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 (Thessalonians, Timothy, and Titus)
14. Prayer and Public Worship (1Tim 2:1-15)

14: Prayer and Public Worship (1Tim 2:1-15)

I.       The Basics

A.     Setting

Paul began the epistle with instructions specifically for Timothy. He now proceeds with instructions that Timothy should use in his exhortation to the believers. These instructions concern the prayer mission of all believers and the order in worship.

B.     Key Verse

            “For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (2:3-4).

C.     Did You Know…?

1. “For kings” (2:2): Paul wrote these words during the reign of the cruel and wicked emperor Nero, who later put Peter and Paul to death.

2. “Godliness” (2:2): “A key word (along with “godly”) in the Pastorals, occurring eight times in 1 Timothy (here; 3:16; 4:7-8; 6:3,5-6,11), once in 2 Timothy (3:5) and once in Titus (1:1), but nowhere else in the writings of Paul. It implies a good and holy life, with special emphasis on its source, a deep reverence for God.”

3. “There is one God” (2:5): “The basic belief of Judaism (Dt 6:4), which every Jew confessed daily in the Shema.”

4. “Preacher” (2:7): The term, translated as “herald” in NIV, denotes “one who with authority makes a public proclamation”

5. “Doubting” (2:8) is better translated as “disputing” (cf. Rom 14:1; Php 2:14).

6. “Adam was not deceived” (2:14): Eve sinned because she was deceived by the serpent. Adam sinned not because he was deceived, but because he chose to go along with Eve’s decision even though he knew it was against God’s command.

II.    Observation

A.     Outline



B.     Key Words/Phrases

III. Segment Analysis

A.     2:1-7

1. Explain the reason for the word “therefore” in verse 1.

2a. What does Paul exhort the believers to do?

2b. What is the purpose for doing so?

2c. What related teachings to the above exhortation did Paul give in the epistle to the Romans and how are these teachings relevant to us today?

3. How is the grace of God illustrated in this passage?

4. What does verse 5 teach about the nature of Christ Jesus?

5a. How does God’s desire for all men to be saved and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ (4-6) relate to the exhortation to pray for all men?

5b. How do they relate to Paul’s mission?

6. What does the repetition of the word “all” in this paragraph indicate?

7. What do the words “first of all” (1) suggest? Apply this to the mission of the church today.

IV.  2:8-15

8. What does Paul express as his desire for the men in church to do? Explain your answer.

9. What exhortation does Paul give to the women concerning their apparel? How can this guideline be applied today?

10a. What does Paul teach concerning the conduct of women in the congregation?

10b. How does this teaching apply to today’s contexts?

10c. Does this teaching belittle women?

11. What blessing would godly women reap, according to verse 15?

12. How do the exhortations to both the men and the women relate to the first paragraph (1-7)?

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