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The Book of Isaiah: Bible Study Thoughts

THE BOOK OF ISAIAH: Bible Study Thoughts

I.       Introduction

The Book of Isaiah is also termed “small Bible”.  It contains a total of sixty-six chapters.  The first 39 chapters, similar to the Old Testament, include history, prophecies, and psalms; the final 27 chapters, beginning with the voice crying in the wilderness, depict the formation of the new heaven and new earth.  The book is rich in content and has a concise structure.  Its author, Prophet Isaiah, was an important speaker for God during the times when the Israelites encounter great danger.

Isaiah was called to become a prophet in 740 B.C. and he was prophet for about 40 years.  During his time, the northern kingdom of Israel was destroyed by Assyria (722 B.C.) and the southern kingdom of Judah was also at the verge of destruction.

The first part of the book is a warning to the northern and southern kingdoms that God is punishing them of their wicked deeds through the hands of the Assyrians.  Also included are the prophecy of the coming of the Prince of Peace, and how God delivered Jerusalem from its enemies through the prayer of King Hezekiah.  The latter part of the book contains prophecies of God’s plan of salvation, the spread of salvation from the Israelites to all mankind, and the sun of righteousness will shine upon all men.

II.    The author

The name Isaiah means “Jehovah saves” or “Jehovah's salvation”.  Isaiah was the son of Amoz.  Amoz was the brother of Amaziah, King of Judah, therefore, Isaiah was the cousin of King Azariah, son of Amaziah.  As a member of the King’s family, Isaiah became the kingdom’s prophet.  He was the personal advisor of King Hezekiah and was well respected throughout Jerusalem.  He was also one of the great prophets in the Old Testament.  He was prophet during the rule of King Azariah (739 B.C.), King Jotham, King Ahaz, King Hezekiah, and King Manasseh.  According to Jewish accounts, Isaiah was sawed to death (Heb 11:37) by King Manasseh.

Isaiah’s wife was a prophetess (Is 8:3).  They had two sons, one was named Shear-Jashub meaning “the captives will return” and the other was named Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz meaning “quick to the plunder, swift to the spoil.”  Meaning of these two names serve as a warning of the things to come.

Isaiah, living in a time of turmoil, showed his courage and dedication in bringing warnings and messages of God to the people.  His steadfast faith in God, his courage of resisting evil, and his faithfulness in delivering the message of God serve as lessons from which we can learn from.

III. Historical background

During the time of Prophet Isaiah, Assyria and Syria were fighting against one another.  As a result, Israel and Judah were able to enjoy a brief period of peace and prosperity.  At that time, Judah was ruled by Azariah and Israel was ruled by Jeroboam II.  Prosperity of the two kingdoms was only limited in the urban areas.  The society as a whole has not yet been fully developed.  There was a sharp division between the rich and the poor and between people of different social status, which caused the nation to be in a state of unrest.  Because of the increase in commercial trade and dealing with foreigners, many were influenced by foreign cultures and religions which caused a gradual decline in moral standards.  People placed great emphasis on worldly enjoyments and were overly optimistic of the future prosperity of Israel and Judah.  Sins and evils of a nation foreshadow its destruction.  The Kingdom of Israel, because of its great sins, was destined to be destroyed even before it was destroyed by Assyria.

Jeroboam II, King of Israel, died in 753 B.C.  His son Zechariah reigned for only six month and was killed by Shallum.  Shallum reigned for one month and was killed by Menahem.  The kingdom was very unstable and began to weaken.  The son of Menahem, Pekahiah, reigned over Israel for two years and was killed by Pekah.  While Pekah was king, he joined with Syria to fight against Assyria.  Syria and Israel wanted Ahaz, king of Judah to join them; however, Ahaz turned to Assyria instead (ref.: Is 7-12).  Assyria defeated Syria in 732 B.C. and Israel in 722 B.C.  Judah was saved from destruction, however, Assyria continue to be a threat to Judah during the reign of King Hezekiah.

During the time of Prophet Isaiah, people witnessed the downfall of Syria, the rise of Assyria, and the destruction of Syria and Israel.  Isaiah, through his perceptive foresight, was expecting that Judah will one day fall to the same fate of Israel. Therefore, he earnestly cryed out in a loud voice in an attempt to revert the adverse situation of that time and to proclaim the path of salvation.

IV.  The contents

This book may be divided into three parts: the rebuke of God (ch. 1-35), historical excerpts (ch. 36-39), and the comfort of God (ch. 40-66).

A.     God’s Rebuke (chapters 1-35)

1.        God's rebuke towards Judah (ch. 1-12)

 a.      The people of God sinned against God and their hearts were harden, therefore, God chastised them by His righteousness and instructed them the path of righteousness through the words of the prophet (ch. 1-6).

 b.      After Isaiah was called by God through a vision, he courageously testified to the king and prophesied of the coming of Messiah, the savior;  only by believing in the promise of “Immanuel” can bring new hope and revival (ch. 7-12)

2.        God’s rebuke of Israel (ch. 13-23)

Nations of the world are filled with superficial religions, profit-taking merchants, and selfish politicians, allowing Satan to freely control them and causing tribulations and afflictions.  The prophet speak to warn the people of the true nature of Satan that they might return to God (ch. 13-23)

3.        Prophecy concerning the destruction of Judah (ch. 24-27)

4.        Although the inevitable destruction is about to come, people living in darkness shall receive the promise of revival and enjoy the glory of victory in the kingdom of God.

5.        Warning Judah of their sins and the coming of six great tribulations if they fail to repent (ch. 28-33)

6.        The judgement of God will begin from Judah, then Israel, then all nations of the world.  In that day, the righteous and the evil will be separated; the evil ones will suffer eternal punishment and the righteous will enjoy everlasting life and joy prepared by the Lord.

B.     Excerpts from History (chapters 36-39)

1.        During the reign of Hezekiah, God delivered Jerusalem from its surrounding enemies (ch. 36-37)

2.        After Hezekiah’s illness was healed by God, his foolish acts in showing treasures to the Babylonians caused the destruction of the Kingdom of Judah and the captivity of its people (ch. 38-39).

C.     The Comfort of God (chapters 40-66)

Although the people were taken captive, they shall one day return; the two descents of Messiah will bring a great salvation to mankind.

1.        God’s great plan of salvation

God is the creator of the universe and savior of mankind; the plan of salvation is accomplished through the Holy Spirit and His holy servant; the return of the captives from Persia prefigures the salvation of Christ and the mission of the TrueChurch in the last days (ch. 40-48)

2.        God’s servant — prefigures Christ (chapters 49-57)

The servant of God, the Christ, shall fulfill the salvation.  The salvation will first be given to the Jews for God wanted them to have the self-realization that they are the chosen people and the nucleus in reviving the kingdom of God.  By following the example set by Jesus, we can imitate His spirit of self-sacrifice.  His grace of salvation brought mankind joy and rest in the spirit.

3.        The glory of salvation (chapters 50-66)

The salvation of God allowed all mankind to see His glory.  The glory of God’s salvation is manifested through a godly life of faith with fairness and justice.  Christ the savior himself revealed that He is the true light and, being anointed by God, he preached the good news to those who are humble and comforted those in sorrow.  God’s justice shine as light to save the chosen people, defeat the enemies, build up Jerusalem as a praise-worthy city (which spiritually is the TrueChurch), and for all mankind to enjoy everlasting glory.  Facing the rebellion of the people, the prophet offer his sincere prayer to God asking for His grace and mercy.  God replied by revealing the reasons for their sufferings and encouraging the people to repent so that the salvation of mankind may be accomplished.  Those who are redeemed will be with God in the new heaven and new earth to share in the power and glory of God.  For those rebellious and disobedient sinners, God will descend amid fire to judge them with fire and sword, and the sinners will suffer eternal punishment.

V.     Important teachings

A.     Rebellion of the People of Judah (1:1-17)

1.        Heaven and earth testify to the sins of the people

2.        God raised them and cared for them, yet they failed to know Him

3.        They despised God and left their fields and cities in ruins, if it was not for mercy of God, they would have been destroyed like Sodom and Gomorrah

4.        The offering of sinners cannot please God, neither will God listen to their prayers

5.        We must cleanse the evil in our hearts and return to God so that He will wash away our sins; we should be obedient so that we may eat the good of the land

B.     The Song of the Vineyard (5:1-7)

Israel is the vineyard of God. God desire that they bear fruits of justice and righteousness that all men may come to know God through them. This is God’s plan of salvation. God, the owner of the vineyard, spent great efforts in the vineyard hoping to reap good fruits in due season; unexpectedly, the vineyard produced wild grapes (violence, deceit, selfishness, covetousness). Since the vineyard does not produce good fruits, the owner has the right to destroy it. The chosen people were thus forsaken by God, and God’s grace was given to the gentiles.

The apostolic church may be compared to God’s vineyard which later brought forth wild grapes and people were no longer able to receive spiritual life.  God took away His protection and allowed Satan to destroy it and cast it in ruins.  The church today, the new vineyard, must be warned from this historical tragedy, accomplish the work of God, and bear more fruits to glorify God and edify men.

C.     The Call of Isaiah (6:1-8)

1.        Isaiah saw a vision of the Lord sitting in the throne with seraphim the year King Uzziah died

2.        The seraphim touched his mouth with live coal to take away his iniquity.  Workers of God must be holy.  If we do not sin in our words, then we are considered perfect (Jas 3:2)

3.        Isaiah answered the call of God “here am I, send me”; courageously accept the commission of God

4.        The work of God is difficult to perform, therefore we must endure unto the end (6:9-10)

5.        Isaiah has a heart of learning to accept the teachings of God that he might help and comfort those in need (50:4-5)

D.     Prophecies of the Captivity

1.        God will take part in the destruction of the holy city to purge away the impurities (1:25)

2.        God will take away the protection and reliance of Judah and Jerusalem (3:1-8), the adornment of daughters of Zion will be taken away, warriors will fall by the sword, and many will morn by the gates of Zion (5:16-26)

3.        A nation from afar will come like a roaring lion to devour the people (5:26-30)

4.        People will be taken captive far away with less than a tenth remaining (6:11-13)

5.        Syria’s and Israel’s attack of Judah will be a failure and the two nations will be destroyed; Ephraim will be destroyed by Assyria (7:1-17)

6.        Isaiah’s son was named Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz meaning “quick to the plunder, swift to the spoil” (8:3)

7.        Manasseh and Ephraim will devour one another and together they will attack Judah (9:8-12, 19-21)

8.        Assyria is the staff of God used to strike ungodly nations; God will punish Assyria because of its arrogance, thus Jerusalem is temporarily saved from Assyria (10:1-19; 14:24-25; 31:8)

9.        Babylon rise up to destroy all nations but soon afterwards it will be conquered by Medes, fulfilled in 539 B.C. (13:1-22; 14:3-7, 22-23; 21:1-9)

10.     Israel turn to Egypt and Ethiopia  in helping to defend against Assyria, but they were soon destroyed by Assyria (20:1-6; 30:1-7)

11.     Judah did not rely on the Lord, therefore, Jerusalem will be destroyed, the sound of laughter will turn to weeping (22:1-14)

12.     People will surely be taken captive (28:15,17-21); the enemy will come like a flood and destroy all things

13.     Judah will be forsaken, women at rest will be tremble, the land will have thrones, cities will be deserted (32:9-14)

14.     After Hezekiah was healed by God, he showed the treasures of Jerusalem to people of Babylon; later all those treasures were taken by Babylon (39:2,6-7)

15.     The people were deaf and blind and failed to obey the laws of God, therefore, they were taken captive (42:18-25)

16.     The people were taken captive because of their sins, not because God cannot deliver them from their enemies (50:1-2)

17.     The  rebellious and deceitful people did many evil things and did not repent, therefore, God use the wind to scatter them (57:3-13)

18.     God will not save them because their inequities have separated them from God (59:1-7)

E.     The Eventual Return of the Captives

1.        God will restore judges and counselors so that Zion may be restored (1:25-27)

2.        One of Isaiah’s sons was named Shear-Jashub meaning “the captives will return” (7:3; ref.: Jer 25:11-12; Dan 9:2)

3.        For the second time, the Lord will deliver the remnant of His people who are left; those who are scattered will return from all nations (11:11-16)

4.        By the mercy of God and through the gentiles, people of Judah and Israel will be brought back to their home land (14:1-2)

5.        Those who return will be as few as the remnants on olive trees (14:4-7)

6.        As Israel was scattered by the wind, God has washed away their sins, one day God will gather them like gathering fruits (27:6-12)

7.        God will raise up one from the east (king of Persia) allowing the people in captivity may return (41:2,25-27; 44:28; 45:1-4, 13).  It was fulfilled in 536 B.C. (ref.: Ezra 1:1-2, 6:3)

8.        The descendants of Israel will be like the sand in the sea shore and their name will not be cut off; they will go forth from Babylon (48:19-20)

9.        The people of God will return from all corners of the world (43:5-6)

10.     A great number of people have returned that the desolate places seemed too small for them (49:14-23)

For those who have returned, they were brought up by kings and queens of foreign nations

11.     Israel will no longer be desolated, foreign nations will return their brethren back to them (62:4; 66:20)


F.      The Remnant of Israel Will Return To the Lord

1.        Those who still remain in the house of Jacob shall return to the Lord (4:4; 10:20-23; 11:16)

2.        Those who have returned will respect their Creator (17:4-7)

3.        Those who were scattered will gather to worship God in the holy mountain at Jerusalem (27:6, 12-13)

4.        The Lord will be a crown of glory to the remnant of His people; one who judge with justice and with the strength to defeat enemies (28:5-6)

5.        God will deliver His message to the people through the lips of the gentiles (28:11; ref.: I Cor 14:21-22)

 a.      Those who wait for Lord shall receive mercy; people will forsake their idols and return to God (30:18-26)

6.        God will grant peace to those who are afar and those who are near (57:19)

7.        If we take away the pointing fingers, refrain from speaking wickedness, and have compassion on the hungry, then the Lord will guide us and satisfy us like a watered garden and like a spring of unceasing water (58:9-12)

8.        If we turn our feet from the Sabbath and keep it with diligence, then we shall ride on the high hills and receive inheritance (58:13-14)

9.        The Redeemer will come to Zion to make a covenant the people and their descendants’ descendants (59:16-21)

10.     Salvation will come upon Zion and Jerusalem so that God may rejoice (62:1-5, 10-12)

11.     By His mercy and loving kindness, the Lord became their savior to bear their afflictions and redeem their sins (63:7-9)

12.     God will not destroy them all and their descendants will inherit the land (65:8-10)

13.     When Zion travailed she will give birth to her children (66:8-9)

G.     Salvation of the Messiah

1.        Sins like the scarlet will be washed white as snow (1:18-19)

2.        The Branch of the Lord shall be beautiful and glorious; the Lord will wash away the filth of the daughters of Zion by the spirit of judgment and the spirit of burning (4:2-3)

3.        The virgin shall conceive and bear a son named Immanuel (7:14)

4.        The Lord will be a sanctuary, but to the house of Israel He is a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense (8:14-15)

5.        The land of Zebulun and Naphtali shall see His glory, a great light will shine in darkness upon those who dwell in the shadow of death (9:1-3; ref.: Mt 4:12-16; Lk 1:78-79)

6.        A Child is born and government will be upon His shoulder.  His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  He will be upon the throne of David to rule over his kingdom (9:6-7; ref.: Eph 2:13-18; Gal 3:28)

7.        A Branch shall grow out of the root of Jesse and the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him that He may have the Spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, and fear of the Lord (11:1-5,10; ref.: Rom 15:12)

8.        One will sit upon the throne in the tabernacle of David judging and seeking justice (16:5)

9.        The Lord will give him the key of the house of David; he shall open and no one shall shut, he shall shut and no one shall open (22:22-23; ref.: Mt 16:18-19)

10.     God will lay in Zion a stone, a  precious cornerstone for foundation; those who trust in the Lord will not worry (28:16; ref.:Mt 21:42-44; Rom 9:33; 10:11; I Pet 2:4,8)

11.     A king will reign in righteousness and be a hiding place from the wind (32:1-8)

12.     The voice of the one crying in the wilderness to prepare the way of the Lord and make straight His highway (40:305; ref.:Mt 3:1-3; Mk 1:2-4; Lk 3:2-6)

13.     The Lord shall come with a strong hand to feed His flock like a shepherd (40:9-11; ref.: Job 10:1-18; Mt 9:36-37)

14.     God’s servant, the Messiah, will bring forth justice to the Gentiles and be a mediator for the people (42:1-7; ref.: Mt 12:17-21; Lk 2:32; Acts 13:47-48; Eph 2:11-12; Rom 11:17-24)

15.     The Redeemer of Israel is the only savior (44:6; ref.:Acts 4:12)

16.     The Servant of the Lord proclaimed the name of God from his mother’s womb and will bring Jacob back to Him (49:1-6; ref.: Mt 1:21)

17.     He preached as he was commanded to and was willing to endure suffering  (50:4-9)

18.     His Servant shall deal prudently and be exalted and extolled on high (52:13-15)

The Servant shall suffer and cleanse people of all nations

19.     He has no form or comeliness and is despised and rejected by men, He has born our griefs and carried our inequities, yet he open not His mouth as He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, and he was buried with the rich (53:1-12)

20.     He is the sure mercy promised to David to be a witness to the people and a leader and commander for the people (55:3-7)

21.     The righteous and the godly shall receive rest once they depart from the world (57:1-2; Rev 14:13)

22.     The Redeemer will come to Zion to give the  Spirit and proclaim the words of God forever (59:20-21)

23.     He was anointed by Holy Spirit to preach the Gospel, and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord (61:1-2; Lk 4:18-19)

H.    The expansion of the TrueChurch during the last day

1.        During the last day, the holy mountain of God will surpass the height of other mountains  The people will return to this mountain to receive the discipline and word of God. (2:2-3)

2.        God rules the kingdom and judges.  The kingdom be­comes the kingdom of peace. (2:4)

3.        Seven women pulling a man.  Asked to be received through his name, only seed that Jehovah plants, elegant, solid, true, and glorious.  Using his spirit of fire and righ­teousness to wash away the filth of the women of Zion.  Jehovah should be on the mountain of Zion.  The moun­tain will be covered with his glory. (4:1-6)

4.        Once obeying and returning to the standards of the law, we should see and receive the light. (8:20)

5.        Wolves and sheep, leopards and goats, horses and men living together.  When living on the holy mountain of God, these known adversaries will not harm one another. (11:6-9)

6.        There should be one big road to lead the chosen ones to return.  like the Israelites out of Egypt.  repenting (11:16, reference I Corinthians 10:1)

7.        The gospel of salvation will be spread to the corners of the world.  The chosen ones who are in suffering should come and believe.  (14:32, ref. Mat. 11:28)

The chosen people can joyfully and happily drink from the fountain of salvation.

8.        The magnificent and graceful people shall bring their gifts to mountain Zion. (18:7)

9.        The Egyptians and Assyrians will recognize God and re­ceive salvation.  Together, they will worship Jehovah so that the people on earth may receive blessings (19:18-25)

10.     Will glorify Jehovah in the East, glorify God on the island to the end of the earth. (24:15-16)

Glory to the righteous

Jehovah will be king on the mountain of Zion.  Will re­ceive glory before the presence of the elders (24:23)

11.     There will be a multitude of people on the holy mountain who will use luscious things to prepare for the feast.  Besides the fabrics and handkerchiefs which cover the faces of the people, God has eliminated death and wiped away their tears.  We will rejoice because of the salvation (25:6-9)

12.     Salvation as a fortified city, those who keeps their faith shall enter to enjoy peace (26:1-4)  The people living in the city will increase and spread out (26:15)

13.     The wilderness becomes fertile fields, humble and poor people will receive joy, the violent and vicious people will be stopped.  The people will consider their God holy (29:17-20, 22-24, 32:15-18)

14.     The dry desert will grow flowers and become alive.  The blind, dumb, and deaf will be cured and cheerfully cry out loud.  There will be a big path that will become the path of righteousness.  Created for those repentant people to walk on.  Those who are unholy will not pass on it.  (35:1-10)

15.     Rivers flow from barren heights, the valley creates a foun­tain, the desert becomes with water, and the dry land be­comes a artesian spring (41:1-2, 17-20, 43:19-21, 16, 25)

16.     The promise of the descending of the Holy Spirit.  The wa­ter will irrigate the dry ground (44:3)

17.     God will cause the mountain to become large paths.  The people of God will come from every direction, these come from the Ching dynasty (China).  The true church will come from the east (49:11-13)

God sent the birds of prey from the east to fulfill God’s plan (46:10-11)

18.     The multitude will see the salvation of God.  How wonder­ful are the feet of those that spread the good news (52:7-10)

19.     The multitude will return to God.  Expand their camp ground, spreading right and left, gain more achievement (54:1-3)

20.     By using the love of God which will never leave you, for­ever abiding, the beauty and firmness of Zion, and God’s outward adornment as our reliance. (54:10-14)

21.     Those who are thirsty will be close to the water without paying a price. (55:1-2)

22.     Those who do not recognize God will turn and search to Jehovah because of God’s forgiveness (55:5-7, 13)

23.     Worship the Sabbath day with those Gentiles who associ­ate with Jehovah (56:1-6)

24.     The God who is high above dwell with the humble people, so that men’s spirit will be awakened.  He will also lead, heal, comfort, and edify them.  Give peace to them (57:14-19)

25.     The glory of Jehovah arises and shines out.  The nations will stay together with this light.  The children of God will come from every place. (60:1-8, reference Revelation 5:9-10)

26.     Gentiles will build your walls, the city gates will never close, either day or night, so that the people may bring materials to you. (60:10-11, ref. Hagai 2:6-9)

27.     Gold and silver taking place of steel, peace and righteous­ness as supervisors, there will never be any more violence.  The ruin and destroyed things are of the past. (60:17-18)

28.     Jehovah as the eternal light which will never descend or re­treat.  When the people become righteous, they will re­ceive land and will have many businesses.  It is the seed God plants.  The hands of work will glorify God. (60:19-22)

29.     The spirit of God descends, spread the gospel, gives for­giveness to sinners, declare the grace of God, giving gar­ment to replace the dust, and oil of joy to replace sorrows, garment of praise replace a contrite heart (61:1-3)

30.     Fix the ruins, rebuild the desolated towns, shepherding the flock, working the fields of God, repair the grapevine, re­ceive many folds of property, always rejoicing.  When looking at them, one will immediately know that they are the descendents blessed by God (61:4-9)

31.     Because the heart of God is happy, that is why my heart is also happy.  Salvation as his cloths, righteousness as his robe, putting them on me.  righteousness and praise will come out from the people. (61:10-11)

32.     His righteousness and salvation is as bright as the light.  The multitude will see his righteousness and glory.  God will use a new name to call these things (62:1-2)

33.     We must become the bride of Christ, first to please him (62:5)

34.     Fix the road for the people.  Announce to everyone that the Saviour is here.  He has rewards, retributions, they will be called a people who are repentant and holy (62:10-12)

35.     Those who never come and visited me now come and beg of me.  Those who have never recognized my name, I will say to them, “ I am here, I am here” (65:1, Eph 2:11-13)

36.     Building Jerusalem, a city that is joyful.  Build house, plant vineyards, eat the fruits, do the work by hand and enjoy for a long time.  The wolves and sheep will eat together.  Lions will eat grace like cows, on the holy mountain of God, no one will harm one another.  (65:18-25)

37.     Those who love Jerusalem, will rejoice and be glad with her, receive their abundant glory, abiding in her bosoms, and infants drinking the milk.  The heart is full of joy, peace. (62:10-14)

38.     Jehovah will perform miracles among the people.  Those who never heard the name of the Lord, will receive the glory of God and spread the gospel to different countries.  (66:18-19)

39.     Jehovah will from among them, choose the priests and Levites.  God’s words are like the scrolls. Commands upon commands, God’s spirit collects all of them together. (66:21)

I.       The day of the Lord and its situation (28:10, 13, 29:11-12, 34:16)

1.        The day of punishment will come to those who are proud.  On that day, people will throw away and forsake the idols they have made.  They will run between rocks and holes to hide from Jehovah’s wrath and greatness, and glory (2:10-22)

2.        The last day, the mountain of God’s temple will arise.  Jehovah who sends out the seed will grow and flourish.  (2:2, 4:2) The seven women pulling a man.  Saying “We eat out own food and wear our own cloths, but please let us go through under your name. ” (4:1)

3.        Those people who uses light and night and night and light, call the unrighteous as righteous, call the righteous among the righteous, if take away the righteousness of the righ­teous, then woe to these people. (5:18-25)

4.        The multitude do not turn to God nor do they seek Jehovah, then Jehovah within one night, will cut off the head and tail of this community (the firstborn, those con­sidered to be precious, the liars and false prophets)  be­cause they had lead the multitude astray.  Whoever follows them will be destroyed.  (9:13-16)

5.        On that day, the Lord will stretch out his hands to save his left over people.  The leftover Israelites will return to the True God. (11:11, 10:20-23)

6.        The day of Jehovah comes.  these day come to destroy like a destruction from the almighty, men’s hands are weak, their hearts melt, they are scared and are sorrowful, like a women having difficulty in child bearing, there will be cru­elty and anger, hate, and cause the land to be ruined.  by doing this, eliminate the sinners.  The stars will not give its light, the moon and sun will become dark.  Men will be­come fewer in number than pure gold. (13:6-13)

7.        Bright Star.  The sound of moaning. They all fall into the abyss and receive eternal sufferings (14:12-16)

8.        Jehovah will cause the land to become empty and becomes ruins.  The land will be turned upside down and scatter all the people dwelling there.  The land will become empty, cities become desolate.  The multitude will be burned up by the consuming fire,  the remaining amount will be very few.  the ground open up and swallow them. (24:1-12, 17-20)

9.        The dead shall rise, their body will rise, those who sleep in the dust will stand up and sing songs, the ground will give out dead men. All of these people will run and hide in the houses because they want to escape the wrath and fury of Jehovah.  (26:19-21)

10.     Jehovah is like the consuming fire, his day of anger toward all the nations will be near, those who are killed will be thrown away.  all the mountains will be melted.  everything in the skies will disappear, the skies will be rolled up like a scroll.  (34:1-4)

11.     Jehovah’s day of revenge, the river Edom will become oil, dust will become sulfur, the land will be covered with burning oil, and the fire will never stop burning and every­thing will become a wasteland.  (34:8-10)

12.     Those who are fleshly, they will just be like the flowers and grass, dry up and wither, only the word of God will remain forever.  (40:6-8, 1 Peter 1:23-25)

13.     The sky will gradually disappear like the smoke.  The land will become gradually torn like the clothes. the people liv­ing on the earth will also gradually die. only the salvation of God will remain forever. (51:6)

14.     The evil doers will regret, will not be calmed because the lord said, “the sinners will never receive peace.” (48:22, 57:20-21)

15.     The sun and moon will disappear, Jehovah’s eternal light (60:19-20)

16.     When the Lord descends, the earth will split open and all the kings of the earth will stand before him and shake, dur­ing the day that the Lord descends, the mountains will shake (65:1-3)

17.     Those who abandon Jehovah, forgets the Bible, will defi­nitely fall, and will be killed (65:11-12)

18.     The new heaven and new earth will appear. The things of the past will not be remembered.  No one will ever go back and think about those things.  (65:17-20)

19.     Jehovah descends among the fire.  His chariot is like a tor­nado, he will be very angry and will not restrain his anger.  He will give out his judgment.  Those who do evil will be killed and their number will be many, those who are clean after being baptized, and still eat those unclean things will also be killed (66:15-17)

20.     The new heaven and new earth will always remain.  The chosen ones and their names will also remain (66:22)

21.     Those who betray the Lord, their bodies will be con­demned eternally, because the insects will never die, the fire will never be quenched, those that are of the flesh will hate them. (66:24)
