Based on
a sermon series by Aun-Quek Chin—Singapore
“Tomorrow is a feast to the Lord.”
What sweet words to
hear. Yet, as we have seen in the first installment in this series, just as
being reckless in our faith can distort our worship of the one true God, so can
such sweet declarations be the source of spiritual corruption.
This article will
continue to draw on the story of Aaron to show three more ways the service of
Israel’s first high priest was corrupted, and how we ought to prepare ourselves
so we do not follow in his footsteps.
Aaron’s first
mistake was that he corrupted his service by adulterating the truth of the
Lord: he not only taught the people evil, but did it in the name of God.
And he received the gold from their hand and fashioned it with a
graving tool and made a golden calf. Then they said, “This is your god, O
Israel, that brought you out of the land of Egypt!” So when Aaron saw this, he
built an altar before it. And Aaron made a proclamation and said, “Tomorrow is
a feast to the LORD.” (Ex 32:4–5)
There are two
lessons we can draw from this.
Firstly, on the face
of it, by having people worship God with a feast of remembrance, Aaron seemed
to be doing a good thing. However, this was actually a guise—a justification—to
commit idolatry and practise evil. What he did was an abuse of the Lord’s name.
This is a temptation
many Christians fall prey to today. Often, we invoke the name of the Lord or
borrow religious language and ideas to justify our actions and mistakes,
sometimes even to convince ourselves of the righteousness of our sins. For
instance, some Christians, fully aware of the paganism and sinfulness of
certain modern festivals, still insist on participating in these celebrations.
They may defend their practices with a variety of purposeful misinterpretations
of the Bible, though it is likely that their true motive is a more base desire
to ingratiate themselves with society and to avoid appearing irrelevant and
backward. The habit of applying biblical teachings to one’s life is always
highly encouraged. However, we must be careful to examine our true intentions
for doing so as we may unknowingly be appropriating the word of God to
vindicate our sinfulness.
Secondly, judging by
Aaron’s boldness of speech, it appears that he did not think his actions to be
wrong, despite having heard God’s clear commandments against idolatry (Ex 20).
This is a type of corruption that is not self-aware—perhaps the most dangerous
Many of us struggle
with our sinful addictions and vices daily. But the fact that there is a
struggle is a heartening sign. It means that the Holy Spirit still has a hold
on our conscience and our souls, and that some part of us is still determined
to defend our faith and relationship with God. Furthermore, even if we yield to
sin at certain moments, if there was a struggle, then contrition and remorse
usually follow soon after. These emotions are often the first steps toward
refining our Christian character. As David rightly reflected after he sinned
with Bathsheba: “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a
contrite heart—these, O God, You will not despise” (Ps 51:17).
Alas, as we can see
with Aaron, there are those who sin without being conscious of it in the
slightest. These sinners are insulated from their own conscience and the advice
of others; they simply cannot allow themselves to be aware of the error in
their wrongdoings. From this we learn that while we may find ourselves in sin,
in the process of our recovery, our baptism of fire needs to be sparked by
knowledge and awareness, the enemies of willful ignorance and obstinacy. We
must never allow ourselves to adulterate the truth and co-opt it abusively for
personal gratification.
Aaron’s second
failure as a leader was to refuse to take responsibility for his actions and
accept the blame for having misled the Israelites, who were put under his
And Moses said to
Aaron, “What did this people do to you that you have brought so great a sin
upon them?” So Aaron said, “Do not let the anger of my lord become hot. You
know the people, that they are set on evil. For they said to me, ‘Make us gods
that shall go before us; as for this Moses, the man who brought us out of the
land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.’ And I said to them,
‘Whoever has any gold, let them break it off.’ So they gave it to me, and I
cast it into the fire, and this calf came out.” (Ex 32:21–24)
Aaron’s choice of
words is revealing. When defending himself in the face of Moses’ interrogation,
Aaron always placed himself in a passive position, while the Israelites were
the active parties in the sin they collectively committed. In fact, Aaron even
implicitly accused Moses, tacitly suggesting that if he had not tarried so long
on Mount Sinai, the people would have had no opportunity, or need, to construct
an idol. In short, Aaron chose to find blame in everyone but himself.
Yet, clearly knowing
that the people were “set on evil,” he did not think to rebuke or correct them.
Not only that, he even aided them in their transgression against God. A very
possible reason could be that Aaron was fearful—fearing the consequences of not
complying with the loud demands of an impatient, resentful mob; the prospect of
losing the respect of his friends, being ostracized or even physically harmed.
Aaron’s calculations were not just based on cowardice, but a selfish cowardice.
It was selfish because Aaron feared for his own wellbeing, not the terrible
fate he knew awaited the Israelites if they committed idolatry. He put himself
before the truth and his brethren.
For the modern
Christian leader, having the courage to accept responsibility for the church
work we are entrusted with is an essential virtue that we must not overlook. It
goes beyond taking the blame for when things go wrong, seeing as church workers
rarely focus on seeking out culprits to punish. Accepting responsibility for
church work is so crucial because it is equivalent to accepting responsibility
for the spiritual wellbeing of our brothers and sisters in Christ. When we are
made accountable to our brethren, we learn to be more vigilant in our service,
and to better appreciate the significance of the work we have been called to do
to serve the living God. Leaders, in any capacity, should adopt the principle
Aaron lacked: the belief that the decisions and faith of our spiritual family
in church is of utmost concern to us. We are obligated, as their brethren, to
be vigilant even if they are not, and to be strong in truth when they are weak.
Furthermore, as a
leader, we must not be afraid to act on this sense of accountability. Being a
Christian leader is different from being a secular one. As a leader in church
work, you do more than influence people’s opinions and motivate action. A
church leader has a duty of selflessness towards his brethren. In basic terms,
this translates to prioritizing the spiritual growth of church ministry and the
faith of others above our own comfort and convenience. But selflessness also
means that we are unafraid to correct the mistakes of our brethren, even if our
well-intentioned counsel offends them and our cherished relationship sours. It
is putting our desire to maintain an all-positive, uncontroversial relationship
with everyone second to our duty to care for the purity and strength of their
faith. Of course, we must take every care to be gentle and tactful, and to mend
broken relationships with our brothers as Jesus tells us to. What is necessary
for a leader, as was necessary for Aaron, is the firmness of character and
principle. Good examples include Phinehas, who did not hesitate to stop the
evil of adultery among his people (Num 25), and Paul, who did not allow his
friendship with Peter to prevent him from pointing out the latter’s mistakes.
We are similarly duty-bound, to God and to His children, to influence others by
His word instead of being influenced by the dictates of the world.
Lastly, on this note
of accountability, we must ensure that we are not passive accomplices to the
sin of our brethren. Even by opting to do nothing when we see our brethren
committing sin, we are guilty as well. Take Moses’ mistake for instance:
Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, “Take the rod; you and your
brother Aaron gather the congregation together. Speak to the rock before their
eyes, and it will yield its water; thus you shall bring water for them out of
the rock, and give drink to the congregation and their animals.” So Moses took
the rod from before the LORD as He commanded him. And Moses and Aaron gathered
the assembly together before the rock; and he said to them, “Hear now, you
rebels! Must we bring water for you out of this rock?” Then Moses lifted his
hand and struck the rock twice with his rod; and water came out abundantly, and
the congregation and their animals drank. Then the Lord spoke to Moses and
Aaron, “Because you did not believe Me, to hallow Me in the eyes of the
children of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land
which I have given them.” (Num 20:7–12)
At first sight, it
seems unreasonable for Aaron to have been reprimanded by God; was this not a
fault that fell purely on Moses’ shoulders? Indeed, while Moses was the primary
sinner in this case, Aaron was guilty for choosing not to remind and correct
him of his error, perhaps before he had hit the rock the second time.
Ultimately, we are all accountable to God for both the actions we take, and
those we do not. Vigilance is the underlying quality we must have to safeguard
our personal faith and that of our precious family.
Aaron’s third
mistake was to allow envy and personal ambition to corrupt his divine service.
In Numbers 12:1–2,
it reads:
Then Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Ethiopian
woman whom he had married; for he had married an Ethiopian woman. So they said,
“Has the LORD indeed spoken only through Moses? Has He not spoken through us
also?” And the LORD heard it.
Aaron and Miriam,
the two leaders who were appointed by God to support the ministry of Moses,
spoke out against Moses. To be sure, Moses was wrong. By taking for himself an
Ethiopian wife, he had disobeyed God’s commandments to maintain purity among
God’s chosen. Thus it seems right to us that Aaron and Miriam would express
their displeasure with Moses for what he had done. In fact, should we not laud
Aaron for bravely pointing out the wrong of his brother? Why, then, did God
reprimand Aaron and punish Miriam, even questioning why they were unafraid to
speak against Moses?
It was all about
intentions. Aaron and Miriam seemed to forget that God could see into the deepest
crevices of their hearts and minds. When Aaron spoke out against Moses, he did
not do it out of concern for his brother, hoping to help him improve and grow.
We know this because Moses’ marriage to his Ethiopian wife happened years
before, and Aaron only brought this up years later in order to gain leverage to
try to oust his brother as leader. Aaron and Miriam had become power-hungry
opportunists who resented how Moses seemed to be the focal point of God’s plans
while they remained on the periphery.
For us Christians
today, servitude to God must not include the ruthless and senseless politicking
rampant in the offices, governments and schools of the world. While it is
difficult to escape politics whenever people have to work in teams, we should
never forget to hold ourselves to a higher standard of moral conduct as
Christians, especially when we do church work. If we believe that the Holy
Spirit guides the church in her ministry and that, in His infinite wisdom, God
appoints certain people to do certain work, we can be assured that we need not
manipulate relationships, slander, or buy over other people to rise up the
ranks. When it comes to church work, we do our best and place all in the hands
of God, trusting Him to do what is best for the church. When the church
prospers, we all prosper.
Remaining a faithful
and principled Christian is increasingly difficult in this age of rapid
secularization. As we have personally experienced, the world and the devil are
tireless in presenting temptation after temptation before us. That many of
these temptations arrive at our doors in the guise of religion and “correct”
Christianity is more perturbing still. That is why the True Jesus Church (TJC)
has always, and will always, take pride in the fact that we rely fully on the
pure, unadulterated word of God to live our lives, to run the church, and to
spread the gospel. However, because of these three vulnerabilities—adulterating
the truth, shirking responsibility, and playing politics—which plague the
modern leader, as they did Aaron, having Bibles open before us is insufficient.
Vigilance must accompany doctrine. In order to protect the truth, keep politics
out of the church, and learn genuine, loving accountability for one another,
the Christian must never let his guard down.
“And you shall make holy garments for Aaron your brother,” God
lovingly told Moses, “for glory and for beauty” (Ex 28:2). Aaron sinned
gravely, yes, but God still loved him. There was still work for Aaron to do.
But Aaron could not wear those garments into the promised land because of his
lack of vigilance. We have all been called to God today in the TJC. We have
been gifted equally beautiful spiritual garments. Let us work with vigilance
and diligence for the Lord, so we can don these garments of glory as we enter
the kingdom of heaven.