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 (Manna 24: There is One Body)
Haven't Received the Holy Spirit Yet?

Haven’t received the Holy Spirit yet?

Heather Macdonald (ELGIN/EDINBURGH, UK)


WHEN I FIRST started praying for the Holy Spirit, I really didn’t like the idea of having to go out to the front of the chapel. Being a grown-up, I didn’t want everyone to know that I didn’t have the Holy Spirit. On top of that, I heard about all those members who had to pray for years and years before they received the Spirit. Thank God, I now have the Holy Spirit.

Perhaps you’ve been praying for quite a long time and you still have not received the Holy Spirit. But you haven’t given up. Okay, so you feel dejected, but that’s only natural. What I’m trying to say is that I really admire your perseverance. I doubt very much if I would have lasted very long. Perhaps that’s why He gave me His most precious gift so early because He understood. In many ways you’re far stronger than I am. We all know His promise, that He will pour out His Spirit on all who ask, so there is no doubt that He has His intended time for EVERYONE. He is omniscient, He knows our inner hearts; our deepest secrets and innermost fears. He understands our strengths and our weaknesses. He knows how far He can test us. He knows our limit, and tests no one beyond their endurance.

God listens to our every prayer, and stores them deep in His heart. He feels what we feel, and listens with understanding, gentleness and compassion to our every need. Assuredly, He knows your every prayer, and understands how you feel when they are not answered; that you feel so alone, perhaps let down, dejected. He wants so much to give His Spirit to you, to pour out His love on you. But He must hold back. God is love. He loves us all, far beyond any human understanding of the word. He knows you are praying, perhaps losing hope. That saddens Him, He wants to comfort you. But His greater purpose must be achieved. It is true that we all receive His Holy Spirit. it is His promise to all those who call upon Him. But we must ask ourselves: why is it that some receive the Holy Spirit so soon? Why do others have to wait so long? God’s ways are truly mysterious and very, very wonderful. We know that He always works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. I know that it was God’s will that I received the Holy Spirit so soon, just as it is God’s will that you, and many others, must wait. Why is this? Due to our strengths and our weaknesses? May be. He knows us, for He made us. His greater aim must be achieved. He is constantly refining us. Maybe this is your test. it is certainly your blessing.

It is during these times of trial, sadness and weakness that God is with us most. He understands at all times how we feel, and because He must refuse our request does not mean He is not there, or that He doesn’t care. It only means that He is waiting with eagerness for us to be ready, when He can pour out His love on us without restraint. The Holy Spirit is the most precious gift His love can offer, and He wants so much to fill everyone. He is constantly watching, waiting eagerly in love for the time when He can grant our requests, fulfill our needs. But the time must be right. It is for us to make this time come. He must see our sincerity and perseverance. It is not too difficult. He understands our weaknesses, and is there constantly to support us; He knows our efforts and that is what counts. He is a God of love, compassion and understanding.


In praying for the Holy Spirit, we must have faith, believe that He will give the Holy Spirit to us. Our hearts must be humble and we must be genuinely repentant. Trust in Him, speak with Him, share the depth of your need with him. He is there, just let Him into your heart. He only waits for you to open the door.

So please don’t feel ashamed of not having received the Holy Spirit yet. It is especially during this time that God is with you more than ever, reaching out to you, taking care of you and nurturing you. It means He loves you. We must respond. He wants you now.

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Author: Heather MacDonald