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Fear Free through the Valley of the Shadow of Death

Fear Free through the Valley of the Shadow of Death

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil;
For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” (Ps 23:4)

It could have been a sorrowful and fearful journey as I traveled back alone to my home country to face the deathbed of my beloved father. Yet because of God’s love and comfort, it turned out to be not so dreadful. The peace of God that I had experienced was beyond my reasoning and comprehension. I felt that God walked with me all the way through the valley of the shadow of my father’s death.

Life has many difficulties. Dealing with troubles and the uncertainty of life is like walking through a dark valley. We are often worried and stressed. Yet no matter how chaotic the situation might be, remember that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord of resurrection. He has already overcome death and all things are under His control. When we put our trust in Him, Jesus is faithful and can carry us through all the difficulties of life.

Actually the dark valley can be used as a training ground for us to grow spiritually and climb the higher plain. Under the shadow of distress and tribulations, we learn to recognize His protection, chastening, and guidance through the rod and staff of our Good Shepherd.

The path of righteousness is not an easy road and may lead us through the valley of the shadow of death. When we face the challenges of our life and do the holy works of the Lord, we recognize that human effort alone is inadequate but God’s power is invincible. Those who rely on God through the power of prayer and submit to His guidance will have victory over the evil one amidst great spiritual conflict. They will be able to walk fearlessly through the valley of the shadow of death.

Psalm 23 gives us the assurance that the Lord is our shepherd. He will guide and protect us with His rod and staff. If God is with us, why should we be fearful when passing through the valley of the shadow of death?



1. What dark valley do you walk now? Has God protected and comforted you with His rod and staff?

2. Under the shadow of sufferings and tribulations, are you fearful? Have you put your trust in the resurrected Lord and believed that all things are under His control?

Author: Sarah Lin
Date: 03/07/2012