10: Truth and the Believer (2Jn 1-13)
The Basics
In this brief letter, John wrote
with a personal tone to the “elect lady and her children.” The teachings recall
those in his first epistle, with emphasis on walking in the truth and
separation from the false teachers.
Key Verse
“Whoever transgresses and does
not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the
doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son” (9).
Did You Know…?
1. Elect lady (1): If the term “elect lady” is interpreted
literally, the epistle was written to an unnamed lady. It could also be
possible that her name is Cyris (Greek eklekta kuria, translated “elect Cyria”), or Electa (translating
the Greek as “the lady Electa”). 2/89
2. “Do not receive him” (10): “Itinerant missionaries were the
means by which Christianity spread throughout the Empire. They looked to local
churches to aid in their mission by providing hospitality (Roman inns were
notorious for being dirty and flea-infested). The problem was that some of the
people seeking room and board were false teachers, expounding erroneous
doctrines….” 12/1716
3. Paper and ink (12): “‘Paper’ is papyrus, made from reeds and
rolled up like a scroll. The pen was a reed pointed at the end, and the ink was
a compound of charcoal, vegetable gum and water. Written letters were
considered an inferior substitute for personal presence or for a speech, and
writers sometimes concluded their letters with promise to discuss matters
further face-to-face.” 4/749
Key Words/Phrases
General Analysis
1. What
was the occasion and purpose of this letter?
2. Record
what the epistle says about “truth.”
Segment Analysis
1. If “the elect lady” were interpreted figuratively, what
could John be referring to?
2a. What is the connection between truth
and love?
2b. What are some examples of “love”
without truth and explain why such love can only hurt?
3. Why does John mention both the Father and the Son in his
benediction (3)?
4. What does this paragraph teach us about love?
5. Why is keeping God’s commandments considered love (6)?
6. What are “the things we worked for” in verse 8?
7. What is the doctrine of Christ and what does it mean to
abide in the doctrine of Christ?
8. Why shouldn’t we receive or greet those who do not preach
the doctrine of Christ? Is this instruction against the spirit of love?
9. How does the exhortation in 4-6 prepare the readers for the
exhortations to resist the wickedness of false preachers?
10a. What is the significance of verse 12?
10b. What is the value of speaking face to
face as opposed to writing?