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 (Manna 1)
The Proud will Definitely Fall


God opposes the proud, hence the proud will definitely fall (Prov 16: 18). The following are three examples which can serve as mutual warning.


A. King Asa


1. His pride

• He would rather rely on kings of other nations than relying on God (2 Chron 1 6: 1 -6).

• Despite the warning of a prophet he did not repent (2 Chron 16: 7-9).

• He was angry with the prophet and put him in prison (2 Chron 16: 10).

• He treated some of the people at ·that time cruelly (2 Chron 16:10).


2. His end

• His feet were afflicted with a severe disease for two years (2 Chron 16: 12-13).

• When he was sick he only sought the help from physicians and did not seek God (2 Chron 16: 12).

• He did not receive mercy from God and he died of his disease (2 Chron 16: 12-13).


B. King Amaziah


1. His pride

• After he had won the battle over the Edomites, he brought back the gods of these Edomites and worshipped them (2 Chron 25: 14).

• He refused to listen to the counsel of a prophet and scolded him instead (2 Chron 25: 15-17).


2. His end

• Feeling proud after he had defeated the Edomites he wanted to challenge the King of Israel (2 Chron 25: 17-19).

• God caused him to be defeated by the King of Israel (2 Chron 25: 20-24).

• He was killed by his conspirators (2 Chron 25: 25-28).


C. King Uzziah


1. His pride

• God had made him prosper, but instead of humbling himself, he became proud (2 Chron 26: 4-5, 16).

• He entered the temple of God to burn incense without God's authorization (2 Chron 26: 16).

• He refused to be dissuaded by the priests and became angry with them instead (2 Chron 26: 17-19).


2. His end

• He was punished by God and leprosy broke out on his forehead while he was still in the temple of God (2 Chron 26: 19-20).

• Until the day of his death his leprosy was not cured (2 Chron 26: 21 ).

• God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble (1 Pet 5: 5).


If we have faults we must humbly accept the advice of others so that we may escape the punishment (Prov 28: 13).


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