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Supplement to the Book of Ephesians

Supplement to the Book of Ephesians

I.       God in the book of Ephesians

A.                 The father of all (1:2; 4:6)

1.        Above all (4:6)

 a.      Power

 b.      Wisdom

 c.      Glory

2.        Through all (4:6)

 a.      Abide with people

 b.      Living through us

3.        Dwelling in all (4:6)

 a.      Dwelling in the church ()

 b.      Dwelling in the heart of the believers ()

4.        Choosing us to be his sons (1:4-5)

 a.      Past - sons of disobedience (2:2-3)

 b.      Present - receive goodness (5:1,8-9)

B.                 Source of blessings (1:3; )

1.        All things come from him, therefore he is the head of all things ()

 a.      God gave men dominion over all things (Gen )

 b.      Because men sinned, they lost this privilege (Gen -19)

 c.     God put all things under Christ’s feet (), therefore through Christ the church may      obtain all things ()

2.        Spiritual blessings from Heaven

 a.      Abundant grace (1:7)

 b.      Spirit of the truth (-14)

 c.      Spiritual inheritance (,14)

C.                 Source of  wisdom ()

1.        Plan of salvation (1:4)

 a.      Before the creation (1:4)

 b.      Completed in Christ (1:5-7)

2.        Give believers wisdom (1:8)

 a.      To understand the mystery of God’s plan (1:9,7; 3:9-11)

 b.      To understand the wisdom of God ()

(a)     Does not depend on men’s intelligence

(b)     By the spirit which gives wisdom and revelation

 c.      To understand the blessing of his calling (-19)

D.                 Rich in mercy (2:4)

1.        Merciful toward sinners (2:1-3)

 a.      Sinners are dead in trespasses and sins (2:1)

 b.      Sinners are disobedient sons because of the work of the evil spirit (2:2-3)

 c.      He gives grace to those who believe in him (2:8)

 d.      He wants men to build a relationship with him (-16)

2.        Merciful toward believers

 a.      Forgive our transgressions ()

 b.      We ought to imitate God and forgive others

II.    Christ in the book of Ephesians

A.                 God’s beloved son (1:6)

1.        He was with God before the creation (1:4)

2.        His love is beyond measure (3:9)

3.        Those who believe him will have adoption as sons by him (1:5)

B.                 The Savior of the body ()

1.        He redeemed us with blood (1:7; )

2.        Abolished enmity by his death (-16)

3.        He was raised from the dead ()

4.        He is seated in the heavenly places (-21)

5.        He gives hope to the believers (2:5-6)

C.                 Head of the church ()

1.        The church is his body, he is the head of the body (; )

2.        We are the members of his body (-16)

3.        He is the corner stone of the temple ()

4.        He fills all in all (-23)

III. Holy Spirit in the book of Ephesians

A.                 The promise of the Lord ()

1.        Descended on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4)

2.        Dwells in the church (; )

3.        Fills the heart of the believers ()

B.                 The work of the Holy Spirit

1.        In our faith

 a.      A seal for the believers ()

 b.      The guarantee of our inheritance ()

 c.      To bring people to the father ()

2.        In spiritual cultivation

 a.      To enable people to understand the mystery of the gospel (3:5-6; )

 b.      To strengthen people’s heart ()

 c.      To give the believers a heart of unity (4:3-4)

 d.      To grieve for the believers ()

 e.      The sword of the spiritual warfare ()

 f.       The helper of our prayer ()

IV.  Church in the book of Ephesians

The book of Ephesians is a Pauline epistle to the saints in Ephesus.  Paul once pastored at Ephesus for over three years where he admonished them with unceasing tears.  He built a strong bond with them, and he eagerly hoped for the perfection of the church at Ephesus. 

The main theme of this book is the relationship between church and Christ:  the church is the body of Christ (), the church is the house of God (), the church is the temple of God (-21), the church is the bride of Christ (-33).  There is only one body of Christ, one house of God, one temple of God, and one bride for Christ, therefore there must only be one true church of salvation. The church is the Body of Christ, the House of God, the Temple of God, and the Bride of Christ:

A.                 Chapter One: 

The Church is the Body of Christ

1.        Introduction ()

 a.      Christ is the head (), believers are the members of the body (; Rom 12:4-5)

2.        There is only one body (4:4)

 a.      There is only one body of Christ (I Cor )

 b.      Though there are many members, there is only one body (I Cor -13)

 c.      Christ cannot be divided (I Cor )

3.        The body of Christ is filled with the spirit of Christ ()

 a.      A body without the spirit is dead (Jam )

 b.      Without the spirit of Christ, one does not belong to Christ (Rom 8:9)

4.        How to build up the body of Christ (-16)

 a.      Each member ought to carry out its function (-12)

(a)     Each member has its distinct function (; I Cor 12:8-12)

(b)     Each member must fulfill its duty with diligence (; Mt 25:14-30)

 b.      All members are connected to the head - Christ ()

(a)     Christ is the head of the church (-24; )

(b)     We must magnify the Lord (Lk ; Ps 16:8)

 c.      Every part does its share to achieve effective work ()

(a)     According to each distinct function, help one another (I Cor )

(b)     To be united with love and to be established in love (; Col)

 d.      Grow up to have the stature of a man (-14)

(a)     To have the full measure of Christ (ref. Lk , 52)

(b)     To avoid the influence of heresies

5.        Christ loves the church ()

 a.      He protects the church

·         There is peace in Christ (Jn )

 b.      He cares for the church

·         The true peace that comes from the Lord (Jn )

B.                 Chapter Two: 

The Church is the House of God

1.        Introduction ()

 a.      The Church is the house of God (I Tim ).  We were apart from Christ because we were aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of the promise () Now what a blessing it is to be a member of the house of God.

2.        How can one become a member of the house of God?

 a.      By the cleansing of the precious blood of Christ (; Heb )

 b.      Have access by one Spirit to the Father ()

3.        The house of God is filled with the love of God (-19)

 a.      The width and length and depth and height of the love of Christ ()

 b.      Do all things out of love (5:2; )

4.        How one should behave in the house of God

 a.      Do not be the guest, but rather fulfill the duty of a family member

·         Work diligently according to you gift (ref. -12)

 b.      Obey one another in the order of age

(a)     Wife must obey the husband ()

(b)     Children must obey the parents (6:1)

(c)     Servants must obey the master (6:5)

 c.      Make this house prosperous and glorious

(a)     Put off the old man and put on the new man (-24)

(b)     Be imitators of God as dear children (5:1-2)

(c)     Walk as children of light

C.                 Chapter Three: 

Church is the Temple of God

1.        Introduction (-22)

 a.      The word “church” does not refer to the physical building/chapel, but it is a spiritual assembly of those people who have been redeemed by the precious blood of the Lord. (Acts ).  The church is God’s temple (I Cor 6:19: 3:16), it is a spiritual temple.

2.        God abides with his holy temple ()

 a.      The glorious light of the Lord filled the temple in the olden time (II Chrn 7:1-2; Hag 2:20)

 b.      Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (I Cor )

 c.      The true church is the temple of God

3.        The temple has been built on a solid foundation ()

 a.      It is built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets

(a)     The prophets prophesied about Christ, and the apostles also testified for Christ.  The church is founded on the Bible which God inspired the prophets and the apostles. (II Tim 3:16-17; Rom 15:4)

(b)     The apostles evangelize, and the prophets cultivate the believers by explaining the scripture (I Cor 14:1).  These two works are the most fundamental work in the establishment of the church ().

 b.      Christ Jesus is the chief cornerstone (; Acts 4:11-12; I Cor 3:11)

 c.      The believers are like a living stone, being built as the spiritual palace (; I Pet 2:5)

4.        Every “room” works together through God ()

 a.      Deeds - To keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace (4:2-3)

 b.      Holy work - Each member ought to help each other according to its function ()

(a)      Jerusalem is built as a  city that is compact together” (Ps 122:3)

5.        The function of the temple

 a.      The temple is the house of prayer for all nations (Is 56:7).  Since the church is the temple of God, it ought to be a assembly of prayer.  Paul often pray and intercede for others (ref. -16; 3:1,12,14; -20)

 b.      The temple is glorious (; -27).  The believers must have good conduct to glorify God (Mt ; I Pet )

D.                 The Church is the New Bride of Christ

1.        Prologue (Eph -33)

 a.      In these verses, Paul utilized the relationship between Christ and the church to illustrate how the husband and wife should treat each other; and through the relationship between husband and wife, he described how close the relationship between Christ and the church is.  Christ is the husband, and the church is the wife.

2.        The Church Originates from Christ -The woman originates from man.

 a.      We are his flesh and bone(30).  Eve was Adams flesh and bone (Gen -23).

 b.      The church was bought with the blood of Christ (Acts 20:28; I Pete 1:18-19).

3.        Christ is the Head of the Church- As the husband is the head of the wife(23).

 a.      One body cannot have two heads, nor can one family have two heads (Col 1:18; ref: Mat ).

 b.      Christ is the head of all people (I Cor 11:3).

 c.      We should respect Christ as the greatest over us (Lk 1:52)

4.        Christ Loves the Church- As the husband loves the wife (25-26).

 a.      Died for the church (ref: Eph 2:13-18)

 b.      He cleansed the church (I Cor 6:11; I Pete 3:21).

 c.      Protected and cared  (29; ref: Phil 4:6-7).

5.        The Church Should be Obedient to Christ- As the wife is obedient to the husband (24).

 a.      Be obedient in all things (Jn -24; Ps 40:8).

 b.      Be respectful (33; ref: Phil 2:9-11).

6.        Be a GloriousChurch to be Offered to Christ (26-27).

 a.      Have no staining diseases; be without bad deeds (ref: Eph 4:19,22).

 b.      Be holy and spotless- complete and without flaw (Heb ; II Pete ).

 c.      Put on the white linen and await the coming of the Lord (Rev 19:7-8).
