. Men are rarer
than fine gold (Is 13: 11-12; Mt 24: 22).
4. The world
shall become a waste ground (Rev 18: 19; Joel 2: 2-3).
5. People will be
as if burned to lime (Is 33: 12).
D. Why Is The World Punished?
• They are
punished because their sins multiply (Is 13: 11; Rev 18: 4-5).
1. They do not
worship the True God (Dan 5: 23; 2 Tim 3: 4-5).
2. They worship
idols (Dan 5: 22- 24; Rev 9: 20).
3. They have
greed for money (Rev 9: 21; 2 Tim 3: 1-2).
4. They turn
towards fornication (Rev 9: 21; Jude 7).
5. They glorify
themselves (Rev 18: 7; Gen 11: 4).
6. They persecute
the saints (Rev 13:6, 15-17; 17: 6; 18: 24).
E. What Should Man Do?
• The merciful
Heavenly Father is calling you (Rev 18: 4-5).
1. He must
believe in the Lord Jesus (Acts 16: 30-31; 4: 12).
2. He must repent
and receive the baptism ( Mk 1 6: H>; Acts 2: 37- 38).
3. He must
receive the Holy Spirit and be renewed in the Spirit (Tit 3: 5; Jn 3: 5).
4. He must
proclaim the true gospel (1 Cor 9: 16-17; Eph 1: 13-14).
5. He must honor
God and love· men (Mt 22: 37-40; 25: 34-40).
6. He must
prepare to meet God (Amos 4: 12; Rev 19: 7-8).