The Bible says:
"With all lowliness and meekness, with patience, forbearing one another in
love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" (Eph
4:2,3). The True Church is a spiritual body established
by the Lord Jesus through the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12:13). She does not belong to
the world; nor does she belong to any individual or any group of people as a
personal property. The Church has Christ as the head and as the highest authority
to manage her by means of the work and guidance of the Holy Spirit (Heb 3:6). Therefore,
every believer should possess the unity of Spirit which is the most important factor
in promoting the progress and growth of the Church.
But this spirit
of unity given by the Holy Spirit must be eagerly maintained by us, otherwise we
may lose it or it may be destroyed. This would not only result in a severance
of relation between one and the Church, it would also make one become a
stumbling block to the unity and progress of the Church.
Therefore, how
should one maintain the unity of the Spirit? One should lead a life with all
"lowliness, and meekness, with patience, forbearing
one another in love, in the bond of peace". Only with these spiritual virtues
can one be moved by the Holy Spirit to enjoy fellowship and communion with the
other believers; and before long, we would have the same mind, the same loving,
be in full accord and of one mind (Phil 2:1 ,2). In this way, we can maintain true
unity in the Church.
The spirit of
unity especially a unity through the Holy Spirit must be cultivated into every believer's
heart. Therefore, "sameness" of the "Spirit" is also the
basic factor of unity. In other words, the Spirit of truth cannot unite with
the Spirit of error. As apostle John says, "We are of God, whoever knows
God listens to us, and he who is not of God does not listen to us. By this we
know the Spirit of truth and the Spirit of error" (1 Jn 4:6). Those who receive
the same Spirit would be able to recognize and listen to one another, naturally
coming into unity. However, if the Spirit received is not the same, then unity
cannot be achieved at all, not even by force. We should understand that this is
a spiritual mystery.
Although we have received the same
Spirit of truth, sometimes we still quarrel and do not agree with one another. This
is due to the confusion created by the devil through our carnal desires and our
own personal will. During such times, we should be awaken and be subject to the
Holy Spirit in our strife to overcome these carnal desires. We should also
strengthen our bond of peace and forbearance towards one another in love. In
this way, unity can be maintained for the progress and growth of the Church.