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First & Second Timothy

First & Second Timothy

I.       The Book of First Timothy

A.     Chapter 1


1.        Greetings (1:1-2)

 a.      The author recognizes his mission

(a)     Became an apostle in the name of the Lord

(b)     Jesus is the Savior and hope of men

 b.      The true believer:  Love toward others

(a)     True son of Christ;  the manifestation of spiritual love

(b)     Prays for blessings, mercy, and peace for others

2.        Confronting False Prophets and Heresies (1:3-11)

 a.      The appearance of false prophets (1:3, 20; II Tim 2:17; Acts 20:29-30)

 b.      The false teachings of heresies

(a)     Desires to be teachers of the law (1:4,7)

(b)     Excessive abstinence (4:1-5)

(c)     Preaching false facts and stories of the ancestors (fables and legends of vanity) (1:4; 4:7; Tit 3:9)

(d)     Foolish and meaningless questions concerning the law (II Tim 2:23; Tit 3:9)

 c.      The Words of Love (1:5)

(a)     The purpose of the commandment is love.  This is the goal of the church (Rom 10:4; Gal 5:14)

(b)     Source of love: Pure heart, pure conscience, and pure faith

 d.      The Teaching of the Truth

(a)     The cause of falling into heresies is the lack of foundation in the Truth (1:6-7; Eph 4:13-14; Col 2:6-8)

(b)     The power of the law: Causes men to realize their sins (Rom 3:28), refrain from unlawfulness (I Jn 3:4; Gal 3:22), and leads men unto the path of righteousness, away from evil (II Cor 3:6)

3.        Abundant Blessings:  The Testimony of Paul (1:12-17)

 a.      Christ’s ministry (12; I Cor 3:5; Acts 9:1-16)

(a)     Through Paul’s loyalty (Mat 25:29; I Cor 4:1; I Thes 1:4)

(b)     Granting power (II Cor 4:7; 11:23-33; 12:12; Rom 15:18; I Cor 2:4)

 b.      The Abundant Love of Christ (13-16)

(a)     Blasphemed against the name of the Lord.  The leader of persecutors (Acts 7:58-60; 8:3)

(b)     The Lord forgives the ignorant, granting them faith and love (I Cor 15:9; Eph 3:8; I Jn 5:4; 4:19)

(c)     The blessings of the Lord are abundant, patient and tolerant.  These are the models of a Savior (15-16; I Pet 3:20; II Pet 3:8-9; Gal 9:13; Lk 18:9-14; 19:10)

 c.      Glory and Praise Belongs to the Lord (17)

(a)     Glorify the Lord through our body ( Phil 1: 20-21; Is 43:7)

(b)     Know the noble God, who is immortal, invisible, the eternal King, the one true God (II Cor 4:18; I Cor 2:6-10; Heb 13:8; Acts 4:11-13)

4.        Fight the Beautiful Battle (18-20)

 a.      Loyal submission: Emphasize the transition of holy work (18; II Tim 2:2)

(a)     Choose holy workers according to prophesies (Acts 16:1-3)

(b)     Laying of hands (II Tim 1:6; I Tim 4:14)

(c)     Cultivation through work (II Tim 1:13-14)

(d)     Encouragement and guidance through letters

5.        Fight the beautiful battle for the Truth

 a.      Contents of the beautiful battle:  Keep the Truth, spread the gospel, protect the Truth (II Tim 1:13-14; 2:15; 3:15-17; 4:2-5; II Cor 10:3-5)

 b.      Weapons of the beautiful battle (1:19);  Faith, and a pure conscience ( Heb 11:6; 3:14; Pro 20:27)

 c.      The wrecked ship of our faith: Lose our faith, conscience, love, give ourselves to Satan (Jam 4:17; I Cor 5:5; Ref: Acts 19:23; II Tim 2:17; 4:14)

B.     Chapter 2


1.        The importance of the life intercession (1-7)

 a.      The importance of the prayers of intercession: First (Primary duty) (Acts 6:4)

 b.      Recipients

(a)     For all people

(b)     For leaders (Rom 13:1-7; Eph 6:18-19)

 c.      Approach: Ask in humility, pray, intercede, give thanks (Gal 15:21-28; II Cor 12:8-10; I Pet 2:9; Phil 4:6; Col 4:2)

 d.      The foundation of intercession (Heb 4:14-16)

(a)     Because there is only one God (I Cor 8:4-6; Deut 6:4)

(b)     One mediator (Heb 7:25)

 e.      Appointed positions (7), preachers, apostles, teachers

·         Know your duties, position.  Do everything to the best of your ability (I Cor 9:16-19; Eph 4:11-12; Acts 2:23-24; I Cor 2:4-5)

2.        Spiritual Cultivation and Order Between Brothers and Sisters

 a.      Brothers (8)

(a)     No anger (Heb 12:15; Gal 2:3; Eph 4:26-27: Ps 37:8)

(b)     No arguments (Gal 5:37; II Pet 1:20; 3:16)

(c)     Emphasize holiness (Heb 12:14; Jam 5:16; Gal 5:23-24)

(d)     Pray often (Eph 6:18-19; Zech 4:6; II Thes 2:13)

 b.      Sisters

(a)     Humble, self-control, do good deeds (Pro 14:1; 7:11; I Pet 3:1-2)

(b)     Adorn with modest apparel (9; I Pet 3:3; Pro 31:30)

(c)     Learn in silence, with all submission (11; I Cor 11:3; Eph 5:22-24; Lk 1:28-29, 38, 46-48)

(d)     Should not rebuke, nor have authority over men (12-14; I Cor 11:5; 14:34-35: Lk 2:36-37: Acts 21:8-9; Ps 68:9)

(e)     Cause of blessing:  Faith, love, holiness, self-control (15)

C.     Chapter 3


1.        Motives of doing holy work (1)

 a.      Desire to do good work (1)

 b.      Willing to be a public servant (Gal 20:27-28; I Cor 9:19; I Pet 5:2-4; Acts 20:28-30)

 c.      Willing to suffer for the Lord (II Cor 11:23-33; 6:1-10; 4:7-11; I Pet 4:1-2)

2.        Appointment of Elders

 a.      Overseers and elders (Acts 20:28; I Tim 5:17)

 b.      Qualification of elders

(a)     Personal deeds are blameless (Tit 1:7), does not look to wine (Pro 23:31; 31:4), does not beat others (II Tim 2:24-25), does not compete with others (I Cor 3:6; Ps 75:6), not greedy (I Pet 5:2; I Tim 6:10), not stubborn (Phil 2:3-4), have patience (Eph 4:26-27); rejoice in holy work, have self-control (Tit 1:6), keeps to self (Acts 21:13), revered (I Tim 2:2), kind (Col 4:6), possesses hospitality (Rom 12:13; Col 13:2; Gal 10:40-42)

(b)     Family life: The husband of one woman (Mat 22:23-30; Rom 7:3; I Pet 2:7), able to manage own house (Ps 101:2; 127:4; I Tim 5:8), children are obedient and well mannered (Eph 6:4; Ps 127:43; 128:3; 54:13)

(c)     Spiritual requirements: Great faith (II Tim 2:15; Gal 1:6-10), filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 6:3), new believers cannot be ordained as elders (6)

(d)     Well spoken (Acts 16:2; 11:24; I Pet 3:13-16)

(e)     Keeps the Truth, and is able to teach others (Acts 20:28-31; I Tim 4:16)

3.        Appointment of Deacons (8-13)

 a.      Original meaning of a deacons is, one who is willing to help, servant, helper

 b.      Qualification of deacons (Similar to the qualification of elders)

(a)     Outwardly:  Speaks from the heart (Mat 5:37; Pro 12:23), does not gossip, does not drink (Pro 23:31; I Cor 10:31), not greedy (I Pet 5:2)

(b)     Inwardly:  Well spoken (Acts 16:1-3), pure conscience (II Tim 2:21; Phil 2:5), keeps the Truth (Gal 1:6-10), has been through trials (I Pet 3:16; 4:12), the husband of one woman (Rom 7:3), well managed family and children (Ps 71:18; 78:1-8), has a good reputation (Phil 3:17), is courageous (good foundation in the Truth) (Phil 1:19-29)

4.        Conducts of the Church (14-16)

 a.      Reason for writing the letter (14): Conducts of the Church

 b.      Characteristics of the church

(a)     House of the eternal God (Heb 3:5; Eph 2:19)

(b)     Pillar and foundation of the Truth (Eph 2:20; I Cor 3:11; Heb 2:1-4)

 c.      Mystery of conduct:  Mystery of the Truth

(a)     God was manifested in the flesh (Jn 1:14, 17-18)

(b)     Justified in the Spirit (Acts 7:52; Jn 3:34; 16:7-11: Mat 3:16-17)

(c)     Seen by angels (Lk 2:10-11; 22:43: Acts 1:6-11)

(d)     Preached among the Gentiles (Eph 3:1-6)

(e)     Believed on in the world (Jn 1:14, 18; 3:16, 36; Heb 1:3)

(f)      Received up in glory (I Pet 1:3-6)

D.     Chapter 4


1.        Knows the false teachings (1-5)

 a.      Reasons for departing from the Truth

(a)     Tired of the Truth (II Thes 2:3; II Tim 4:3-4)

(b)     Temptation of evil spirits (Jn 13:2; Eph 2:1-3; II Cor 4:4; II Kg 18:4), obsess the heart of men, create cults

(c)     Confusion of the Truth (I Tim 6:20; Gal 1:6-8)

 b.      Contents of cults

(a)     Oppose the Truth (Col 2:8; I Tim 6:20)

(b)     Indulge in the passion of lust (I Thes 4:3-5)

(c)     Excessive abstention (3; I Cor 7:28)

(d)     Abstain from certain foods (Col 2:16, 21)

(e)     Perform false miracles (II Thes 2:9; Mat 24:24)

 c.      Candidates of cults

(a)     Those who are deluded in heresies (II Thes 2:9-12; II Pet 2:1)

(b)     Those who wander away from the Truth

(c)     Those without consciences (Eph 4:19; Jn 12:39-40)

 d.      Methods of protection

(a)     Know the Truth (Heb 4:12; Col 1:23)

(b)     Resistance through faith (Jam 4:7)

(c)     Protection of the Holy Spirit (Eph 1:17-18; 6:17; Mat 26:41)

(d)     Reminders of preachers (Acts 20:28; I Cor 14:29)

2.        Exercise godliness

 a.      Value of exercising godliness

(a)     More profitable than bodily exercise (I Cor 6:20; II Cor 4:16-18; Eph 5:29)

(b)     Have the promise of life (Mat 6:33; Ps 128:1-6)

(c)     Have the promise of the life to come (Phil 3:20-21; II Tim 4:7-8; Eph 1:13-14)

 b.      Methods of exercising godliness

(a)     Receive the words of Truth (6; II Jn 2)

(b)     Receive the teachings of the doctrines (Heb 13:7,17)

(c)     Abandon worldly conversations (7; II Tim 2:16)

(d)     Labor and suffer in reproach (10; II Tim 2:6; Jam 5:7; I Cor 9:24-27)

3.        Pastoring Duties

 a.      Methods of pastoring

(a)     Verbal teachings (11, 13; Neh 8:1-8; Mat 18:15; 28:20)

(b)     Physical teachings (12; Jam 3:2,5; Eph 4:1; I Cor 13:1-3; Heb 11:1, 6; Rom 12:2)

(c)     Utilize talents (14; I Pet 5:10-11)

 b.      Attitude toward pastoring

(a)     Give yourself entirely in the works of pastoring (15)

(b)     Concentrate on your work (15; Lk 9:57-62)

(c)     Persist in your work (16; Heb 3:14; Mat 24:13)

(d)     Let your progress be evident to all (15; Rom 2:21)

 c.      Results of pastoring

(a)     Obtaining salvation (II Tim 3:15; Mat 7:21)

(b)     Saving others (II Thes 2:13; I Jn 5:16; Jam 5:19-20)

(c)     Receiving blessings (I Pet 5:2-4)

E.     Chapter 5


1.        Family-Like Church (1-3; Eph 2:19), Spirit of the Family

 a.      Treat elders as your parents

(a)     Do not look down on them (Pro 23:22)

(b)     Do not rebuke them (Pro 20:20)

(c)     Respect the elderly (Jer 19:32; Job 32:4-7)

 b.      Treat youths as your siblings (Ps 131:1; Job 31:1; I Cor 7:1)

 c.      Restore in gentleness rather than rebuke (Mat 18:15-17; Gal 6:1)

 d.      Gather in harmony, keeping yourself holy (I Thes 4:3-5)

 e.      Take care of the weaker members (3; I Cor 12:22-25; Job 31:16-22; Jam 1:27)

2.        Church-Like Family

 a.      Preach from the family (Ps 101:2; I Tim 3:5)

 b.      Children, practice filial piety in your household (4; Eph 6:1; Pro 20:20)

 c.      Love one another inside the family (8; I Jn 4:20)

3.        Practice of Good Deeds (9-16)

 a.      Guidelines for elderly and widowed

(a)     Be sixty years old, has not done any sinful deeds, be the wife of one man

(b)     Has reputation for giving charity, such as caring and educating children, receiving foreigners, washing the feet of saints, relieving the afflicted, diligently following every good work

 b.      Caring for young widows

(a)     Respect widows with good conducts, who look up to God and pray constantly

(b)     Counsel the young widow who seeks pleasure (11-13, 6-7)

(c)     Encourage them to remarry and manage the house (14)

(d)     Family should take care of helpless relatives; others will be taken care of by the church (4, 8, 16)

4.        Concerning Fellow Workers

 a.      Respect the elder who labor in the Truth

(a)     Two types of elders:  Those who manage the church, and those who labor in the Truth

(b)     The laborer receives his wages, source of income depends on the Truth.  The Church would provide living needs for those who labor in the Truth, so they can concentrate on the works of God (Deut 25:4; I Cor 9:7-14)

 b.      Resolving accusations

(a)     In the event a worker of God is at fault, do not reproach directly or make accusations among Gentiles

(b)     Do not accuse others by your own opinion, there shall be clear evidence, with two or three witnesses

(c)     When proven guilty, punish according to the severity of the wrong-doing, set as an teaching for others.

 c.      Attitude toward others (21-22)

(a)     Do not have prejudice against others, do not show favoritism (21; Ex 23:2-3)

(b)     Do not lay hands on anyone hastily (22)

(c)     Keep yourself pure, do not have share in an other’s sin (22)

(d)     Resolve matters justly; know what is right from wrong (24-25)

(e)     Take care of your body, do not overlook your health (23; 4:8; I Cor 6:19; Eph 5:26)

F.      CHAPTER 6


1.        Duties of the Servant (1-2)

 a.      Maintain self-identity (6:1; I Cor 7:20-24), the gospel is preached to all levels of society.  The change in spiritual life after conversion does not represent a change in social status.

 b.      Respect and honor the master, be faithful at work, lest the gospel is despised by other actively bear testimonies (I Pet 2:18-20; Ref.: Philem 8-20)

 c.      Serve diligently the believing masters (6:2; Eph 6:15; Col 3:22)

2.        Signs of a False Teacher (3-5)

 a.      Preaches a wrong teaching, a cult (3; Gal 1:6-9; Col 2:8; I Thess 6:20)

 b.      Does not coincide with the Truth (3; Titus 1:10; I Jn 4:1-6; Jn 8:44-45)

 c.      Arrogant and self-exaltation (II Thess 2:4, 9-10)

 d.      Causes strife (4; Jas 3:14-17)

 e.      Uses godliness as a means of self-gain (Eph 4:28; II Thess 3:6-12; Ref.: Acts 8:18-20)

3.        Do Not Be Greedy (6-10)

 a.      Greed is the root of all evil and causes people to:

(a)     Fall into snares and harmful lusts (9)

(b)     Sink into destruction and perdition (9)

(c)     Be tempted away from the Truth (10)

(d)     Be pierced with many sorrows (10)

 b.      Learn to be content (Heb 13:5; Phil 4:11-13)

(a)     Godliness with contentment is great gain

4.        Be a Person of God (11-16)

 a.      Flee from these things:

(a)     The temptation of money (11, 5)

(b)     The profane and vain babbling and contradictory knowledge (20; Col 2:8)

 b.      Pursue these things:

(a)     Spiritual growth (11; II Peter 1:5-8; II Tim 2:22)

(b)     Fight the good fight of faith (12; II Cor 10:4-5; Jude 3)

(c)     Lay hold on eternal life (12; Mt 16:26)

(d)     Be spotless and blameless (14; II Peter 3:12-14; Heb 12:14)

 c.      Purpose of laboring and toiling

(a)     Hope for God’s appearing (14-16; 4:8-10)

(b)     Hope for the reward (I Peter 5:4; Rom 8:18-25; II Cor 4:17-18; 5:1-10)

(c)     Persevere until the end (Mt 20:27-30; II Pet 3:17-18; Rom 8:35-39; Heb 10:32-39)

5.        Be Rich In Good Work (17-19)

 a.      Dot not be arrogant in having riches (17; Jer 9:23-24)

(a)     Money and riches are uncertain (17; Eccl 2:18-19; 5:10-12; 6:1-2; Prov 23:5)

(b)     Money cannot solve all problems (Ps 49:6-9; Jas 1:9-11)

(c)     An abundance of wealth is nothing in the sight of God (Lk 12:15-21)

 b.      Trust in the living God (17; Prov 3:5)

(a)     He is the Lord of the universe, the source of all blessings (Ps 23:1; I Chron 29:11-12; Jas 1:17; 4:13-15)

(b)     He gives us richly all things to enjoy (17; Deut 8:18; Ps 31:15; 34:9)

 c.      Be rich in good works (18)

(a)     Having pity on the poor, store up treasures in heaven (Mt 16:19-21; Prov 19:17; 3:27; Gal 6:9-10)

(b)     Sow sparingly, reap sparingly; sow bountifully, reap bountifully (II Cor 9:6-14; Heb 13:16)

 d.      Lay hold on eternal life (19)

(a)     Life does not consist in the abundance of material possessions (Lk 12:15)

(b)     It is difficult for a rich man to enter heaven (Mt 19:23-26)

(c)     Use the money well, be a faithful steward (Lk 16:9-12)



1.        Guard what was committed:  the pure gospel, the eternal Truth, to guard and to preach

2.        Resist false teachings: words of vanity, worldly philosophies, teachings that oppose the Truth, be watchful, do not be tempted

3.        Keep under the grace of God

II.    The Book of Second Timothy

A.     CHAPTER  1


1.        Confirmation of Faith (1-5)

 a.      Self-recognition of the commission (1)

(a)     God’s calling (Acts 9:1-6, 15-16; 20:24; 26:19)

(b)     The promise of life (10; Heb 9:14-15; Jn 3:16; Rom 8:18; Mt 10:38-39)

(c)     Understanding the role of an apostle (Acts 1:21-26)

 b.      The heritage of faith (3-5; Ps 50:23)

(a)     A heritage of serving God with a pure conscience (3; Rom 4:10-22; Jn 4:24; Jer 17:10; Ps 24:3-4)

(b)     A heritage of un-hypocritical faith (4-5; Ps 78:4-7; Deut 6:4-7; Gen 18:19)

 c.      The successor of the Truth (2)

(a)     A true son, a beloved son:  born of the Truth (I Tim 1:2), cultivated in Truth (13-14), learned from examples (8, I Cor 11:1), guided through prayers (3)

(b)     Laying of hands to impart the grace of God (6; Ref.: Num 11:17)

(c)     Remember and pray for one another (4-5, Rom 1:8-10)

2.        Stir Up the Gift

 a.      The purpose of the gift (I Cor 12:1-11, 27-31; 14:26; Eph 4:11-12)

 b.      The source of gifts

(a)     From God’s giving (Eph 4:7-8; I Cor 12:11)

(b)     From the laying of hands (6; Num 11:17)

(c)     From asking through prayer (I Cor 14:12)

 c.      The essence of the gifts

(a)     Strength and courage to overcome evil by God’s power, to overcome obstacles and the temptation of Satan

(b)     Love - to be built up in love (Eph 4:15-16; I Cor 13:8)

(c)     Keep one’s own self in holiness (I Thess 4:3-5)

 d.      How to stir up the gifts

(a)     Physical weakness and the surrounding environment may obstruct God’s work and cause man to lose faith

(b)     The key to maintaining a heart of zeal:  pray for the power from above (Zech 4:6), remember God’s love and grace for self-encouragement (Gal 2:20), serve the Lord often, obtain experiences of overcoming difficulties, be strengthened in faith and courage

3.        Willing to Suffer for the Gospel’s Sake

 a.      Do not be ashamed of the gospel (8)

(a)     God’s almighty power (Rom 1:16), the valuable work of saving the souls (I Cor 9:17-23)

(b)     It is a blessing to suffer for the gospel’s sake (Mt 5:10-12; I Pet 4:12-16; Acts 5:41-42; Phil 1:17-18; 2:17-18; II Tim 2:9)

(c)     Dot not be ashamed when a fellow worker is imprisoned (8, 16; 4:16)

 b.      Give thanks to God’s grace of calling (9-10)

(a)     Saved by grace, through faith (Eph 2:8-9; Heb 2:3)

(b)     Revealing of salvation:  revealed by the appearance of Jesus (9-10; Jn 3:16; Lk 2:10-11)

(c)     The effect of redemption:  abolish death to bring the life of immortality (10; Heb 2:14; 9:14)

(d)     Remember the suffering of Jesus, bearing a living testimony of the gospel (Rom 14:7-8; II Cor 5:14-15; Phil 1:20-21)

 c.      Have a clear recognition of the entrusted responsibilities (11-12) to serve in proper roles and be glad to suffer for what has been entrusted

(a)     Suffer for the duties entrusted

(i)       A preacher:  preaching the gospel (Mt 12:11; Rom 6:25; II Pet 2:5)

(ii)     An apostle:  having special gifts and authority to bear witness of Christ’s resurrection (Mt 10:1; Acts :23)

(iii)    A teacher:  instructing others to know the Scriptures (I Pet 2:7)

(b)     To know whom we have believed (12; Acts 4:12)

(c)     To believe in God’s care and guidance (12; II Cor 1:10)

4.        Hold Fast to the Truth (13-14)

 a.      The pure and complete Truth has lasting values

(a)     The Truth, or the words of life (Acts 5:19), the gospel of salvation (Acts 13:26; 16:17), gospel of forgiveness (Acts 13:38), gospel of grace (Acts 20:32)

(b)     The pattern of sound doctrines (13), proving the gospel is true

(c)     Learn to trust and commit (14), the Truth was committed to the apostles (Jude 3)

 b.      The tricks of Satan alter God’s words

(a)     Apart from the word of God, there is no eternal life (Is 8:20; II Jn 9)

(b)     It is futile to lay aside God’s commandments and hold the traditions of man (Mk 7:6-9; Col 2:8, 22-23)

(c)     Anyone who does not preach according to the apostles shall be cursed (Gal 1:6-9; Mt 23:15)

 c.      Ways to keep the Truth

(a)     Faith:  fully believe in the Bible, accept the word of God (Heb 4;2)

(b)     Love:  follow biblical teaching with a heart of loving God and loving man (I Jn 5:1-3)

(c)     Holy Spirit:  it will guide us to know the Truth, and to submit to the Truth (Jn 16:13; I Cor 2:11-13; I Jn 2:27)

5.        The Family of Onesiphorus (15-16), Help Amid Afflictions

 a.      Believer in Asia saw Paul twice in prison, they left him for fear of being associated with Paul’s crimes

 b.      Onesiphorus, a believer in Ephesus, served Paul often; he visited Paul before his martyrdom to provide for his needs and to refresh him and comfort him (16)

B.     Chapter  2


1.        Christian Soldier (1-5)

 a.      Be strengthened in grace (1; I Cor 16:13)

 b.      Endure hardship (3; I Pet 4:1-2)

 c.      Concentrate (4; Ref.: Josh 14:8,9,14)

 d.      Please God in all things (Gal 1:10; II Cor 5:9; Heb 11:5; Eph 5:10)

 e.      Fight the battle by abiding by the rules (I Cor 9:24-25)

2.        The Laboring Farmer (6-13)

 a.      Labor, toil, sow seed, and water (Jas 5:7-8)

 b.      Hope of the harvest, to enjoy the results (Gal 6:7-8)

 c.      Suffer and “be enchained” for the gospel, but the word of God is not chained (9)

 d.      Endure for the sake of the elect, that they may obtain salvation (10)

 e.      Die with Christ, and resurrect with Christ (11)

 f.       Endure the suffering, and reign with God (12)

 g.      God is faithful, His promises will not fall short

3.        Faithful Workers (14-18)

 a.      Work diligently (15; I Cor 15:58; Rom 12:6-8; I Pet 4:10-11)

 b.      Explain the words of God rightly (15; II Pet 1:20-21; II Cor 4:2)

 c.      Do not argue over words (14; Jas 3:14-16; I Thess 1:3-4; 6:3-5)

 d.      Shun profane and vain babbling (16-17; Eph 5:3-5)

 e.      Do not deviate from the Truth (18; II Jn 9)

4.        Precious Vessels (19-23)

 a.      God knows those who belong to Him, as a master knows his vessels

 b.      How to become a precious vessel ?

(a)     Self-cleansing (Rev 7:14; 19:8)

(b)     Depart from dishonor (Jas 1:27; Eph 4:25-31; 5:3-5)

(c)     Be useful for the master (21; Acts 9:15-16)

(d)     Be prepared for every good work (21; Eph 2:10)

(e)     Flee youthful lusts (I Cor 6:18)

(f)      Pursue spiritual qualities (22), righteousness, faith, love, and peace

(g)     Seek companions with a pure heart to pray to God (22; Dan 2:17-18; Mt 18:19)

5.        Servants of the Lord (24-26; I Cor 9:19)

 a.      Do not quarrel (Ref.: Jn 21:22; I Cor 1:10-13; 3:1-5; II Cor 4:5)

 b.      Be gentle to all (Col 4:6; Mt 11:29; I Thess 2:7)

 c.      Be able to teach (Col 1:28-29; I Pet 5:2-4)

 d.      Have a heart of patience (4:2-4)

 e.      Be humble in exhortation, even to the opposition

(a)     Hope to bring back those who are lost (Gal 6:1; Jas 5:19-20)

(b)     Hope to allow those who oppose to understand the Truth (I Tim 1:13-16)

C.     CHAPTER 3


1.        Dangers in the last days (1-9)

 a.      Decline in morality (2-3)

(a)     Lovers of themselves (Phil 2:20-21; II Tim 4:16)

(b)     Lovers of money (Phil 3:19; I Tim 6:10)

(c)     Boasters, proud (Is 10:15; Phil 2:3-4)

(d)     Blasphemers (Rom 14:4)

(e)     Without self-control (Rom 7:8)

(f)      Brutal (Mk 1:13; Gen 4:23-24)

(g)     Do as they please (Ref.: Gen 19:4-5; Rom 1:26-27)

 b.      Decline of family ethics

(a)     Disobedient to parents (I Tim 5:4)

(b)     Unthankful (Is 1:2-3; Mal 1:6)

(c)     Unloving (I Jn 4:20-31; I Thess 5:8; Ecc. 9:9)

 c.      Decline of society

(a)     Unforgiving (I Jn 3:12)

(b)     Slanderers (Mt 12:36-370

(c)     Traitors (Lk 6:16)

 d.      Decline in faith

(a)     Lovers of pleasure rather than God (Phil 3:18-19; Rev 3:17)

(b)     Having only an appearance of godliness (Is 58:1-2; Mt 23:1-2)

(c)     Unable to know the Truth (6-7; Heb 5:11-13; 11:25)

(d)     Resist the Truth (8; Ref.: Exod 8:18-19)

2.        Keep the Word of God With Godliness (10-17)

 a.      Submit to the teachings of the apostles to build a solid foundation (10-13)

(a)     Follow the teachings, increase in faith and virtues (10-11)

(b)     Determine to live a godly life, and to endure persecution (12-13; Acts 14:22; II Cor 1:10)

 b.      Study the Scriptures (14-17)

(a)     Functions of the Bible (14-17)

(i)       For people to know Jesus as the savior (Jn 5:39)

(ii)     For people to know the Truth and be saved

(iii)    To guide people in the right path (Ps 119:105)

(iv)   To teach people to do righteousness

(v)     To teach people to do good (Mt 5:48)

(b)     Method of studying the Bible

(i)       Learn, understand, believe, remember, practice

D.     CHAPTER 4


1.        The final exhortation (1-5), must preach the gospel

 a.      Basis for the exhortation

(a)     According to God’s will

(b)     From the Lord of judgment (Acts 10:42; 17:30-31)

(c)     By the Lord’s appearing and the realization of His kingdom (Acts 1:11; I Cor 9:16-17)

 b.      Obstacles of preaching the gospel

(a)     Human heart will not endure sound doctrine (Mt 13:18-22; Acts 7:57)

(b)     Turning away from the Truth and toward lusts and desires (Jas 1:14-15)

(c)     Endure all things (5; Gal 4:19)

(d)     Try all means (5; Col 1:28)

(e)     Be watchful in all things (Is 30:15), be cautious of the evil one, do not be tempted

(f)      Fulfill our duties (Acts 6:4; Jn 21:15-18)

2.        The Song of Victory

 a.      Time to be poured out as a drink offering (Num 15:1-2; 28:7, 24)

 b.      Fought the good fight (7; I Tim 1:18; 6:12)

 c.      Finished the race (7; Acts 20:24-27)

 d.      Kept the faith (7; Jn 17:4)

 e.      Assured of receiving the crown of righteousness (8)

3.        The Final Words

 a.      Memories of co-workers

(a)     Timothy (9), hoping to see him one last time to provide instruction for things to come

(b)     Luke (11), faithful companion and co-worker

(c)     Mark (11), can become a useful person

(d)     Crescens, Titus, Tychicus (10,12), working in other regions

(e)     Trophimus (20)

(f)      Erastus (20)

(g)     Demas left because of the love of this world (10)

 b.      Treasuring his final years (13)

(a)     Cloak (Phil 1:23-25)

(b)     Books (Acts 7:22)

(c)     Parchments (Ps 119:146-147)

 c.      Endured through trials

(a)     Opposition and harm done by Alexander (14-15)

(b)     No one stood by him in his first defense (16)

(c)     The Lord was with him and saved him (17-18)

(i)       The gospel has been preached fully

(ii)     The Lord will deliver him from every evil and into His heavenly kingdom
