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沙巴兵南雅祈禱所Hailziz Juminoh

奉主耶穌聖名作見證,我是Hailziz Juminoh弟兄,20歲,來自兵南雅祈禱所。


大約禱告至一半,我看見一個異象。眼前所見仍是伊羅普拉教會,但讓人覺得希奇的是,我看見有9個非常光亮的白影正在為我們按手。可事實上,在禱告前,為我們按手的長執只有少數幾位。我沒有向他們提出疑問。不久,出現一個白影正在彈鋼琴,又有幾個白影正在唱屬靈的詩歌。忽然間,越來越多白影出現,有的在飛翔,有的在行走,有的在講話,我看見伊羅普拉教會的會堂越來越擁擠了。由於看見幾個發亮光的白影在飛翔,我也興起想要飛翔的意念。於是以英語向他們說:「我要飛,我要飛,請帶我去飛翔!(I want to fly, I want to fly, please take me along!)」然而,他們卻沒有帶我飛行。






Vision seen during prayer at Elopura Church Spiritual Convocation 2015

Bro HailzizJuminoh(Penangah, Sandakan Sabah)

In the name of Jesus, I bear witness, here. I am HailzizJuminoh, aged 20, originally from Penangah Prayer House.

On 22 March 2015, a Sunday, which was the third day of the Spiritual Convocation of Elopura Church, Sandakan. It happened during the prayer for the Holy Spirit session at 11 am, which was the last session of praying for the Holy Spirit. I felt unwell whereby I was a bit dizzy and felt as if my head was pierced by needles. I thus went to the front to receive the laying on of hands by the ministers so that my pain will be healed by God. Then, everyone knelt down and started to pray.

Right through the middle of the prayer, I started to see a vision. Elopura Church also appeared in the vision. I was utterly shocked as there were nine brightly lit figures laying hands on us. In fact, before the prayer, there were only a few divine workers laying hands on us but I did not ask them why this was happening. Immediately after that, a white figure appeared and was playing the piano and a few others were singing hymns. Out of a sudden, there were more and more white figures appearing and the church was now full of them. Some were flying in the air and walking around, and some others were chatting with each other. Suddenly, I felt like flying due to seeing the bright white figures flying around. And then, I said to them in English, ‘I want to fly, I want to fly, please take me along’. However, they did not take me along.

After that, I stretched out my hands to them. Then, they approached me but the closer they got to me, the more painful were my eyes as the light coming from them were very bright. Even though I could not see their faces, yet I could feel that they were smiling at me. I was overjoyed when I saw their smile. Later, they started flying, again. I tried to fly too but futile. I, however, felt that I was about to fly. I felt myself floating in the air but still could not fly.

Since, I could not fly like them, I just kept my coo and observed them. Even though I could not fly, yet I felt extremely joyous because they were like my new family. The reason why was that they all smiled at me.

Immediately after that, I felt someone patting on my shoulder. Without me realizing, the prayer session had ended and I was the only one left kneeling at the front. In fact, a preacher patted on my shoulder just now. After that, I returned to my seat and to be honest, I was still not satisfied seeing all those white figures. This is because I knew that deep down in my heart, they were the angels of God.

Thank God for giving me the opportunity to see the vision. Moreover, my head was no longer dizzy and painful. My testimony ends here. May the name of God be glorified at the highest until forever and ever. Amen.

(Psalms 34:7)

The angel of LORD encamps around those who fear him, and deliverers them.

作者: 沙巴兵南雅祈禱所Hailziz Juminoh
出版社: 棕樹文教基金會聖靈月刊雜誌社
出版日期: 12/01/2015